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Everything posted by Apache

  1. I understand the argument about micro-management but do not accept it in this case. AFAIK it is standard practice in almost every army in the world that tanks move in cohesion and those on the flanks orientate to the flanks (unless engaging a threat in front). Not 'everyone move facing forward and if you see a target, waste 30 seconds by traversing the turret'. I would not expect to be able to micro-manage turrets during a firefight, but when initiating movement to contact I think you should be able to. The point I was making about the article was that it was written for CM and it sounded like the command was there once (in a Beta?). [This message has been edited by Apache (edited 04-02-2001).]
  2. I read an article at CMHQ by Fionn Kelly which talks about having tanks on the flanks of an advancing wedge formation orientate their turrets to face their respective flanks. Am I missing something here, was this command available once? I have tried every combination and cannot control their turrets my self. Also, has anyone seen the 'hull down' indicator that is supposed to appear over the firing and/or target vehicle (dependant on who is). I've tried lots of tank only QBs just to test this, even when the AI seems to have got its tanks well hull down the indicator doesn't appear. Does it appear as a label (eg only when 'labels' or 'show detailed hits' is enabled) or should it come up automatically in the move phase when you use LOS or Target. I've not sen it once (game is v1.12).
  3. Yes I know there are some out there but the foliage Stuh/Stug you did is superb. Is there any chance of Jagdpanther and Jagdpanzer versions? Not sure what happened here - screen went blank, typed it again, both appear? Weird. [This message has been edited by Apache (edited 04-01-2001).]
  4. Yes I know there are some out there but I really do like the foliage Stuh/Stug you did. Is there any chance of Jagdpanther and Jagdpanzer versions. Please, please, please etc. (crawla and creep too even).
  5. Modmanager is a programme which makes installing multiple mods easier (IMO). You can also add mods one at a time if you wish. It also provides you wit a list of what's been installed to your game. You can get it at CMHQ under 'third party mods'. Download the 'f' patch to it as well. I think there is another patch for it too but I've not bothered yet. Just a couple of things with modmanager. You must install the biggies first (eg at the bottom). Things like MDMP1 etc and terrain sets. As you put a mod in it overwrites previous versions (no point putting in a few treeas and buildings then adding a complete terrain set that overwrites the lot). Also, you must still look at each mod and it's read me file. Some of the zip files have the actual mod zips bundled inside them, Fernando's Sdkfz 251-1s are an example and you need to put those zips in the mod file. There is a readme with modmanager - have a look at it. I also find it very useful to download my mods to a 'mods for viewing' folder first. That way I don't forget what I've got to look at.
  6. See the related threads in CM. You can re-number and re-size the skies. Tiger has also done some smaller versions (I haven't tried these yet).
  7. It depends whether you use modmanager or or not. Either way, you may find it helpful to create a mod folder in CMBO and place all you zipped files in there. If you are using modmanager you should also place that in the modfolder. If not, it doesn't matter. Some mods are fairly big and contain loads on files and some only a few. Obviously it is easier to work out what is what in the smaller ones. The best approach IMO is to double click the mod zip (which will cause winzip to open it as a temp file) and then just double click on each file which will open it for you to see. BMP files are graphics and WAV files are sounds. If you like what you see you can just copy the contents into the BMP or WAV folders within CMBO as appropriate. You should install the bigger mods first (eg MDMP 1 & 2) and the smaller ones later. The reason for this, as you indicate is yes they will overwrite each other. Some of the mods come with options, such as the 5015 (German helmet options) in Fernando's Axis Winter uniforms. They will be numbered something like 5015-a, 5015-b etc. In those cases have a look and see which one you like the most before installing it and label that one as 5015.bmp. When installed it will overwrite 5015 (CM will not recognise the others 5015-a etc but they will still copy across, which is handy, gives you chance to chop and change). There is an excellent guide by OldDog called Mods for Newbies. I think it is available at the CM OUTPOST. If not, post here and I will mail my copy.
  8. Any ideas anyone? I have treid pressing the print button and selecting 'file' 'print' to print some of the posts from here. Promptly, nothing happens. I've checked the printer setup and it is indicating Epson 760 on LPT 1 etc. etc. and the printer is fine with everything else. Is IE 5 crap for this? Perhaps I'd better upgrade to 5.5 but I hear of people having probs with that.
  9. Have tried numerous ways and links to connect over the last couple of days, all I get is 'page cannot be displayed'. Is anyone else having this problem?
