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Tanks a Lot

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Everything posted by Tanks a Lot

  1. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by bfamily33: Hey, how about winterizing a few bridges with some snow and icicles?<hr></blockquote> I don't think there are separate winter bridges in the game.
  2. I'm sure it will be worth the wait. It looks beautiful. But don't make us wait too long.
  3. Very impressive Scipio. So many options I don't know what to wear first. Did you write the program also? Great work.
  4. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Cameroon: Nice job Tanks, now I won't have to do my own (and dontcha hate this...) I know the tree bases are yours based off comments made in other threads, but how 'bout that rough? So far I haven't seen any rough I really like but that looks good.<hr></blockquote> That's my rough mod. You can find it here The Last Defense
  5. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Dogface21: I was thinking this same thing a while ago, but I couldnt find the TRP file #. What # is it? Man the possibilities are endless of what you could mod that with. When & where will it be available? Very cool! [ 12-07-2001: Message edited by: Dogface21 ]<hr></blockquote> The TRP uses 1221.BMP I should be sending it to The Last Defense pretty soon.
  6. It looks even better in the game. Outstanding work Andrew.
  7. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Juju: Way cool, Tanks. I was just playing with an idea for this only recently. No need now, I guess! Hmmm, don't you get that feeling of inversed deja-vu here? <hr></blockquote> I know what you mean Juju. I guess brilliant minds think alike. Hoopenfaust 101: I use 1280 by 1024 and then crop or shrink them down.
  8. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Madmatt: ROTFLMAO!!!! YES, you have my permission! God love you, you just made my month!!!! Madmatt <hr></blockquote> Thanks Matt. It's nothing personal. War is hell. Enoch: The lines aren't hardcoded, so I just changed it.
  9. Some people have complained that the TRP needs modding, so I came up with a few ideas. The first one features the MAN himself (suprised Gunny Bunny didn't come up with this one first). I assume I'll need permission to release it since the image is from CMHQ. [ 12-06-2001: Message edited by: Tanks a Lot ]</p>
  10. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Hoopenfaust 101: I really like those tree bases. Are those automn? I think it would be great if those got posted for public consumption. Thanks Tanks<hr></blockquote> They are currently summer scattered trees, but I think I'll convert them to fall and send them with the bridge.
  11. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Gyrene: Hey, 3rd place is not bad. Gyrene<hr></blockquote> I know. I was just planting seeds for next year.
  12. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Panzer Leader: Sorry, but you're my only hope! Okay,specs: WinME, Athlon 1.4, AK31 MB, 256DDR Ram, TNT2 G-Card. I get half-way through a turn when the computer just plain shuts off! I have to turn it back on manually. That's insane. I am recently firing a game up after a hiatus so I don't know when this started happening. All listed components are brand new after an upgrade, though a month ago they ALL worked with CM. The only changes I've made are I installed the Directx 8.whatever a few days ago. Also a while back I installed the new Detonator drivers, let's see if I can find a number...maybe it's, if that's it. That's the .vxd file from System properties. One thing I've noticed about my vid-card. After I upgraded to the new Processor and MB, I didn't have any sort of GUI for the graphics like I used to, ya know to adjust various stuff. Is there a place to get this. I think the original one I had came from the MB CD, but can't be sure. Help me, Schrullenhaft, you're my only hope...<hr></blockquote> What size power supply are you using? Did you upgrade that when you upgraded the rest? Maybe it can't handle all that power you got now.
  13. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Pud: Looks great. Looking forward to driving some armour over that one. Dont you just hate when people ask this but.... whats the sky, with the hills in the background and the tree bases. I dont recognise either of them.<hr></blockquote> Thanks Pud. I guess I don't mind you asking, because the sky and scattered trees are both mine. The skies are at The Last Defense I recently made the scattered trees, but wasn't sure if anybody would be interested.
  14. ... or best offer. Getting 1 bronze medal in the favorite mod awards is not going to pay the bills. I reduced it to 256 colors but kept it at 1024 by 256 pixels. The total size with the knocked out bridge will probably be around 300k zipped. Now 109 Gustav can't complain about this mod using up all his web space.
  15. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Pascal DI FOLCO: 109 Gustav, the new Church image and links are broken, they can't be seen nor dloaded !! Do somefink ! <hr></blockquote> It should look somefink like this.
  16. This is how it currently looks when 2 ford tiles are used together. That strange looking island in the middle. I can greatly reduce the island, but the coast looks a little strange. Which one looks better overall?
  17. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Colonel_Deadmarsh: Not sure I understand you. I was inquiring about the green grassy, rocky edge on the tiles. Shouldn't the edges be water only so they blend in with the other water tiles from the sides? Did you mean to do this? As it is now, you have green streaks in the middle of rivers which seems to look a little odd. I don't remember seeing this in other mods.<hr></blockquote> I've seen the same thing in other water mods. To avoid that green streak in fords that are 2 or more tiles long, I would have to make both edges perfectly straight. This would cause the coast side of the ford to look out of place. Any transparency I use on the edge will show the grass underneath as a strip in the middle of 2 ford tiles. I could remove the rocky edge and try to reduce the amount of grass that shows.
  18. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Colonel_Deadmarsh: Question: Is the ford mod supposed to have a green edge to it on the sides along with a rocky edge? Shouldn't it blend into the water tiles? Other than that, great work!<hr></blockquote> Thanks Colonel, I chose not to use any green so it wouldn't conflict with any of the different types of grass out there.
  19. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by danvnuk: Tanks a Lot, I'd appreciate a copy... dan.vaux-nobes@freeserve.co.uk Cheers <hr></blockquote> I sent it to the address in your profile because the other one didn't work.
  20. Thanks again everybody. I hope I managed to get one out to everyone so far. I may have to order some more water.
  21. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by M Hofbauer: it's a motherbeautiful terrain mod. I wonder how the edges get along with my grass terrain tiles? can't remember if the grass is part of the edge tiles or not. If they are, there would be a difference in hue between the grass at the watertile edge and the rest. anybody care to illuminate me?<hr></blockquote> It shouldn't be a problem because I used a muddy texture around the edges, and any transparency will show your grass. Biltong: Is the e-mail address in your profile correct? It bounced back. Cameroon: I don't see your e-mail address in your profile.
  22. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Juju: Again, Ooh and Aah! Beau-ti-ful! Andrew (and you too, Tanks), I love you guys! Thanks! What resolution is that jeep in? Ultra-res?<hr></blockquote> Love you too. I think he used super duper ultra-res. I like the "ford" on the back. JuJu: Check your e-mail, it should be wet pretty soon.
  23. I just sent them to everyone who asked and also The Last Defense. I hope you all got it. Thanks for all the nice comments. That's what keeps me going.
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