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Everything posted by handihoc

  1. Zoot alors! Mon Dieu! Certainement, le UI peecture, eez Saddam? Il n'est pas mort!
  2. The Marines campaign is very challenging and well worth getting as, in synch with the v1.11 patch, it takes the CMx2 engine to a new level. The improvements over the past year or so of continued development are really impressive.
  3. Yes, it's definitely worth going back later (keep the Mission 4 save), as there are some great missions along that route. But stick with Pooh for now as it's excellent, as are the ones that follow. Great campaign overall.
  4. Unbelievable! I'd forgotten my own name! Damned American whiskey!
  5. I've been trying to log in and can't. May have forgotten my login details. I then tried to ask for a new password but am getting the message that my username AND email address are not recognised. HELP!!
  6. Flanker, you're right, but I didn't mind. It seemed reasonable that more stuff would be rolling down the road. * * * Slight Spoiler***** * * * I didn't need the last two arrivals (engineers and heavy infantry weapons) to get a win, but as they came late in the day, when the battle was near won, that didn't matter (although I didn't know I was close to victory until I got a surrender soon after their arrival). The fighting up to that point had been fierce and very challenging. Some of the Syrian Airborne inf were very deadly indeed.
  7. Yeah, I'm really impressed with the campaign overall with 1.11, especially now the slideshow bug and Route Tiger/Eagle thing has been eradicated. Just about every battle is a major challenge, with a lot of variation between each. Pathfinding is much improved, infantry respond much more realistically, and the AI generally makes a very tough opponent. ****Slight Spoiler**** * * * * SNAFU's great because there are effectively four separate skirmishes going on, in different terrain types. A couple evolve into major armoured confrontations, and others involve some serious 'hunt the hidden inf and atgms' tactics. And yes, I lost three Abrams and two more were in a sorry condition by the end (and I have to admit this was with the advantage of reverting to earlier saves a couple of times). I play WEGO, so I got to replay each skirmish as I chose. Probably in RT I'd've had a lot more trouble locating some of those hidden enemy units. First time I'd encountered T90s too. Great fun.
  8. Just played the SNAFU scenario, near the end of the Marines campaign. Fantastic battle on a truly superb map. Mega-tricky with loads of very nicely set encounters and ambushes. It's the first fully combined arms mission I've experienced, with army plus marines and various assets. And though it's a huge map with very many units, performance was smooth throughout. Rock on!
  9. Or get FRAPS, which is free and gives you your frame rate as well as taking instant screenshots.
  10. Hmm, while I like the sound of this mod (no pun intended), I'm slightly wary of overwriting base game files as opposed to adding alternatives in my Z folder. Could you clarify, please: if I install this/these mods, am I overwriting the base game files in a way that, should I for any reason want to uninstall, will make if impossible (or at least problematic) to return to the originals?
  11. PT, I think you shold stop there before you incriminate yourself!!
  12. Well, I'm glad you're still here, Meach (but where's Mishga lately?), and I hope you're recovering well. Hope too that we'll all be here when the Russians are coming as well as for liberating Europe and the world! Bring it on!
  13. It just gets better and better! I remember, maybe twenty years ago (ouch!), with my best wargaming buddy, playing games like Confrontation, D-Day and Lords of Midnight on a ZX Spectrum. What fun they were, but jeez, how limited. And we dreamed of what the future might hold now that computers had arrived . . . . well, here we are, and I can barely hold it in waiting to see what you guys are going to turn out over the next year or so. Just hope I don't die first.
  14. Look forward to this, and to your Brits campaign even more!
  15. Uedel, that's very strange. I had that problem pre-v1.11, but the new patch fixed it. Maybe a patch reinstall is needed??
  16. For me, the more realistic the better. And my guess is that spotting a hidden inf unit, particularly at distance, particularly in buildings or good cover, would not be an easy task, even with the technology US forces have at their disposal. So the spotting seems relatively realistic to me. Maybe someone with relevant field experience can comment on this?
  17. And the ability for vehicles to shunt dead vehicles aside (as per CMx1), and push/tow bogged vehicles.
  18. Has anyone played through the Afternoon Delight scenario near the end of the Marines Campaign? It's the one where you have to take the chemical storage plant. I just completed it - had a tough battle but took both locations, wiped out every single enemy on the map, lost five vehicles and 19 men, but thought I'd got a victory. Instead, Total Defeat. Anyone found the same? btw, finally got to complete Sgt Muhammed's Pooh (sorry! I know!), as in v1.10 I couldn't finish due to the slideshow bug. Fantastic battle, Sarge! Love the atmosphere and transition from pre-dawn recce to all out urban combat. Also the subsequent battles: Milk Run, Debouche to Disaster, and others along the now fully functioning Route Tiger. Some excellent, very challenging scenarios in there, guys. Thanks, and congratulations!
  19. Directional smoke grenades for inf.
  20. Webwing, what are you doing here? Get back to work on that campaign! Please.
  21. Only joking! MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYBODY!!! Oh, ho, ho! And many thanks for 1.11, Battlefront. It's a cracker! I also want to say thanks for letting me take part as a temp beta tester on that patch. (I was asked to help test it as I had the slideshow problem bigtime, and I have to say I was/am hugely impressed by the amount of work that went into producing it. I can't remember how many incarnations of the patch I saw - and I had to resist the temptation to comment when I saw some of the pre-patch posts here, but a condition of testing was to keep my lips buttoned - and each one added so much more to the quality of an already outstanding game. Little tweaks, major fixes, extras etc. It was a privilege to be a small part of the process, and to witness just how dedicated Battlefront are to their product and their customers.) I don't know of any other games company that compares. Nor of a games community with so many good and interesting and creative peepsters in it. All you guys (and the lovely Mishga, of course!) rock. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!
  22. A few what? Shots of bourbon? Beers? Women?
  23. Totally agree. Webwing, just stay away from here and keep working!! Bardosy, good to hear, even if it did take you four months to respond! I know Phantom's been lurking, and has put out at least one new scenario. Haven't had chance to play it yet, was so busy with PT's red campaigns and then the Marines camp, which I still haven't completed. So all's good from the sound of it.
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