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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Doug Williams

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Everything posted by Doug Williams

  1. Although they would make a hell of a tank if fitted with treads.
  2. Five of the same game, or can I order five different games and get the discount (just for me, mind you)?
  3. Guys, I'm just not seeing much difference....
  4. And that is the gist of it. CM (1 & 2) are like a sandbox we all play in, whereas many other games railroad you through a story, and when you finish in ten to thirty hours, that's it, game over. They are fun (if well done) for a short period of time, then they get uninstalled. Yes, the CM games are a bit more expensive than the average computer game you might purchase at Wal-Mart or Bust Buy, but, as has been pointed out in this thread, when I factor in the amount of enjoyment, measured in time spent playing, that I have received from CMBO, CMBB, CMAK, and CMBN+CW, I think they are quite a bargain. I have several large plastic Rubbermaid containers in my basement that are full of computer games. Some I received a lot of enjoyment from. Others I only played a few hours and then uninstalled. The CMx1 games stayed installed on my hard drive until CMBN was released. That's, what? Ten years for CMBO? Pretty good investment, in my book.
  5. It was an overall positive review. The author points out the things he likes and does not like about the game, as any good reviewer should. In the end, he states, and I paraphrase, that CMBN + CW compares favorably with the magic that was CMx1 back in the day, a sentiment I agree with.
  6. A very good review. Good, as in it's pretty much the way I feel also, except that I probably like pre-Commonwealth CMBN more than the author does.
  7. Amazing! I bet BFC wishes they had thought of that. Steve, hire this man post haste!
  8. I have not noticed this, and I recently finished a tournament scenario which involved more grenade throwing than I had ever previously seen in a CMBN game. Both sides threw a lot of grenades. I was playing Americans, and my guys used them plenty. I remember one particular grenade that took out three enemy soldiers.
  9. Sarge, may I suggest you join a gaming club? There are others, but I prefer We Band of Brothers, http://www.webandofbrothers.de/ . We finish our games, win or lose. D.
  10. Sounds like you might be rushing things. Many of my losses are due to my lack of patience. This isn't Starcraft. Move slowly. Utilize scouts/recon. Don't rush your tanks ahead of your infantry. Sometimes, however, you can do everything correctly and still lose. That's war.
  11. Thanks for the link. That is the thread I was searching for. When or if CMSF 2 is released holds little interest for me, except in the possibility that game engine improvements developed for CMSF 2 will also be implemented in the CM WW2 games.
  12. Tea time? Snarky answers aside, that sucks. You would probably have been better off either (a) not changing the orders at all, or ( telling them to target the gun.
  13. I did a bit of searching before posting this, but I could not find the right combination of key words to bring up a thread that answers my question, which is: Given the fact that CMBN seems to be selling well and getting good reviews, and I'm going to assume the same thing will happen with the Commonwealth module, what are BFC's plans for the future of WW2 CMx2? I was able to gather that the next module for CMBN will be Market Garden. Are there any current plans for additional CMBN modules beyond that, or will the next WW2 CMx2 installment be a new base game? East Front, perhaps? I realize that the further we go into the future, the less concrete the plans will become.
  14. If you have made up your mind to buy the bundle, you should go ahead and do it now, while preorders are still open. This will save you $15 (if I remember correctly) VS waiting until after the release.
  15. He also said "entirely different program". More flip-flops and double talk than Mitt Romney. ;-)
  16. Are you sure that the Bulge game will have an entirely new game engine? Or...will it have the current CMx2 engine with more features added? CMBO, CMBB, and CMAK were all the same basic game engine.
  17. Absolutely true. Having owned a garand, and shot it from a bench rest with sandbags at distances up to 200 meters, I would say the average soldier was just wasting his ammo shooting at man sized targets with iron sights past 300 meters. When I went through army basic training in 1983, we shot M16s from the prone position at pop up man sized targets at distances up to 200 meters. The 200 meter targets were rather difficult to hit (you only had about three seconds before the target went back down)....and that's without the pressure of the target shooting back at us.
  18. CanuckGamer, if anything I hear more complaints that the German tanks are being knocked out too easily by Shermans in CMBN. If you are a CMx1 player, the biggest thing you will notice about CMBN (aside from differences in the UI) is that CMBN battles tend to be on a smaller scale and more infantry-centric that CMx1. In the larger battles, giving orders to all your units can become quite a chore. On board mortars, a mere nuisance in CMx1, are very deadly in CMBN. But, back to your original question, since many battles in CMBN tend to be on smaller maps than CMx1, the advantage of the superior armor and firepower of the German tanks is somewhat mitigated by the relatively short range firefights. Still, having your Shermans slug it out toe to toe with a Panther is not a good idea. Best to keep on the move and try to get a side or rear shot.
  19. I didn't realize there was still a Macintosh. I thought all Steve Jobities were off playing with their I-pods, I-pads, and I-whatevers by now......
  20. That's correct. The community (that's us), voted CMBN best wargame, and the editors of Wargamer.com chose Panzer Corps. They are both outstanding, but totally different in scope and application, games, IMO. To me, the community awards hold more weight, simply because there are more votes involved. Also, and I'm not saying this is the case, there is always the possibility that the editors of a gaming website might be tempted to vote for games made by developers that spend advertising dollars on their website.
  21. Well deserved, and it's not like there was no competition with Panzer Corps running a close second in the voting. I love both games, but voted for CMBN.
  22. Well, I decided to vote for CMBN. Although I like Panzer Corps, once I am through with all the scenarios in the grand campaign, I probably will not play it again for a long time, unlike CMBN (and add ons), which I will probably still be playing years from now.
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