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  1. Upvote
    LongLeftFlank reacted to Kaunitz in Fire suppression from small arms discussion   
    Based on my readings of WWII memoirs and also a few Vietnam accounts, I fully agree with this. You can also watch very relevant videos of real combat footage of recent conflicts on youtube. The experience of modern fire combat often seems to be one of being exposed to a more or less abstract "volume of fire". Especially, but not exclusively in dense terrain (woods, jungle...). Troops couldn't always tell the direction from which it was coming nor identify/spot the source. Soldiers in WWII did also (and were sometimes encouraged to) fire without seeing the enemy. I suppose that being exposed to a high volume of fire - not neccessarily to any actual "suppression effect" (seeing the effect of bullets hitting close), just judging from the number of sounds/noise - would also be a psychological deterrent. Even if you're not acively pinned by the opponent's fire, you'd be less likely to risk any attack if the enemy "sounded" strong?    
    I'm not sure whether fire fights in Combat Mission fully convince me in this regard. But it's generally hard to visualize the dynamics of modern fire combat and there is certainly a lot of variety. I sometimes get the impression that our pixel infantrymen might be a bit too brave when it comes to exposing themselves to enemy fire, and perhaps a bit too good when it comes to spotting the enemy when under fire. These two things are probably related, which is also why further experiments with modding animations might be interesting (forcing soldiers to stay prone more). Infantrymen in Combat Mission are very often able to fire on sight, with the result that casualties accumulate very fast and fire fights are decided comparatively quickly. For example, how often do you order a MG unit to move to an alternate fire position? In my experience, fire fights usually don't last long enough (by the time they would reach the new position, the engagement is already over) and 2) as soon as they move, they get shot. By contrast, if both sides were more affected by the "volume of fire", firing blindly to a greater degree, you'd expect casualties to accumulate slowlier, as a kind of "attrition". Soldiers would get hit by "anonymous" bullets more often, accidently, if you will. Partial cover would be more effective in this situation (it is of no great help when the enemy has spotted you...).
    I sometimes wonder why these situations don't occur in Combat Mission. As far as I know, Combat Mission does not take into account the more "abstract", indirect psychological factors. It does model the actual "suppression" effect, but not the psychological impact of a "high volume of fire". (Similarly, I think there is no tank shock/panic in Combat Mission). Depending on a unit's morale, the mere sound of intensive firing (within a certain distance/radius) could have an impact on morale and the will to advance. So this would be a more long-term "environmental" factor compared to the more extreme and direct "suppression" effect when the unit is targeted by accurate fire. I suppose that MGs are also part of the reason. They're quite handicapped by the fact that they can only area-target a single square per minute. They can only cover very small areas. Another point to think about would be the bonus for spotting units that are firing. And then of course the distance at which engagements take place also play a big role. Another rather weird thought: what about the lack of a "crouched movement"? Perhaps units would be able to advance closer to each other without getting spotted (staying below the height of the terrain type), so that both sides would be more likely to find themselves in a situation in which they can area fire at each other at closer distances? Also, when exposed to fire, a soldier's accuracy should drop drastically? Just very hypothetical brainstorming here, free of any considerations how it would affect gameplay as a whole ... 
    So, for the further discussion, I would be interested in your opinions on these questions: 
    1) Should a perceived high volume of fire have a psychological effect, even if it's blind/inaccurate (not covered by the actual suppression mechanic)?
    2) Does CM infantry engaged in fire combat spot too well? If so, why? 
  2. Like
    LongLeftFlank reacted to Sgt.Squarehead in MOUT and urban counterinsurgency (and CM)   
    He's back! 
  3. Like
    LongLeftFlank got a reaction from Sgt.Squarehead in MOUT and urban counterinsurgency (and CM)   
    So, did anybody ever do a CM map of the Baghdad Green Zone?
    Asking for a fiend....👽
  4. Like
    LongLeftFlank got a reaction from quakerparrot67 in Fare thee well, oh Repository   
    Stop. Mord. Will you. Stop. Mord. I'm a-fraid. I'm a-fraid.
