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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by dieseltaylor

  1. Thanks for the links Wrath. I think they provide enough information to carry out the quick method I advocate - but then I have no published maps and am not a beta-tester so what do I know : ) The elevation information is very interesting and perhaps spot heights or some other clue is required as to what two levels equates to. Nice to consider how far 88's might snipe at : )
  2. I assume the strategic map only shows light detail- towns roads, generally woody, barren hilly, mountainous and therefore fine detail does not exist. I have run two 2km auto-generated maps and put on the relevant roads and a village. Fairly trivial in terms of time and effort in my samples but 15 minutes I think would cover a map for adding bits and checking for geographic feasibility. I am quite keen on maps and have French and English detailed maps so perhaps I am lucky in my eyeballing for logic and patterns. Russia is obviously not as easy but there are very detailed maps available on the web - I have had one or two to examine. However replication is not required just the right sort of flavour for terrain of that type. I know Renaud does beautiful Russian maps and I imagine there are others familiar with the terrain and general population density and housing patterns etc.
  3. In some ways I am wary of a multitude of specially designed maps as I think there are two risks: 1. Individually the maps are beautiful works of art but do not relate to the adjacent tiles very well. If they are 2km square getting the roads correct is mandatory and obvious however the general terrain may be bizarrely different. 2. The maps become mix and match generic in that roads will always be half way or two thirds on a side. That the scenery also becomes generic to meet a "standard". My hope is that within the CMBB engine that the generated maps are used but are only tweaked lightly [for roads and villages] so that we do not have "fair" maps. Fair maps are the designers view of what gives equal chances to both sides and surely in CMC we are looking to maximise disadvantages prior to the battle. Having "fair" maps argues that the designer knows what the forces there will consist off - which cannot be known ahead of the campaign. And even then weather and year of battle can change the terrain effects. Ultimately for Russia we know that good maps were not in the hands of the forces fighting there so a few high level shots of all the map squares could be provided to each side. And deriving from the master map the general areas of terrain could be substantially generated and tweaked swiftly for the roads etc. Sending scouting forces to get detailed maps would be an interesting addition to the game flavour and provide plenty of reasons for light actions. : )
  4. http://women.timesonline.co.uk/tol/life_and_style/women/beauty/article4401376.ece About 5 years ..... and then
  5. Assuming that it is technically feasible - which it should be - it just goes to show what you can do if you think big. Something too vast for private enterprise - and of course probably too long term for investors. http://www.eetindia.co.in/ART_8800539053_1800008_NT_b5fc3555.HTM I do see a future where sun belt countries are going to have a lot of cheap power possibilities.
  6. BTW Stick I trust the Russians are not inconveniencing you. : ) I cannot link currently to either one you have given - probably my settings but from the above list it is not clear whether you include random casualties. I am all in favour of casualties being included for historicity, and also variable rarity.
  7. Find the scenario Chaulnes. On the basis that the Allies never win feel free to use the tons of equipment available to you and lose in style. Then play as the Germans. A great fun way to burn lots of tanks and learn quickly. The scenario is at either at TSD or TPG which I am sure are linked somewhere or are Googlable. Two things to remember. Smoke is the Allies friend. The bocage[tall] hedges allow Allied tanks through but not German.
  8. I do find it irritating to have to change this setting every time I come to BF forum. Am I missing some trick? Anyone prefer the narrow format?
  9. I agree with Other Means -: ) Smooth reply Celtic women actually had greater freedom than in other contemporary culture and in fact the culture was very widely spread. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Celt
  10. When I first read this post I thought there is no real discussion possible. First off what reason do they have to move? Is there a flag? At one space does defensive fire have a reaction time that prevents it being effective? As it stands if I have a 90% chance of a hit regardless of range why move? Presumably the defensive fire is specific for incoming to the target - or possibly not. If it is specific to target then mass fire should guarantee a kill as defensive fire will be overloaded/run out. The concept of mass fire does suggest a single controlling mind, if each player makes their own mind up anything is possible. Do they have team orders to act as one mind. Do they phase their shots to save ammo on already dead targets. Gut feeling is that the correct tactic is for each player to fire immediately at its opposite target and hope for a kill. Also to defend against incoming whilst awaiting the result of the attacking shot. Rinse and repeat. The side that gets lucky on the first round should have an advantage that all other things being equal means it should be able to shoot defenceless targets at game end. Obviously I have made some assumptions but my caveats could create another game from the one I am imagining. As for adding more players and more shots I am not sure it adds greatly to what seems a very boring game so will waste no more time on it. I suspect it means on millions of games the results will likely be more even as you increase numbers. Reducing to one per side will give longer running streaks ....
