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Tanks a Lot

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Everything posted by Tanks a Lot

  1. My wooden bunkers are at Tom's Ed Kinney is Tanks a Lot.
  2. The bunkers can be found here The Last Defense Have you tried my trees
  3. It probably depends on which grass mod you're using. That baby poo brown one would go well with baby poo brown grass.
  4. Thanks Peter. I haven't sent it anywhere else yet. Anybody else interested in hosting the wheat mod as well as the muddy marsh?
  5. There are five of them. 3660.bmp to 3664.bmp
  6. Thanks Juju. 10th time's a charm. My recycle bin was running out of room with all the rejected wheat in there.
  7. I re-designed my wheat mod previewed before and made a fall version. It's toned down a little and the summer wheat has a slight greenish hue. Rounded and straight corner pieces will be included. It sparkles a little beyond a certain distance, but I would have to blur the texture too much to remove this effect. Using a program like NVmax to enable Anisotropic filtering in Nvidia Detonator drivers completely eliminates any sparkling, and makes the game look much better anyway.
  8. Unfortunately the game rotates some of the outer edge tiles 90 degrees.
  9. Thanks Lee, I may include a rounded corner piece as an option since some people seem to like that better.
  10. Thanks for the nice comments. Lawyer: I removed the rounded corners. Because of the way that CM rotates textures 90 degrees, the rows won't always face the same direction. Is this better?
  11. I have to lighten up my screenshots because they come out too dark. It doesn't look too light in the game IMHO. It's darker than DD's and much darker than Desert Fox's wheat mod. Maybe if I make a fall version, it will be darker.
  12. Thanks. Thanks for the suggestion. I'll get right on it. Glad you like the grass. I also made a lighter grass mod with more dirt mixed in. I like it better, but haven't released it.
  13. in progress. I decided to take a shot at making a plowed wheat field. I think I understand why Murpes never released his, because it's not easy. I've done three of the six textures so far. Is it worth finishing the rest? Edited to update pictures [ June 08, 2002, 12:10 AM: Message edited by: Tanks a Lot ]
  14. Pascal DI FOLCO is currently the only one hosting version 2 of my tree mod. You can download them here. Ed's trees version 2 Here's a preview:
  15. Taken from Tiger's readme from his Allied fieldguns mod: bmps 4370-4377 (17-lber AT gun) bmps 4400-4409 (Allied AA guns. 40mm, 90mm Bofors) bmps 4220-4225 (76mm AT gun, 105 howizter, 25-lber) bmp 4018 (gun carriage stops) bmps 4380-4381 (57mm, 6-lber) I think using a 1 before these numbers will give you the winter BMP numbers.
  16. I think one is included in Tiger's gun mods at Tom's Combat Mission HQ Toms' CM HQ [ May 02, 2002, 04:39 PM: Message edited by: Tanks a Lot ]
  17. My new grass mod is ready for download here. don't inhale Thanks to MikeT for hosting it, and Juju for testing it. (I mean in the game).
  18. To most people that probably isn't the problem. The problem is that you still have to download the entire multi-megabyte pack over your slow pay-per-minute modem to get those few textures. Cheers Olle</font>
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