    Daiiiisy, Daiiiisy..... 
  5. Like
    LongLeftFlank got a reaction from Bulletpoint in Dust clouds!   
    LOS masking effects aside, I love the immersive visual effect of lingering dust and smoke from round impacts, and wish these effects could stay around longer (in dry conditions), perhaps with a toggle switch for the framerate impaired.
    While it isn't top of my wish list, it would seem a relatively easy way to mitigate complaints about battlespaces appearing sterile or generic.
  6. Like
    LongLeftFlank got a reaction from Sgt.Squarehead in Heaven & Earth: Project discussion thread   
    Cool indeed, mate. But I am once again on cold turkey CM hiatus for work reasons; relocating to a new country. Keep pushing the boundaries!
  7. Like
    LongLeftFlank got a reaction from Sgt.Squarehead in Sgt.Squarehead's CM:SF2 Stuff   
    Hornets' Nest indeed. The defender has free choice of ~140 individual compounds (read: ready made fortresses and death traps) that BLUE can't safely neutralize with ranged firepower, or even spot, unless he first enters them with squishies.
    Clearing a district this size IRL will take 5-10 days and bleed whole battalions white. In CM you can do it in an (intense and harrowing) sitting, but you need to assume lengthy (sometimes night long) pauses 'off the clock.'
    Bring shaped charges and grenades, infidel dogs! And plenty of water. And blood plasma.
  8. Upvote
    LongLeftFlank reacted to Sgt.Squarehead in Sgt.Squarehead's CM:SF2 Stuff   
    On pretty much the opposite end of the spectrum, both in terms of scale and urbanisation, I've blanked the map section that I extracted from @LongLeftFlank's Ramadi map and adapted for use as Hayy El Karamah in 'Ashsh al-Dababir' (In preparation for a full CM:SF2 rebuild.  ):

    It's only 320m x 320m but it's quite a challenge. 
    If you would like to experiment with it, you can find it (completely blank map, no AI, no Setup Zones, no Objectives, nothing) here:
    https://www.dropbox.com/s/h6yxl7036jzz9on/[Map] The Hornets' Nest.btt?dl=0
    All credit for this one goes to @LongLeftFlank, I only sliced it out of his original and tweaked it to my own purposes (although it was a fairly major tweak by the end). 
  9. Upvote
    LongLeftFlank got a reaction from BletchleyGeek in Heaven & Earth: Project discussion thread   
    Cool indeed, mate. But I am once again on cold turkey CM hiatus for work reasons; relocating to a new country. Keep pushing the boundaries!
  10. Upvote
    LongLeftFlank reacted to derek burke in Hill 192 map   
    Well it's thanks to your hard work and research I have for the first time in over 70 years I now know how a relative of ours Pte Abraham Kalmikoff 38th 2nd Div met his death on the 11th July '44. Unfortunately his parents or the wife he left behind  didn't live long enough to know. But his daughter who he never met, I'm sure will be interested. For his heroism, "Abe" received the Silver Star  and the Purple Heart.
    Best Regards Derek  Burke...….rdburke53@gmail.com
  11. Like
    LongLeftFlank got a reaction from zinzan in Shock Force 2 Beta Showcase Video   
    No doubt there's some anime film out there with various monuments coming to life and battling each other, controlled by sinister androgynous alien boy band types, or by leggy Japanese schoolgirls.

    ... Yup, thar she blows. I love the interwebz.
  12. Upvote
    LongLeftFlank reacted to Sgt.Squarehead in MOUT and urban counterinsurgency (and CM)   
    Interesting two part article detailing the interface between organised crime, terrorism & state intelligence services in Asia:
  13. Upvote
    LongLeftFlank reacted to sburke in New Scenario: Coup D'etat   
    Oh that is mean. Now you have to hold the radio station until they are freed, cool. Man I am really desperate for some CM time. Traveling again and this scene has me just cracking up. Every now and then someone posts about a misplaced flavor item. Ha. It isn’t misplaced, it is just a lousy work crew. Check this out - a slight “flavor item” issue on the highway ramp  

  14. Like
    LongLeftFlank got a reaction from Sgt.Squarehead in MOUT and urban counterinsurgency (and CM)   
    Not urban, but how about a little reelpolitik to go with your COIN?Interesting case study here, from a part of the world where I've spent time about how (counter)insurgency can be made to pay, handsomely. Dynamics by no means limited to Myanmar.
