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Doug Williams

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Everything posted by Doug Williams

  1. You missed a lot of good gaming, my friend. Until about two months ago, CMx1 was the best WW2 tactical computer game system available. I still like it better than CMBN in some ways (no desire to go into them here), but not enough to go back. As for the graphics, CMBB and CMAK looked good out of the box. CMBO was rather plain, but once properly modded, it looked like an entirely different game. But that's all ancient history now.
  2. Jooleus, it's just a plastic box that bears a passing resemblence to something akin to metal. If the printed manual is important, copy the PDF to a jump drive, take it to Kinkos and have it spiral bound. The game itself is great. Buy it now and download i!
  3. Hey Womble, you seem to like 3.5e fairly well. What do you think about 4e?
  4. That's sad, because D&D players could certainly learn a thing or two from you, like tact. Edit: Nevermind, I just noticed your sig file. You either have a great sense of humor, or the biggest ego on the planet. I can't tell which. ;-)
  5. Yes, CMBN really is an outstanding and addictive game. I find myself very much looking forward to my "game times" and have pretty much stopped playing any other game.
  6. Well, if firing from short halts and new commands is too big a feature to be implemented in a free patch, then charge us $15 or something to have these new features retroactively applied to CMBN when they are implemented in new modules. If you don't want to pay the $15 (or whatever) for the "uber patch", you don't have to. Does anyone on here seriously consider $15 (for example) to be a lot of money given the enjoyment we are getting out of this? That's the monthly fee for most online MMO games.
  7. That's Geek to you. Now get me another Coke. Zombies all around me I be hacking them all up. I be hacking them all up, I be hacking them all up. When there zombies all around me I be hacking them all up.
  8. Excellent! I just hope that these commands and behaviors are retroactively applied to CMBN via a patch if by "near future" you are talking about a new expansion/module.
  9. I think in the current 4E ruleset, multiclassing restrictions are so relaxed as to be almost nonexistant.
  10. C'mon guys. She is obviously an elf/wizzy/hottie/rogue. Roll a saving throw or lose five geek points.
  11. I've had Broken infantry come back under my command and start taking orders again, but the info window still said they were Broken.
  12. If you are talking about improvements to the current game engine, then yes, I agree. If you are talking about developing a new game engine before releasing Market Garden or Barbarosa (or more modules/expansions), then count me out of this "most of the forum" you speak of.
  13. Welcome. Don't think of CM as a game. Think of it as a WW2 combat simulation. Prepare to spend a lot of time learning the interface. This isn't like any computer game you have ever played before. Good luck. I've been playing since CMBO was first released, and ... sadly... I still suck at it.
  14. Ah, you could be right. He may have been talking about Crack or Elite tank crews. My bad.
  15. Just don't make the same mistake I did in my first (still ongoing) PBEM. I thought a 45 turn game would end on the 45th e-mail. Silly me, it's only half over.
  16. I hate indirect fire weapons, on or off board, mostly because I suck at using them. Unfortunatly for me, they are a reality in any WW2 simulation, so I am obliged to learn to use them more effectively.
  17. Someone will correct me if I am wrong, but, as I understand it, the skill levels do not affect the accuracy of tanks (or infantry) at all. The skill levels mostly affect Fog of War and how fast you can call in artillery strikes. At the lower skill levels, artillery will arrive faster than it realistically should.
  18. What is the common concept of "success"? "Success" is a very nebulous concept when used without a qualifier. You can be successful at business, for example, but a dismal failure at having a happy and content family life. But, you know that. I have the hypothesis that to you, "success" is "winning" arguments on online forums, under the pseudonym of "noob". :-P
  19. Depends on how you measure success. If you measure success as being wealthy, powerful, or famous, then that radio speaker might be correct. If you measure success as being happy and content, having a good home life and good friends, then perhaps not.
  20. Ah, so you ARE going to include, per my suggestion, a 3D model of Jesse "The Body" Ventura carrying a minigun for the U.S. side. Let's see what "Ol' Painless" does to those Panthers.
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