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Everything posted by Wisbech_lad

  1. Arggh, post lost. Up to a point, Jason C. Some recent wars have been won by the defense (South Lebanon, Chechnya/Grozny, Yom Kippur, Iran-Iraq) and others by simply politically outlasting the other side (Afganistan, Vietnam, maybe Iraq) Just because the US have seemingly adopted the French pre WW1 doctrine of the primacy of attack & elan - doesn't mean it has won every recent war.
  2. ??? May be I am misunderstanding? The US Army have Strykers, Bradleys, M1’s etc. Of these, the most controversial, and therefore interesting, is the Stryker (medium brigade, connected battlefield concept etc.). CM:SF will therefore focus on them (but will have the others modeled too, it is just that the TO&E focus, and campaign focus, is on Strykers) Arguing if the Stryker (or Bradley) is up to the job is pretty irrelevant - especially to the game. It is what the US Army have got. About as pointless as arguing that the Germans should have Panthers in 1942 because they are better than MkIII’s, or that the British and Americans should have been using Centurions & Pershings in Normandy.
  3. Good thread. I for one welcome BFC approach of focusing on Strykers - because they are controversial. I fully expect to see "naysayers" happily making "oh sh!t" scenarios of a Stryker company running into hornets' nests. AFAIK, they will also have M1, M2, M3, Hummvee in the game. So, if you don't like Strykers, you can happily create scenarios for HBCT, though maybe with some compromises on TOE.
  4. My wife has no complaints about a big screen meaning a slower performance. Boom boom
  5. Bah, that is like Coke thinking that their competition is just other brown fizzy liquids, rather than any refreshments! Your competition isn't other computer wargames, it is what else I could be doing with my leisure time... CM series rocked, not because they were better than other computer wargames, but because they were so good that it was better than or on par with, say, watching a DVD, playing round of golf, surfing net etc!
  6. "In short, the US won't do a half assed, knee jerk attack against a major foe like Israel did. Steve " Uhm, doesn't that sum up the whole OIF thing? Except that Iraq wasn't a major foe...
  7. Congratulations! But marrying him? Couldn't you just use him for the sex? Seems a bit drastic actually marrying him.
  8. Wa wa wee wa! I like! Operatives/ martyrs/ combatants do sound a very elegant method of simulating assymmetric warfare. Get careless, and higher chance of getting hurt. And some interesting tactical ambushes could be designed - sharpshooters to try and button up the US, try and get them to over-react down a street with hidden ieds and martyrs Presume combatants will be akin to early war russian conscripts - like trying to herd cats!
  9. McIvan's post has got it right. SPOILER Just ignore/ stay out of the way of the Tigers. Accept that they'll kill just about anything they see. If you want to be gamey, give them some sacrificial lambs to use up their HE on... ATR's against the AC's, 2pdrs against the PIII's (but in ambush) and use the Grants and arty to kill his infantry.
  10. But how long would a war have to last before logistics support from the OEM becomes a big problem? Presumably they have an operational inventory in place already, and could cannibalise rear echelon units. Unless JIT inventory planning has been implemented, which would be pretty silly...
  11. Just FYI, my family are sunni muslims from Indonesia, and couldn't give a flying monkey's about the arab sunni/shia civil war. Or the historic arab/ persian emnity Although they do get upset about the rape and abuse of (sunni muslim) indonesian maids by arab sunni muslim families in Saudi, Gulf states etc.
  12. How much in common does it have with the AS90 155mm?
  13. So SeA_54 is back eh? Grooming innocent young pengsters in the ways of (scum) sucking newbies and wallowing in cess? Welcome back, or somfink.
  14. Obviously the British Army... But, French as a close second. The very fact that their equipment is different (90mm armoured cars et al) would be interesting, whereas for UK and US, the gear fills much of the same "space" (Abrams=Challenger, Warrior=Bradley etc) Must admit bias against modern tactical wargames - due to the "one shot, one kill" nature, anything that gets seen gets killed, then whatever did the killing gets seen and killed in return...
  15. If the ToE is Syrian, stick with Syria. But a minimalist back story, heck throw in T80’s/ BMP3 etc anyway in the editor, just keep them out of the campaign Not as if we had or needed a complex backstory in CMBO…
  16. Do you like puppies? Have you ever seen a grown man naked?
  17. Of the 500 ATGM's how many were fired at tanks...? Thought the Hezb also used them as "bunker busters". Or is the 500 figure just ATGM's fired at Israeli tanks?
  18. And terrorist organisations can evolve to something that can be talked with. E.g. Ireland 1916-1923, with the IRA terror groups evolving into the Free State (and then having a brief civil war between the Free State and the IRA) Does anyone now refuse to deal with Eire due to their background in murder and religious cleansing? Hezbollah don't seem to be that far removed from the canton militias of Switzerland in concept these days - just that it is religious based (Shia) rather than geographic based. Even the kidnap of the Israeli soldiers can be seen as almost rational - Hezb leadership have promised to try and free all their men held by Israel, and prisoner swaps are probably the only way to accomplish this. I think they are being bloody stupid, and may have been suckered into it by third parties,
  19. "You can see why engineers aren't paid anything like as much as managers, lawyers and accountants, can't you? All the best, John." Heh, at present mining & oil engineers can pretty much write their own paycheque. When I was a student engineer, it was the oil & chemical firms that paid decent salaries for engineers. I actually spend 3 months as a production/ control engineer with P&G, and the pay was fine. Still, if you insist on doing something as NPV negative as designing/ building tank guns, rather than churning out chemicals/ pharmaceuticals - well, then it is a vocation, not a career...
  20. "I've been waiting, for a game like you to come into my life" Dunno who sings it though
  21. Dollars are actually Austrian... original spelling is "Thaler" but hard "th" sound. Became silver bullion coin of choice for traders all over the world. Interestingly the phrase "the almighty dollar" originally did not refer to the US dollar, but to the Chinese version. (the Chinese always had a preference for silver coinage over gold)
  22. Bugger me though, you are not a professional when it comes to spelling. Or in putting forward a thesis. Just what are you trying to say? "I thought this should be addressed though frankly and honestly by someone who really does know and has experience in the area. In fact I'm near a proffessional in this area of knowledge.. " You mean that you are a professional (and have experience in) genocides and atrocities? Should we be sending you to The Hague for trial for crimes against humanity? Or that you are an almost professional historian on domestic Germany, 1870-1970? Because I am lost.
  23. Yes, but ISTR that Rommel thought the invasion would be Calais. So he would have been way out of position anyway? Actually, most Normandy wargames have "The Rommel option" as a variant. Doesn't seem to make much difference, as not enough to destroy all the bridgeheads, and then get ground down in attrition "as normal", just with the frontlines nearer the coast for a bit longer. The bocage works both ways...
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