    In game terms, perhaps we could mash up @MOS:96B2P 's ingenious works with Settlers of Catan to create a nice little post-SHTF warlord game, lol. Oh, so you won't trade coal for sheep eh? Let me explain Largest Army to you.... 
    Strategic Violence During Democratization (For Fun and Profit)
    Prior to democratization, the Myanmar military government peacefully colluded with ethnic rebel groups to split the profits from jade mining and smuggling—a sector worth roughly half of Myanmar’s GDP. But fearing that the new civilian government would assume control of jade-mining areas and the associated rents, the military has ginned up unrest in mining townships to deter the development of an alternative authority.
    Shortly after 2011, the Thein Sein government announced its intention to tax the previously sheltered [Army run SOEs] UMEHL and MEC, which have substantial interests in the jade sector. At the same time, the... NLD, led by Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, de facto prime minister) included strong language about increasing government revenues from the jade sector and cracking down on smuggling.
    ...Military families (commanders’ wives often serve as owners of record) and their companies made over $1 billion from their official jade sales in 2013 and 2014. This figure represents a lower bound, as most jade is smuggled out of the country, thus avoiding the heavily taxed emporiums.... more than 50 to 80 percent of jade is smuggled from Myanmar into China... less than 10 percent of total jade sales in 2011 was taxed by the central government.
    The military elites not only have large stakes in major mining operations, they also run a lucrative racket in Kachin State.... military officers demand 20 percent of the value of any stone found by small-scale, artisanal miners. Moreover, the Tatmadaw receives payments from concessionaires, who both pay for soldiers to guard their compounds and distribute bribes to clear any roadblocks along their smuggling routes.
    Proceeds from illegal jade exports not only benefit military elites and their cronies, but also provide an important source of income for the Kachin Independence Army (kia). The KIA, the armed wing of the KIO, consistently has been one of the largest and most active insurgent groups in Myanmar since its formation in 1961.... the group boasts membership of close to ten thousand troops and occupies territory in Kachin State as well as in northern Shan State. Funding for the KIA also comes from a variety of other sources: because it has lost control of jade-mining areas, it has relied more heavily on illegal logging and timber sales.
    The military has allegedly hampered increased civilian oversight by timing attacks to disrupt visits by ministers or international observers. 
    In an area still occupied by a historically rebellious ethnic army, the civilian government cannot easily discern whether violence reflects renewed separatist activity or military provocation. As such, the military can exploit unrest in this region—even of its own making—to convince an uncertain civilian government to cede authority to the generals in administering lucrative and “disputed” territory.
    “Ceasefire capitalism”—the period of relative peace in Kachin State that enabled the exploitation of the region’s natural resources—enriched military elites and KIA/KIO leaders but did little to benefit the rest of the population. This generated resentment among the rank and file.... And after these lower-ranking officers seized power, they adopted a more confrontational stance vis-à-vis the Tatmadaw.
  15. Like
    LongLeftFlank got a reaction from Sgt.Squarehead in Mosul (Iraq) The small red-headed child of an epic MOUT map!   
    `Good-morning; good-morning!' the General said 
    When we met him last week on our way to the line. 
    Now the soldiers he smiled at are most of 'em dead, 
    And we're cursing his staff for incompetent swine. 
    `He's a cheery old card,' grunted Harry to Jack
    As they slogged up to Arras with rifle and pack.
    . . . . 
    But he did for them both by his plan of attack.
