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Tanks a Lot

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Everything posted by Tanks a Lot

  1. That ruleset is part of Field & Stream. you can find it here. Field & Stream
  2. Actually I'm only using a 32 Meg Geforce 2 and a Pentium 3 600 MHZ. Lately I've been reducing the colors to 256 on my mods to bring the filesize down. I'm not sure if it has any effect on performance, but it doesn't reduce the quality much. Thanks Mord, I modified the color and brightness of those trees dozens of times, but decided to bring a little color back to CM. I experimented with some undergrowth, but it never looked the way I wanted. Maybe after the bocage, brush, winter trees, palm trees, I could make another version of my trees.
  3. I'll have to talk to my agent about those gigs. They have to fit into my schedule. mrcobbler: That water mod is at 109Gustav's site. The Last Defense
  4. Yes, that's a cool looking bridge. Tom's new one is OK, but it's not a Tanks's Super-Hi-Res behemoth. Yes, Mike's Pioneer bridge is indeed adequate. As for the marsh. Yes, I've got your marsh from Tom's, but the water that's in it is just bland. ie. It's all the same color. No variation. Just doesn't look right, when used with your water. Actually why I ask all of this, since d'ling and installing your new trees and stuff, the game has gone back from the subdued look of Magua and the like, to the original bright BTS look. No offense, I think it looks really good this way now, due to the shear quality of the trees and bases, but I need a new brush mod. And I'm grateful for you to be working on it. And yes, I can't wait to see your new boccage/hedge texture. I'm still using Magua's and it really doesn't look right with your stuff. As for my grass mod, I using Gunnergoz's Dark Field Grass, which IMHO is the best looking grass ever. It has great elevation differentiation as well as a somewhat realistic grass look.</font>
  5. Hey Mord, Nice to see you back on the forum. If I have to make another marsh, can I seek your endless wisdom again?
  6. Thanks Phoenix, Just when I think I'm finished they pull me back in. Actually I'm working on brush and bocage at the moment. Have you seen my marsh on Tom's site. Tom's CM HQ Don't want to make a new one if I don't have to. I made a stone bridge a few months ago, but never released it. If there's interest maybe I'll send it out. I've never tried a wooden one. That pioneer bridge from Mike Duplessis is still very good.
  7. Thanks Monty, I never made a 524.bmp because I never saw it in the game. Does anybody knows when it's used?
  8. I didn't mean "scattered trees" as actual trees, but as scattered tree bases. I didn't intend for all the trees to end up in the "pines" directory. Move all the files from the "pines" directory to your bmp directory. If you prefer the tall non-pines, they will over-write just the actual pine trees when you move them. Sorry for any confusion.
  9. Good idea Michael. For those who aren't in the know or don't know if they are in the know or don't even know what in the know means here's the link. Der Kessel
  10. The mod is done as has been sent to Der Kessel. I want to thank Phillipe for making a CMMOS version of it so quickly. Here are a few more pics.
  11. Thanks. The sky and most of my buildings are at The Last Defense The tall buildings are at CMT Treebases will be included. The grass is Gunslingers I think.
  12. Yes. The mod will include treebases and scattered trees for summer and fall.
  13. Those are GREAT trees are you useing TreePro? Or is It the NEW tree lab in Bryce5? or is that Vue3D thing? Where are those lovely trees comimg from? -tom w</font>
  14. Thanks everbody for the nice comments. I hope to send everything to mensch later today. Here's one more preview.
  15. Thanks Gyrene. With all these comments about my pine trees looking like marijuana plants, I'll take the title of "Stealth Modder" over "Stoned Modder" :cool:
  16. Thanks Bruno. If you do want pines, you can switch to these.
  17. Thanks Juju Commissar: I found out Bansai trees fit into my scanner much easier. They are basically finished along with new treebases and scattered trees for summer and fall. I'm not sure where to send them yet.
  18. Here are a few more pics of my soon to be released tree mod. It will include fall trees ... and pines as well as non-pine tall trees.
  19. Juju's fire is very good and is much higher res than the original. It was probably at Combat Missions.
  20. Do you mean am I interested in making palm trees? Maybe after I finish these. Flammenwerfer: That's my building mod. You can find it here and there
  21. That was quick. Just downloaded it and it looks great. Thanks Andrew and Tom.
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