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Everything posted by handihoc

  1. Yes to each of those. I just tried running with a single monitor but it crashed again within seconds of starting a Marines scenario.
  2. I hate to be the first to bring bad news, but Marines crashes within the first three minutes of play (Elite Wego). No warning, just a box apologising that it has to close, and an error message to send to Microsoft. Unfortunately I'm prevented from copying the error message. It's happened three times now, twice trying to start the campaign and once on a scenario. Damn frustrating. WindowsXP Media Center Edition Service Pack 3, Core2Duo E6600, 2Gig Ram, Nvidia 7950GT running two monitors. On a lesser note, at startup there is no category for Iron level.
  3. Good to see we're getting some effective solidarity here.
  4. As a protest for keeping me waiting so long, when the Marines module does arrive I'm gonna download and install it but refuse to play it for at least three weeks. That'll show BFC who's boss!
  5. Richy, the Marines could arrive any minute now. Use a credit card and your instant cash problems are solved.
  6. Steve, I was under the (perhaps erroneous) impression that you and Charles have no military background. If that's so, how do you get to play with Javelins? Can I play too! And what does CLU stand for? I googled it, but nothing relevant shows up.
  7. Skinned Puppy, as catastrophes go, yours is a clear winner! However, I came close a while back (no pic, I'm afraid) when an earthquake from nowhere removed every single bush and tree, and reduced all low walls to smoking rubble, across the entire map. Never had it before or since, and I sent the save to BF as a bug report, so am assuming it's been addressed.
  8. Yes, little 'cosmetic' effects such as those above can add immensely to the immersion factor.
  9. No, you're there, I'm here. God knows where the Marines are.
  10. Meach, I too am in the same place as you! It's pathetic, really.
  11. The lag thing has been discussed a lot. For me, the worst thing is with high density urban environments, especially with additional smoke from burning vehicles, when, even on a relatively high-spec E660 Core 2 Duo rig, 2Gig RAM, Nvidia 7950 GT, everything still sometimes drops to 10FPS or even less. Other than that I no longer have a problem, though I did in earlier SF incarnations. Since 1.08 I've been able to play with all settings maxed. All the Hasrabit and Perdition maps run very smooth. Pure joy. The good news (I hope) is that BF say the 1.10 patch includes significant improvements regarding speedier smoother gameplay. Only a few days to go to test that one out!
  12. Agreed. One of many great things about SF, and the CM engine, is the way it inspires creativity among so many of its players, who then turn out great scenarios, campaigns and mods for other players, like me, to enjoy. I've left feedback on CMMODS, generally for the scenarios I've enjoyed playing. I don't particularly like leaving negative feedback, even though it may be constructive, so tend to respond mainly to those that are, in my opinion, the best. Having said that, I know there are some scenarios and mods that I have simply forgotten to rate. So apologies to those I've neglected. In other instances I've left feedback here on the forum when the designer has announced his/her creation. I know that scenario and mod design take a lot of time and effort, and I very much appreciate the work that other players have put in. I'd also like to add my thanks to Todd/cozog, the creator of CMMODS itself. CMMODS has been around for a few years now, and I've got a lot out of it, as I know others have. It can be slow at times, but it remains an invaluable resource for CM fans. So I, too, would encourage users to rate the scenarios and mods they've downloaded. And if your feedback can't be positive, at least try to make it constructive in a way that helps the designer to know what he/she might do to improve it.
  13. Yep, I've come across the vehicle thing too, in PT's scenarios and others. As described, a vehicle placed in an excellent ambush position, but facing completely or partially in the wrong direction.
  14. By my understanding, the game plays the most recent mod/skin the player has installed. Does this mean that a new module (eg Marines) will overwrite the relevant player mods that I have installed? For example, I have the Plain Russian vehicles mod, the Flames and Muzzle explosion mods, as well as others. Will these now be replaced by the new module?
  15. Outstanding! You really deserve to be on the BFC payroll! I'm very much looking forward to this. The Marines module will be great, no doubt, but I suspect that after a little while playing with the new toys US supremacy may start to grate a little and the more evenly balanced Red on Red battles will be calling me. Keep 'em coming!
  16. Fascinating stuff. RedRage, great videos. The commentator in the first one has one of the strangest British accents I've ever hear. Quite creepy, in fact. M1A1TC, it'd be good to know what each of those vehicles/weapons are. And any chance you can introduce me to the combatant in the blue beret? I think I want to sign up. (who cares which side?)
  17. But is that actually possible? To get between one set of wheels is feasible, I would say, but to fly straight out again through such a small gap on the other side of the vehicle? What are the chances of the angle of motion vs angle of target vehicle being so perfectly aligned as to allow that to happen? btw, if you still have the save, try replaying and looking for an explosion beyond the target tank. If the missile did escape between the wheels it will have to have made contact somewhere else.
  18. Just to add my two penneth worth, as I've mentioned in another thread some while ago, I've come across this problem (as a player) a number of times. Sometimes, too, the units remain with their backs to me even after coming under fire from my troops. It kind've dissipates the immersion factor.
  19. Great shot! Did it explode or did it run straight between the wheels and keep on travelling?
  20. I'm pretty damn sure I wouldn't have got such a victory if I'd played the campaign straight. As I said above, I lost mission one and hence had to restart. Rather than start again from scratch I went to an earlier save and, knowing what was waiting, was able to march on to a 'win' pretty much unscathed. That gave me some major advantages for the following two missions. I see from the blog that the new patch and module contains a new super-Elite level, 'Iron'. It could be interesting to see what treats and punishments that holds. Having said that, my preference in a game/sim of this type is to play at the level that most faithfully simulates battlefield reality. Look forward to your next missions.
  21. Finished! Total victory for both final scenario and Campaign. ******Spoiler****** As you said, the last one was not a huge challenge, given that I had a considerable force, particularly of tanks, at my disposal. Nonetheless, there were some sticky moments, and I certainly enjoyed it. The village seemed very lightly defended at the end, though. Of course, I have no way of knowing how many units were knocked out by my heavy arty. Anyway, yet again, a great campaign. Now I've just got time, I think, to try a couple of other scenarios before those old leathernecks arrive. Looking forward to replaying both your campaigns with the updates.
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