  16. Like
    LongLeftFlank got a reaction from A Canadian Cat in Resuming Carillon Nose campaign project   
    Gamey bastige! ©
  17. Like
    LongLeftFlank got a reaction from Bulletpoint in Resuming Carillon Nose campaign project   
    More source material on the attack
    The first combat order of the 137th Infantry during World War II called for an attack at 0600 the following morning, 11 July 1944, on German positions from the Vire river near St. Gilles, extending southwest through la Petite Ferme toward le Carillon.
    During the night of 11 July 1944, the 1st (A,B,C) and 2nd (E,F,G) Battalions were in position for the attack, with Company G in reserve. The 3rd Battalion (I,K,L,M) was held as Division reserve, due to their late debarkation and arrival in the area.
    In the early morning, both 1st and 2nd Battalions received enemy mortar fire. Company C encountered an enemy patrol, which was driven off, in the first actual contact with the enemy. Company F also encountered an enemy patrol during the night. 
    The attack jumped off at 0600 after an artillery preparation from 600 guns. Corps artillery was in support of the operation. 
    With the attack scarcely begun, the 137th encountered a fortified church on Highway 3, north of St. Gilles, and for most of the morning was pinned down by heavy machine gun, mortar and artillery fire.  Regiment commander, Colonel Layng was wounded in the face and leg by machine gun fire at 0715. At the same time the commander of the supporting 219th Field Artillery Battalion and artillery liaison officer, were killed, and the first platoon of Company G suffered heavy casualties. After being pinned down for over two hours, when an artillery barrage forced the German machine gunner to take cover for a brief instant, Lieutenant Simpson was able to drag a wounded fellow officer to the slight protection of a tree and some hedge.
    On 11 July near St. Gilles, Company M medics rescued an injured soldier of the 219th Field Artillery Battalion who was enveloped in the flames of a burning quarter-ton truck after a direct hit from enemy artillery.
    Medic Sergeant Spengler, attached to Company F, at 1000 on 11 July ignored enemy machine gun and sniper fire and left the concealment of hedges to rescue a wounded soldier from an open field.
    Despite pounding by artillery, the fortified church north of St. Gilles could not be taken out. This, together with a fortified chateau in the same vicinity, held up 1st Battalion most of the day.
    2nd Battalion made advances up to 400 yards, with Company F making the greatest gain until a shortage of ammunition held up their advance. 
    3rd Battalion was committed at 1830.
    The first enemy prisoners captured indicated that the Division was facing elements of 897th, 898th and 899th Infantry regiments, and composing Kampfgruppe (Colonel General)  Kentner. 
    Throughout the day the regiment was subjected to heavy machine gun and mortar fire from well dug-in positions, and from 88mm and 150mm artillery fire from the rear. Due to allied aerial superiority, no enemy air attacks were encountered.  Casualties in the 137th for the first day’s operations were 12 killed, 96 wounded and 18 missing in action
    The regiment again attacked at 0800 on 12 July 1944, with 2nd and 3rd Battalions in the leading echelon. The weather remained cloudy, with intermittent showers. Tank destroyers were attached to the regiment and heavy artillery support was continued.
    Enemy fire continued from the church north of St. Gilles, and at 1045 1st Battalion stormed that stronghold and took it and the surrounding buildings. 1st Battalion then moved on and contacted elements of 3rd Battalion, which had cut in behind these strong points. 1st Battalion cleaned out remaining hostile resistance in the vicinity of St. Gilles by 1400. 
    3rd Battalion pushed on to Highway 3 southwest of St. Gilles, where they were held up by machine gun fire, mines and booby traps. At 1600 a strong enemy position was captured about 1000 yards south of St. Gilles.
    Company I. On 12 July, after his Platoon Leader had been killed, Sergeant Gonzales took command of the platoon, which had been under heavy mortar and machine gun fire. Using sound judgment and quick thinking, Gonzales commanded an attached Tank Destroyer, whose crew had been reduced by enemy fire, and blasted out a gun nest. When this TD bogged down, he returned to bring up another which pulled the first to safety. The Sergeant then blasted out the remaining nests and his platoon was able to advance.
    Heavy enemy mortar and artillery fire continued, and snipers were active. Casualties for 12 July 1944 were 7 killed, 74 wounded and 7 missing. 