  10. Has anyone tried these new ones yet, if so, any better than renumbering and re-sizing yourself?
  11. I know what you mean bigmac, having had my prized vet Sherman 76 wiped out by a crappy AC I rarely use Hide once in position.
  12. I'm not sure on this but wouldn't a tank/AFV on hide be less likely to be detected by a sound contact? Useful for ambushes I suppose if CM models the reduced sound caused by 'low idle'.
  13. I'll be rejigging my terrain mods this weekend. One of them added snow terrain which looks like a kitchen floor - e.g tiled. At the moment I installed DD terrain, followed by Gunslinger, then Gary Kumps and finally DF grass and wheat. I think Gunsligers may be producing the winter tiles but am not sure. To be fair I only installed that recently because the 'readme' in Gary Kumps suggest that you should have Gunsligers terrain first. I may have to take that one out. Does anyone know for certain it will be that one causing it? (save me having to check loads of terrain tiles or install by trial and error)?
  14. I am on a PC and I find vehicle burning sometimes sounds 'tinny'.
  15. Have you got the 'f' patch and copied it across. Check that you have combat mission.exe highlighted in the folder that appear when you select 'combat mission path'. Will it launch the CD if it is in the drive using the 'launch'command?
  16. Maximus, I was well aware of the need to examine zip files before you gave your 'two penny worth', thankyou very much. I actually get paid for using them, do you?? I even take it one stage further by stripping out all jpg's and readme.txt's to another folder and sometimes even re-bundle files into other zips which I then place in the mod file, I find it helps keeps the numbers down and the titles are more meaningful to me. [This message has been edited by Apache (edited 03-28-2001).]
  17. Am I right in assuming that CMBO uses just the one German helmet design for SS, Heer and Volks (5015?)? I have DDs full uniform set and Fernando's winter uniforms and after installing the latter all units 'default' to the blue/green helmet. I know there are options in the file with a 'snow' helmet etc. but if I select this will all those units be wearing the snow helmet regardless of the time of year. I can't be bothered to rename 5015 (or whatever) each time I start a game in a different season and if I have to stick with one I actually prefer DDs 'camo' version. Before I install that are there other helmet issues I am not aware of (I know/think the Mountain troops and Para's use a different file).
  18. Any thoughts on the 'Voodoo 3 3000 - Unable to see new skies' thread?
  19. Tiger: If it isn't too much trouble and just taking the one pack, any chance you could just indicate the settings on which the skies should display eg: xxxxx = Winter, dusk, overcast xxxxx = Winter, dusk, snow xxxxx = Winter, night,clear If I wasn't upgrading the whole machine at the end of the year I think I'd have to rip out the Voodoo in disgust. That said, I wish BTS could comment on this as to whether they are aware of any issues. It may be important for CM2 also. Not everyone can afford to trash a video card at the hint of a problem.
  20. Just going off at a tangent a little, there are 5 skies in each pack but I seem only able to use 2-3. For example, the winter pack contains a spectacular shot of a blue sky, clouds in air and snow on ground. I have only really dabbled using QBs to test the skies but what settings should I be using to see that sky? When I select Dec - Feb and 'snow' I get falling snow, never a clear sky. Is it perhaps soemthing that it only available if you design your own scenarios (e.g. are you then able to select 'snow on ground' and 'clear day')? [This message has been edited by Apache (edited 03-28-2001).]
  21. I don't have the mod myself. Have you opened the zip file? If any of the bmp's have a,b or c (or anything other than number.bmp) you will need to renumber them(eg remove the a, b c) then install over the originals.
  22. Re-sized and re-numbered is working fine for me too. It just makes you wonder whether there are any other terrain features etc. that have two sets (or more?) of options. It's amazing that almost everything I am running is hi-res with no problem. I also tried a basic install of CM with no mods, just the skies. Still defaults to the low-res. Anyone else want to try? BTS - any thoughts/comment? [This message has been edited by Apache (edited 03-27-2001).]
  23. That would be appreciated. Because of a legitimate question posted about these Maximus decided to lecture the forum on installing these and other mods. I normally make sure I know what I'm talking about before I post/talk. Tends to pay dividends in the long run, and stops people thinking you're pig ignorant or just plain stupid.
  24. There seems to be a problem with the above cards defaulting to low res skies and it is suggested that they are not capable of displaying in excess of 256x256. Is anyone aware of any settings which can be adjusted to get round this? Try installing them is a recent smart**s comment posted by a member unsure of the facts in this instance (Derrrrr).
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