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Everything posted by handihoc

  1. Actually, I'm thinking it could also be a Wildebeest. Heh-heh! I was only joking though. But wildlife flavour objects would be cool.
  2. I love these, particularly the 'plain old' look. Got the earlier versions already installed, so this' will complement them. Thanks, dude!
  3. PT, in the first pic above, is that a COW standing in the middle of the field in front of the nearest tank??? Where can I download the Syrian cow mod??
  4. It's Battle for Objective Pooh, and it's in the Marines campaign.
  5. in the UK, where we write our dates properly, 1.11 would be the first of November.
  6. In response to an earlier query of mine in another thread, Steve did say flamethrowers will be included.
  7. MW, yeah, probably half or more of the guys on this forum are either currently or formerly serving troopers (not me, though. I'm just a wargaming grog). It's one of the things that makes the forum interesting - getting it from the horses' mouths. It also helps with the authenticity of this great game - these guys won't let anything past that ain't for real. Look at some of the mods they've produced. The attention to detail. Heck, one of 'em even remodded the soles of soldiers' boots 'cos the original tread wasn't quite right!
  8. HELL, YE-ESSSS!!! Interesting you should bring this question up just two days after I invested in a brand spanking new 28 incher. Yes, that's 28 inches of pure heaven, which recession blues here in the UK brought me as an early Christmas present to myself, £100 cheaper than a couple of weeks ago. My life is forever changed. I will probably never leave the house again. SF - as well as other games - is quite astonishing at 1920x1200 pixels. Movies are much, much better too. Even Internet Explorer looks amazing! I was happy enough with my 19". I use twin screens, and had two 19's side by side. Now the remaining 19" looks very humble alongside this gleaming, swaggering monster. This is one investment I'm very glad I've made. Size matters, and don't let anyone tell you different.
  9. Thanks for the explanation. It sounds like something I could make good use of now that I've finally understood the concept.
  10. From what I understand from other threads and Steve's posts, a lot of work is being done by BFC on this issue in preparation for V1.11. It affects quite a few players, though the reason seems hard to pin down as other players with similar setups apparently don't suffer. Hopefully, if we are patient, we'll get a resolution. I would certainly hesitate before reinstalling my OS - sounds a bit radical to me.
  11. Excellent. There are times when I view screenshots from this game and for a moment have to ask myself if I'm looking at a realword photo.
  12. I meant Chechnya-type battles. Obviously, we are not expecting US Marines to turn up in Grozny. Unless . . .
  13. Excellent. I particularly like the desert one for Syria. The green should go well for Chechnya etc.
  14. Do you have palyer mods installed? I don't know about the specific error you mention, but initially I had some problems with Marines and it turned out to be a conflict with a couple of mods I'd installed (in my case it was, sadly, the Syrian air icons and Mord's radio chatter, and they just had to go). Try going 'vanilla' - clear all mods, and try playing. If the problem's gone, put them back in one by one until you find the culprit/s. Possibly also, you may need to either update or roll back your nvidia drivers. Hope it works. btw you mention an intro movie. What? I don't get a movie, just a splash screen.
  15. Mehman, welcome to the club! Have a look at this thread. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=84007 It's being worked on, but there's not yet a fix.
  16. I think you're probably suffering the same problem as me and several others. Take at this thread: http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=84007 Unfortunately there's not yet a fix, though there are some tips in there that might help.
  17. Mord, I hope all goes well for you, and that you can keep posting here. It'll be interesting to read a journal of your experiences - well, BF games forum may not be the right place, depending on Steve and co's policy, but if you can post or blog somewhere, let us know. Good luck, bro!
  18. Well, interesting topic - though apologies for hijacking the thread. I'd never really thought about it before. Anybody know how long to start an Abrams or similar AFV? And the economics/practicalities of leaving the engine idling for two or three hours over starting up as and when necessary?
  19. That's interesting. I understand it would obviously apply to tanks manouevring for attack or defence, but tanks positioned in a town/village, awaiting possible attack? I would have thought silence would be the safer option until contact was made. Otherwise, theoretically, the engine could be running all day.
  20. Another related point that I've often wondered about: why are vehicle engines always running, even when parked? It's a sure giveaway of their positions long before you get a visual (assuming sound contacts are active in the game).
  21. That may be so, and I'm no tech expert, but surely the fact that Core2s are (at least in my and many other cases) only using one cpu has to be a factor? I'm currently playing Bioshock, a very cpu and graphics hungry beast indeed, and it runs perfectly, maxed out, with both cpus sharing the workload pretty evenly and rarely exceeding 75% of capacity.
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