    On 13 July 1944, the regiment attacked at 0800, with the 3rd & 2nd Battalions again leading. Visibility was poor, and aerial support was called off, but the artillery support remained excellent. The 3rd Battalion moved 500 yards before being held up by machine gun fire. 
    The 2nd Battalion on the right, received heavy shell fire and made no marked advance. 
    After being held up in the early part of the day, the 2nd Battalion broke through for a gain of 500 years. 
    An enemy counterattack forced the 3rd Battalion back to its original position at 2200. 
    Company M. On 13 July, after several unsuccessful attempts of his platoon to cross a field which the Germans had well covered with machine gun fire, and after his Platoon Leader was killed, Sergeant Hupp determined the location of the enemy emplacements, obtained a light machine gun, and firing from the hip, killed three Germans. This neutralized the first nest. He then led his platoon to clear out the remaining two nests. The entire battalion was then able to advance.
    During the afternoon of 13 July, southeast of la Meauffe, two members of Company A observed a disabled tank in an area in which they knew an artillery barrage was due to fall. A wounded member of the crew was still in the tank.... Private Nichols was wounded during the barrage, but after he and Sergeant Blair evacuated the three wounded men, Nichols joined his platoon in the attack until ordered to the aid station by his commanding officer.
    Executive Officer of Company A, assumed command of a provisional platoon on 13 July and carried out an attack upon a position where all previous attacks had failed. Exposing himself to enemy machine gun fire, he pointed out enemy emplacements from his position at the head of the platoon, and five emplacements were successfully disposed of. Eight of the enemy were killed, twelve taken prisoner, and a large amount of enemy materiel captured.
    Late in the afternoon of 13 July, two platoons of Company L were pinned down by machine gun fire. After the company radio man had been killed, Sergeant Hughbanks removed the radio from the dead soldier, called the battalion OP and requested artillery fire on the German position. For almost an hour he directed the fire, until the enemy emplacements were neutralized.
    These forces received heavy fire from enemy 88mm artillery regularly during the day, although at 1145 our own artillery knocked out two enemy mobile 88’s. Time burst was also used by the Germans. It was evident that the hedgerows so common in Normandy were being used to the maximum in the plan of the German defense. Forty-seven prisoners were taken during the day. Our casualties on this day were the heaviest yet, with 21 killed, 87 wounded and 17 missing in action.
    On Friday, 14 July 1944, the regiment attacked again at 0800, with one platoon of medium tanks in support of each battalion. 
    By 1300 the 1st Battalion had advanced up to 300 yards, but were meeting stiff resistance at la Pte Ferme. By 1630 the 1st Battalion was attacking the enemy stronghold at la Mare, where German troops had assembled in the stone buildings in that area. 
    The 3rd Battalion, on the right, had established contact with forces on the strongly held road junction of Highways 2 and 3. 
    All elements were encountering heavy minefields and 88mm fire. Casualties in the regiment totaled 127. Of these, 17 were killed, 106 wounded and 4 missing. Forty prisoners were taken. Some of the prisoners reported that many German soldiers wanted to surrender, but were being closely watched by officers and non-commissioned officers.
    On 15 July 1944, the regiment attacked, for the fifth consecutive morning, and were met by heavy artillery fire. 
    With the 3rd Battalion established 200 yards north of Highway 2, main road to St. Lo, Company K pushed forward to the road at 0910, but was held up there by machine gun fire. No large gains were made by any battalion during the day. (The main effort for the Division was made by the 134th Infantry). 
    Our 1st Battalion turned back a strong German counterattack at noon. 
    The loudspeaker method of contacting the enemy troops was again used, and 25 prisoners were taken. The 137th lost 16 men killed, 100 wounded and 1 missing in action. 
    On Sunday, 16 July 1944, the battle slowed down considerably. The weeks attack and the heavy artillery pounding was beginning to tell on the enemy forces, and reports began to come back of their units attempting to operate with a drastic reduction of men, with no replacements; of a shortage of food, water and ammunition; and of extensive use of horse-drawn vehicles due to lack of gasoline. 