  11. I have just completed a game where a Panther lived through several penetrating shots from the rear by a 6pdr[57mm]. Immobilised, two rear turret penetrations ,and a rear engine deck hit, and I think one other. The crew ended the minute shocked and the game ended!. I am not unduly put out as nothing is certain in war. BTW immobilised tanks tend to have crews bailing out so penetration is not necessary to kill a tank.
  12. I can remember my very early days when I used to fear every bush and wood. First thing is to look at what your opponent can afford to buy. When you realise he has only x units that can hurt your tanks you can then rationalise where they are likely to be. OK you may be wrong but CM is very much a game of experience so you have to accept that losing is a definite possibility whilst you are on the learning curve. Expect to lose, take your best guesses, and then learn from what works and what does not. There is an awful lot of literature written on how to play CM - and not all of it is contradictory : ) One last thing - when learning you may aswell play quickly as spending 15 minutes on a move that will be revealed as a disater in 30 seconds is discouraging. Play a few games just taking your moves quickly will give you plenty of information to digest that will be immediately relevant. When you then read people's opinions on how best to play you will have some basis to compare. Happy hunting
  13. I think the Olympic movement has corrupted a lot of sports. Sport was played for pleasure and now many are big businesses. Sad.
  14. Looks great! so google battlefield-heroes and going to the videos section and the release trailer you will not regret it
  15. I ration myself but I think the AI is not that great - but then if it were smarter I would lose more than 10% of the time.
  16. Yes you can. I have just finished a sponsor game with a Belgian using Hotmail and the full trusted mode . Chaulnes - played in slightly over a week - a tribute to us both being home based : ) There are a couple of guides I can send you explaining how it works. Some people pickup on it immediately without any help and some take time. It does not work with Apples . Very rarely is there a problem and out of the thirty people I have introduced only one or three did not adopt. It was/has been difficult with Comcast users as Comcast are b****** with blocking files. It is interesting that two CM players both felt strongly enough on its value to write guides! I should mention PBEMHelper is not CM specific but does cover about 40 different games.
  17. Sorry to have a little pop. It just struck me as funny. The forums are dying and one of the reasons is the CM clubs take some of the vitality out of these forums. Much as I ask other people in WeBoB to come here - and leave links so they do it is not very satisfactory. Because of the bad rep for dropped games that sometimes went with forum opponents the clubs have creamed off the players somewhat. I like my club because it is not ladder driven and pretty relaxed. However it does require every member to record/play a game once a quarter and it does have a sponsor system to weed out the uncommitted who bail when the game gets rough. If you think you would want to play at once a quarter[or more] e-mail me. You can see the club here: http://webandofbrothers.de/index.htm Of course you could take the view that if they are as rude as me .... : ) There are plenty of US sponsors available out of the 200+ who are actually nice guys - its a very relaxed club. Incidentally on the time front, if you do play PBEM again, I recommend highly PBEMHelper. If you are prepared to trust your opponent the Fast & trusted method means each e-mail you get actually will allow you to watch two movies and have two input turns. This means games can easily be completed in a month. Perhaps the chief benefit is that the action each e-mail is much more immersive and it is easier to keep track of what is going on. regards diesel
  18. Thats the stickability I like in an opponent : )
  19. ! command delay in CMAK!! I never knew that. BTW are the reaction times the same in CMBB and CMAK?
  20. I won my first and only game with 7 players. Essentially get yourself a defensive area and knock out players even if you over extend. Unallocated forces, that is over the 8 stacking max, are held off-board and stock you up. I found out that when I could only launch attacks into a single hex and though only having four territories the final enemy rebuilt to max for many turns. For coming light relief it is worth finding this battlefield-heroes and going to the videos section and the release trailer you will not regret it
  21. RealPlayer has no problems. Free version and not Microsoft : )
  22. Enough solar energy hits the earth in an hour to power the earth for a year - you have to think thta we ought to be able to do something .... http://www.edn.com/article/CA6583673.html?nid=3351&rid=1478530340
  23. Interesting the local history Wicky. Nice to see a smart idea really working. I was surprised that Valentines were diesels and looking at the link does not allay my doubts. However silly me should have looked to Wiki first! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valentine_tank
  24. Seriously techy question!! The Canadian factory I suspect built straight GM engines whereas Vauxhall the GM UK subsidiary would have its own enegine range. They also built trucks - Bedfords - so without any research my guess is UK sourced diesels to local design. I am now prepared to be proved wrong : )
  25. One thing the 2"mortar has is no minimum range. Useful in night fighting - how useful I do not know as I have carried out no tests. Probably also useful in dense wood and very broken country where there is limited command range. Given the choice the 60mm is probably more potent as it has the extra ammo AND range. The concept of ranged fire being bought in on troops engaged in a firefight is interesting as morale generally at night is very fragile. I have also used it against buildings to suppress enemy squads - here again no testing done. Interesting to see the French can have both Stoat - good spot.
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