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Everything posted by dieseltaylor

  1. stoat - You forget the 6lber [57mm]. British gun can kill Tigers especially if it has tungsten when it can do a TigerI head on. With a battalion purchase you get 6 of the little devils with transport. There are also about 5 British tanks with the 6Lber and an armoured car. With tungsten all of these can kill a Tiger head on at 500 mtres, side on at 1000metres. A 17pdr can kill TigerI' s with normal AP and Tungsten out to 2000metres at zero degrees inclination, probably 1000metres at 30 degrees slope. I have lost two Tigers to bazooka side shots, at range, in a single game. I have also had a Tiger shrug off 5 frontal hits from a bazooka.
  2. Crumbs Jules Verne was brilliant! but so Jules was a young man when they were invented. Tsk!
  3. Found by Wisbech lad this is absolutley brilliant. Funny and pointed. And not political. http://seantevis.com/kansas/3000/running-for-office-xkcd-style/
  4. On reflection I have wondered about the assumption that are womenfolk are keen we bonk three times a week! Perhaps there is a hidden agenda here. BTW it reminds me of the man who complained to his golfing partner that since his wife had taken up aerobics he was being restricted to sex twice a week. "Twice a week" screeches his friend " She's banned the rest of us completely!"
  5. And of course those of the average age of this forum
  6. As if anyone cared other than the paper was publishing such a ****e piece of blog. Of course when you recall how the paper prides itself on being honest and trustworthy and is always having a pop at anyone who falls from these high standards ......... Launch a campaign against nepotism and corruption then do it yourself - oh brilliant. Incidentally to find out this guy has been on freebie holidays at least half a dozen times - including Thailand - does rather affect your view about this novice traveller who is ****ting himself with the fear of it all.
  7. Having had the leader writers and then BBC friends complain about the loutish readers the thread run for another thousand replies: Highlights One of the most gifted readers received many plaudits including an offer of marriage and his reply - and finally
  8. Coo! I suppose becoming the worlds most obese nation you feel the need to throw your weight about a bit by insulting the English middle classes and the "decline" of the UK. : ) Given the backdrop of the Guardians attack on nepotism then current, and its previous stance on fairness, it is hardly surprising that there was a reaction. Hypocrisy never sits well we those who can spell it. : ) Still I suppose in Australia the Press is less tainted to pandering to interests and nepotism.
  9. Oh boy it rumbles on and this is just so SO apposite - and published in the Guardian AND the travel editor replies http://blogs.guardian.co.uk/travelog/2008/02/editors_response_to_yesterdays.html and gets it even more in the neck : ) AND http://waynetype.blogspot.com/
  10. Wiki Just for info And this article is interesting of Iran's pending oil crisis http://www.iht.com/articles/2007/01/08/opinion/edstern.php
  11. My guess is the firewall needs to be set to allow it. Get your friends to see if they can TCP/IP each other.
  12. Hmmm. who would have thunk it - politics involved! I think this sends a bad message to the world. When a contract has been bought it ought to stay bought. This message is vitally important for US relations with a lot of countries : )
  13. http://webandofbrothers.de/index.htm Have a look at the site and see if it suits you
  14. Hmmm fair bit to read there. BTW are you familiar with this Company called AFCEnergy of which, briefly, I was a shareholder. I still like the technology and they are being sensible about how cheaply it needs to be made and serviced. There are other industries that may provide similar opportunities.
  15. I am not clear which part of Wartsila I should be looking at! The biofuel generators? Nice site
  16. Excellent links. Thanks. Going off the first site there is this petition to sign for UK voters Manufacturers of devices requiring DC power - mobile phones and electronic games - deliberately create a plethora of different power connectors in order to tie in customers. This means every time you buy a new phone or game, you have to throw away the charger, which is also bad for the environment. This is an area where legislation is needed to protect consumer interests. An act of parliament should be passed creating a standard committee whose approval would be needed for the introduction of any new style of connector. The manufacturer would be required to demonstrate that existing permitted designs would not meet the need of their product. The committee would also be responsible for maintaining the list of approved designs with the remit of reducing the list year-on-year. Here "design" refers to the combination of voltage level and physical shape. And we are all suffering from that!
  17. Before this plan was put into effect, however, the 39th Infantry received permission from Division to send its 3d Battalion independently against Quineville without the assistance of the 22d Infantry. At 1400 thirty-six A-2 0 's carried out a bombardment of enemy positions at Quineville and it was desirable that this bombardment be followed as soon as possible by an infantry attack. At 1600 the 3d Battalion, 39th Infantry, moved out with Company K in the lead. Initially the company encountered little opposition and took sixty-eight prisoners. On the slopes just southwest of Quineville leading elements of the company successfully attacked a casemated 88-mm. gun and took the crew prisoner. At this time tanks of the 70th Tank Battalion, operating with the 39th Infantry, opened fire at long range on what appeared to be enemy vehicles on the right flank, and drew antitank fire. This movement on the right proved to be that of tank destroyers attached to the regiment's 1st Battalion, which was fighting its way up the beach in the vicinity of St. Marcouf. The firing ceased after identification was established by flare and radio. I have taken too long : (. My ID was for the one on the hedge along the Rue d'Eglise as it ties in with the narrative and is a place I would put it to cover the coast. The other building way too large I would think for a single 88mm and is lower and would not fit the narrative. [ June 22, 2008, 01:00 PM: Message edited by: dieseltaylor ]
  18. Sounds brilliant fun. Excellent post.
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