    Our forces consolidated and strengthened their lines during the day. The 2nd Battalion operating in the vicinity of le Carrillon, advanced 600 yards at one point. Casualties in the regiment showed a marked decrease as the action slowed down and as the men were becoming more battle-wise. On the 16th, 5 men were killed, 23 wounded and 2 missing in action. 
  18. Like
    LongLeftFlank got a reaction from Bulletpoint in REAL WORLD TACTICS THAT WORK IN CM   
    Wasn't that a song, The Boys of Case Blau or sumfink?
    (Look at those poor kids. They look like the high school rowers I used to coach in largely German Cincinnati OH back in the day)
  19. Upvote
    LongLeftFlank reacted to MOS:96B2P in Resuming Carillon Nose campaign project   
    Interesting stuff and fairly easy to implement.  Would just need to see what the results were in an actual game. 
    I have found the plotting out of an axis of advance (created with a Paused unit & a line of movement waypoints) along with a command radius (created with a 360o Target Arc on the Platoon HQs) works fairly well when also combined with other house rules.  Below is a link to some screenshots where the rules were used in a scenario.  The axis of advance lines are a bit difficult to see because of the early morning partial darkness.  
  20. Upvote
    LongLeftFlank reacted to RockinHarry in Resuming Carillon Nose campaign project   
    I like using single snipers or teams quite a lot, both for spotting and sniping purposes, but very preferably at ranges considerably above 300m. Otherwise they´ll become dead meat quickly. For ranges of 300m and below and very good concealment & cover, a single sniper (Headcount 50%) might survive long enough to make his presence felt, but needs to switch position more oftenly. Terrain triggers (enemy) give him opportuniy to switch positions if enemy coming too close, as would be low morale, causing the sniper to back off automatically once sufficiently suppresssed by enemy return fire. At ranges above 300m, preferably at 400-600m+, survival chances are far better with appropiate cover & concealment terrain. Here the sniper teams spotter (Headcount 100%) comes more handy with his binocs helping to aquire targets at these longer ranges. Raising experience and leader rating also make sense here dealing with the longer ranges.
    Snipers can preferably be subordinated to Coy. or even Bn. HQ, as these normally are more positioned towards the Hinterland, so these can help a retreating sniper in AIP hands to rally and gain usable combat stats again. Off course also works without direct subordination when higher HQ is in range and taking over C2 automatically. So a good placement of these higher Coy and Bn is also of value and worth beeing considered for this case.
    For small teams survival (FO, HQ ect.) good experience, leader stats ect are of good worth when combined with "ambush" settings, as is other known factors like trerrain conceal/cover. "Retreat" (or any other) order and  enemy terrain trigger again comes handy, for getting important AIP units out of potential danger zones.
    Sniper effectivity can be very restricted in bocage and other close cover terrain. Well prepared german defenses as was the St. Lo area, usually were improved by adapting the terrain towards the enemy by means of removing brush, trees or even houses to get better and deeper lines of fire. Too some extend this can be simulated on our CM maps as well, by determining halfway good friendly sniper positions and then adapt the map towards the desired kill zones in enemy approach lanes, preferably from a flank. Sometimes adding a gapped bocage in place of an ungapped one might do the trick, even if the created keyhole is just very small. Might suffice for slowing down an attacker.
    Sometimes there´s a good sniper position AS , but it just needs one more meter in elevation to get desired LOS/LOF. Ditch lock it up. Find more of these positions, adapt and note them to be reserve positions. Multiple of these keep the attacker more in guessing for enemy snipers ect.
    Make use of fake positions like unoccupied FH´s and trench segments at reasonable places. Maybe some suspicious terrain alterations do the same trick. All these were/are RL techniques used by all sides in prepared defense situations, so can be used in our games alike. 
  21. Upvote
    LongLeftFlank reacted to Sgt.Squarehead in Mosul (Iraq) The small red-headed child of an epic MOUT map!   
