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Everything posted by SlowMotion

  1. Yes, this behaviour can be useful in some cases. But in some other situations it's not like what happens -with other commands like Hunt -real life. Think about MG suppressive fire, why was it used?
  2. Maybe this running would make sense if there was cover nearby, but now it feels quite strange. Especially if the enemy is in the very direction where the units are running.
  3. Ok, I guess it's not a bug then. Misunderstanding about how the command works. Although I don't quite understand why the extra delay is there. Often people use it in situations where players see that positions are stuck and it makes no sense to really move any units. Then time passes, nothing happens and players get bored. So "let's just quit this battle and play something else".
  4. I had always thought Cease Fire would happen immediately after both players have pressed it.
  5. Now while playing MG module I've noticed something that looks like a tweak in game engine. Happens like this: I plan a movement command, like a long Move over a field. Move doesn't make infantry tired, so you can plot very long moves and save time. No need to plot it every turn. Now if there is contact with enemy - I think enemy is firing nearby units - these movements are often converted to Move Fast commands *automatically*. So a 300m Move would become 300m Fast which tire an infantry unit totally. I'd like to hear opinions whether this automatic MoveToFast change makes sense. It quickly changes your unit status to Tired which means unable to really move in several turns. Now because of this I cannot trust that units stay in fighting shape. I have to check their movements every turn to prevent them becoming exhausted. Would it be better to maybe make a shorter spurt and then stop and seek cover? Player would have to decide what to do with the changed situation. Keep the units moving despite enemy or keep them in one place until enemy threat has weakened? I'm comparing this behaviour to what happens when you use Hunt command. When finding enemy a Hunting unit stops, instead of increasing movement speed.
  6. Have people noticed that Cease Fire command wouldn't work in PBEM? I have seen this. One player says he has pressed cease fire, I do it also, but the game just doesn't end. So is one of the players doing something wrong or is there a bug in the game?
  7. I've seen computers doing very silly things sometimes, so I believe we will see all sorts of things when such delivery systems are taken to use. One important thing IMO is how things will be handled when there's a serious malfunction. Much the same way as it is with self driving cars. If some computer controller machine causes serious injury to people who is responsible?
  8. Yes, there are lots of details that need to be solved. Maybe the package receiver would need to send a message that he's home before the drone begins its flight? I would think they'd need to plan some main flying routes and then maybe some clear landing places where receiver has to go. Instead of delivering to home address where you can have temporary obstacles like cars that the drone could hit. How else can they ensure that the drone doesn't hit a tree or some cable when descending closer to ground?
  9. And it may be that drone parcels will start first in China
  10. About that contraband: Now that Amazon and other companies have announced planning a drone based order delivery system, I wonder if they check the address where your order should be shipped? Can you order delivery to any address whether you live there or not?
  11. Agree about flight sim commands. And IMO Target Brief is the biggest playability improvement to CMx2 games in a long time.
  12. Would you harm a robot? http://www.bbc.com/future/story/20131127-would-you-murder-a-robot?
  13. Same here. There are maybe 3 things from CMx1 I'd still like to see added to CMx2. The only real problems IMO are some strange things that have to do with LOS/LOF - area fire and such. But mostly things work very well and all the future improvements will just make things better. Actually it will be interesting to see what kind of new features we'll see in future games. THings that would take current play experience to clearly new level - like AI triggers.
  14. +1. If you use StreetView of Google Maps you can see that there is no one kind of bocage that is equally impassable like a concrete wall. Very many kinds of plants. Various thickness and height.
  15. Another strange LOS/LOF case: my Forward Observer has ordered a fire mission to a gun. For some reason the mission isn't progressing. It's stuck in "firing for 1 minute" state and no mortar shells are flying. I tested FO team's LOS with target command and it has LOS to the enemy gun that is the target. Still, when I try to Adjust Target, then the FO team cannot target the gun anymore. I can put fire mission's target maybe 10 meters from the gun, but not to the place that I can select with Target command.
  16. I think in some version bunkers were considered as vehicles. If it is true what you write, then they are the perfect magic field for defense. Your enemy cannot see things hiding behind the bunker, yet you can fire through it as if it wasn't there. Really nasty.
  17. Has anyone noticed that bunkers wouldn't block LOS/LOF normally? In one scenario there is a 37mm gun behind a bunker. My tank cannot see the bunker or the gun and thus cannot target either. Yet, the gun can see my tank and keep firing just fine.
  18. Or maybe one of those cartoon bombs: http://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/CartoonBomb.jpg
  19. That's what I meant: if it looks like a hand grenade, you think it's hand grenade. But if it doesn't look like grenade, you know it's an abstraction and you're supposed to imagine that one of all sorts of weapons are used.
  20. Sometimes it's easier to recognize an abstraction as such when the abstracted weapon doesn't look like any real weapon.
  21. It would be nice if one day we could achieve something like this (or is it already possible?): infantry soldiers run to tank, throw their available grenades and run to a safer place so they can avoid tank's MG firing and Nach-something-waffe. In a game I played my infantry units tried to do this, but: -one unit had 2 grenades. They threw one, then decided to switch to Medic mode. Maybe getting ammo from a nearby dead soldier. Only after quite some time had passed they threw the other grenade.
  22. Once they've used all the mortar ammo, they seem to do *very* well in infantry fighting.
  23. I think it's much *easier* to buy from a known website than trying to find a local shop with the CM game you want. I think many companies are moving to Download-only distribution.
  24. Agree with Redwolf that the DRM system is too sensitive now. If you connect/disconnect some USB device it shouldn't cause reactivation.
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