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Everything posted by SlowMotion

  1. I tend to be more amazed about nature discoveries like that above than latest hitech news. Even though I recently posted a video showing artificial bird flying it's quite far from being able to do things like this: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-BpB21BtdOjU/UPReEDR-LgI/AAAAAAAA24c/j0x46nnNR8I/w497-h373/mon%2B%25282%2529.gif
  2. Since this is a wargame forum: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-mOWMdbb6aPw/UQKIclTqaNI/AAAAAAACfeQ/JgeRBqTEOcY/w497-h373/3%2Bunreaded%2Bmessages.png
  3. The 2009 link (of the opening post) is working fine.
  4. Maybe so when it has reached a place where the weapon should be used. In the game I try to keep my units ready to move when needed. So it makes no sense to deploy a MG, antitank gun (or antitank missile in CMSF) in some place like forest if I have no intention to use the weapon there. I may tell the unit to stop, but just to let them rest. And once they are Ready or Rested, then continue moving ASAP. Maybe default state was a bad way to say it. Idle state could be better. You know, like a VCR may show a red "Recording" indicator when recording a program. It does not show "not recording".
  5. Believe it or not, but I couldn't remember this "not deployed" text. So I was fooled by this "upside down" logic of CMBN UI. Usually when things are in their default state this is not shown in the UI. But when some special case happens, THAT is shown. Like your email client probably does not show text "no new email". Instead it may show an envelope icon or something when there IS unread email. Your phone does not say "nobody calling", but instead when some does call then it shows something in the UI.
  6. Those button highlights could be made clearer. I have especially trouble seeing whether some weapon like MG is deployed or not.
  7. Found this http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-17855194
  8. autonomous experimental car from Toyota:
  9. You can do those stacked orders by first giving one firing order in one waypoint, move a little and next firing order in next waypoint.
  10. Here's a picture of one 75mm? PAK position where it seems to me that the gun was not supposed to be kept in its firing position, but could be moved back and forth. http://www.spottinghistory.com/view/221/jarama-fortification-camp/
  11. About the tiny ones http://www.networkworld.com/community/blog/future-drone-surveillance-swarms-cyborg-insect-drones
  12. This experimental drone can roll on ground, but also fly:
  13. I have also 21, but you can easily download more from Battlefront's repository.
  14. It's great you're adding those elevations. Totally flat maps are terrible.
  15. There are some really good scenarios for CMSF (actually I think I remember more good ones for CMSF than for CMBN), but the quick battle system is much better in CMBN.
  16. It would be interesting to see how well that thing works when it really rains or snows. They say they've tested it but still.
  17. After playing enough against the AI you'll notice why human opponents are so much better.
  18. That CMFI video shows one case when it should be much trickier to hit when shooting while moving. The Priest? drives downhill and diagonally towards its target. SHould be difficult to track the target. Compare this to cases when you drive level road straight towards the target.
  19. When playing in RT mode and big map, I often had units in several groups around the map. Gameplay tended to be like turnbased, but with different turn lengths for different groups. The group I was actively micro managing had very short delays, but some far away group sometimes had to cope on their own for several minutes before I had time to give them new orders. Sometimes this "can't change orders every 60 seconds" created situations that almost never happen in turn based mode: like some units advancing for several several minutes and surprising the AI defenders totally - because the player who sees the whole map isn't helping those AI units.
  20. sburke: they might even make riding cars illegal, who knows? According to this driverless cars are already allowed in 3 US states http://www.newyorker.com/online/blogs/newsdesk/2012/11/google-driverless-car-morality.html Several manufacturers are testing their models currently. http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2413841,00.asp
  21. Funny to read that analog computers were still used in planes in late 70s, a bit over 30 years ago and how fast things have developed after that.
  22. This isn't flying, but no human on board:
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