    @JohnO Is having a look at a minimally updated version I believe.....Basically just a few tweaks to account for minor engine differences.
    That's a decent summary. 
  22. Like
    LongLeftFlank got a reaction from Sgt.Squarehead in Mosul (Iraq) The small red-headed child of an epic MOUT map!   
    Curious how your bloodbath looks and plays out with the new engine. Anybody do any vids yet?
    Relevant to my Normandy thread, as you know better than anyone here (except @Combatintman), the RL fight to clear Al Karama alone took freekin weeks: 
    8 Nov. Apaches to hunt VBIEDs, a sign they're hurting 9 Nov. CTS troops surrounded Al-Karama, Malayin 3, Shuquq Al-Khadra, Al-Zahra, Karkukli, Aden, and Al-Dhahabi on Wednesday, the Mosul operation commander announced. Later the Al-Zahra, Malayin 3, and Al-Samah neighborhoods of east Mosul were announced to have been cleared of Daesh militants, according to the IWMC. 10 Nov.  The Counter Terrorism Service commander says there is a delay in the Mosul liberation because of the huge numbers of civilians trapped by Daesh. He says Iraqi forces will use new military tactics. He also says Daesh has used 150 vehicle bombs in east Mosul so far.  CTS troops destroyed three vehicle bombs and two motorcycle bombs that were targeting Iraqi troops in the Al-Karama neighborhood.  23 Nov. CTS says it liberated 80 residential buildings in the Al-Karama complex So the harrowing end-to-end sweep of the Hornets Nest map chronicled so well by our beloved General Ripper must be understood to represent the collective action of at least 7-10 days of block clearing heavy combat, plus mop ups in the shattered ruins.
    For what horrors went on in the interim I'll paraphrase a bit from our offline discussion thread of last year:
    H-day. Having sealed off al Karama, relatively unbombarded, you set ambitious phase lines and move in, with leg infantry clustered around their humvee-mounted base of fire. Local residents welcome you at first, assure you that there are only a few Daesh holed up. Where? Smiles fade, vague hand wave into the silent interior. After the first dozen RPG, IED and VBIED hits, reality sets in together with the noonday heat. A general halt is called for a rethink. This is far worse than Ramadi. Several subunit COs have visible head trauma from huge near miss explosions. Water is short already. Snipers are everywhere, they are extremely hard to spot and eliminate. Smaller block clearing combat groups are formed, built around vehicle weapons, with other units detailed to shield the flanks from the terrifying armoured VBIEDs. There are no Daesh infantry  counterattacks as such, but constant 360 security is required as groups of 2-3 fighters keep popping up in spots previously thought cleared. The mine clearing groups must constantly beware of mortars and RPG potshots. By 4pm the exhausted, dehydrated attackers need to start thinking about resupply and securing defensible positions for the night, or else giving up their 'gains' and doing it all again tomorrow. Night brings no relief; NV equipped scout snipers report Daesh is moving, probably minelaying. The darkness is periodically rent by huge explosions as building facades are collapsed into many streets to block them. Other streets are, ominously, left open.... (I hope this is interesting to the commentariat, and not hijacking your OT)
  23. Upvote
    LongLeftFlank got a reaction from BletchleyGeek in Resuming Carillon Nose campaign project   
    Terrific feedback, many thanks all. So these are my core design challenges:
    1. Put the player into this difficult tactical situation where Jerry sees him but he can't easily get back at them
    (btw CM could really use some kind of spotting inhibitor 'camo' counter for snipers,  FOs, ATW teams etc.) 
    2.  Present this clearly as a "time lapse" all day slog. Not the HBO nonstop charges and rat-a-tat;  a series of specific clear and occupy taskings, punctuated by "hit the dirt!" and extended pauses to rally, observe and clear mines and to get the increasingly rattled GIs to clear the next one.
    Kind of that 'union road crew' effect you see in so much unedited combat footage: just a few guys up in harms way doing the work while the rest look on ('provide cover fire') from safety.
    3. With that accomplished, I still need to give the player CO some reasonable latitude to manage within the boundaries (i.e. score a Victory by keeping casualties below historical).
    ... Or to defy the odds and try to overachieve with some bold rushes.
  24. Upvote
    LongLeftFlank got a reaction from BletchleyGeek in Resuming Carillon Nose campaign project   
    Posting this over from another thread.
    So I am presently trying to puzzle out the German tactical defensive scheme for the La Meauffe sector, consulting reasonable historical documentation from both sides, (including detailed diagrams pasted above).
    And this has led me to think about  the general tempo of battalion scale infantry assaults on prepared positions, both WW2 and contemporary, and how these might be simulated realistically  in a single CM scenario.
    1. As noted in other threads, many CM assaults become frantic races against the clock. Forces are not only pushed to their endurance limit and beyond, but are freely retasked by the omniscient player commander to ad hoc maneuvers well outside their original orders.
    Dense defended areas the size of my game map (1400x800m) are routinely swept clear in 90-120 minutes of intense nonstop rooty-toot.
    2. Even if we as wargamers can pad the clock 2x with abstracted 'off clock' lulls in the action, during which medevac, resupply and artillery spotting occur but there are no major movements or exchanges of fire, it all just seems like too much, too fast.
    3. In contrast, in the real world PURPLE HEART CORNER action of June 17th 1944, incompletely clearing a small town of 25 odd structures took half a fresh US battalion with ample artillery a *full day* (0530-1845) to accomplish, with significant US casualties (30+, overwhelmingly shellfire).
    4.  Enemy casualties in this action aren't tallied (a couple of PWs only). No wonder: resistance was said to be 'snipers', long range MG fire and nonstop shelling. This is consistent with the German MLR being below the town; they would not detail scarce infantry to hold it, only to bloody the nose of the Amis. Ergo, few bodies to count. (These reports prompted General Corlett the Corps commander to browbeat his subordinates to get things "cleaned up down there", in total disregard of the actual conditions).
    5. Nonetheless, in spite of their lopsided manpower advantage, this was a nasty fight for 1/119. The still green GIs advance cautiously from house to house, wary of mines, traps, snipers and the rrrrrrrrrip of Spandaus. Frequent stonks of mortars or "88s" cause them to scatter for cover. The doughs can't see Jerry, can't silence the incoming. But hour by hour, the stretchers keep coming back while frustration and exhaustion set in. What's the solution? Call the guns! But onto what? More time goes by.
    .... So, how do I put that into a scenario?
    (What's that you say? That doesn't sound like a fun 'game' at all? Well sorry, can't help ya with that, son. I'm all about the digital history, trying to face what the doggies actually faced. And there are a few here who are like minded. Go play something else if that's not you.)
  25. Upvote
    LongLeftFlank reacted to Heirloom_Tomato in Resuming Carillon Nose campaign project   
    I would agree with this, in game we push too hard to fast. I would however say 2x the clock is not enough but rather 3x or even better 4x.
    I would suggest then a 3.5 to 4 hour scenario. 
    I would suggest including @RockinHarry invisible enemy icons mod for use with this battle. Use all of them so the human player has zero clue where the enemy is beyond what can be seen on screen. 
    As for points, set up the parameters to match the battle as close as possible. If the US lost 30 men out of a half battalion, it would be roughly 10% of their force. Have the briefing state this is the goal as clearly as possible and set the points so if the player exceeds this limit, the best they can do is a draw. Set most of the US artillery as reinforcements to prevent the player from flatting everything in a turn 1 preordered  mass arty drop.
    Build some "safe" houses for the German side. No windows or doors on the bottom floors facing the US side, but the upper floors with great LOS to the US side. This should protect them from all but the heaviest artillery direct hits. Use snipers/scouts/breach teams on the bottom floor set to ambush at 75 meters. Give them terrain triggers to rise to the upper floors, creating ambush zones. 
    Use plenty of wire, hedgehogs, TRP's and spread enough mines around so everytime the player encounters an obstacle, they will assume it has mines, and need to find a new path or deal with them.
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