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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by dieseltaylor

  1. Cool Breeze. Agreed compared to the energy from the sun the contribution would be tiny tiny but it is a positive factor and all other things being equal would have an effect in time. It does highlight though the idiocy factor that the sun provides more power than we can ever use but we do not harvest it very much. As you are new to the forum the JK abuse/baiting you have found shocking. It is. Not all JK's theories are sound but abusing people, or in JonS cases suggesting you will become thicker by corresponding with JK, is rather a sad indictment of JonS 's apparent pre-occupation with slagging JK off. Given that every week apparent certainties in the scientific world are being overturned in many fields it seems insane to get riled over anyones contributions even if they offend your own convictions. Having said that of course I have deep trouble with aggressive organised religion and popular culture, modern society, traffic, crap food ....... OOps : )
  2. I agree with the comment filed. Not as much substance as one would wish. Mr Tufte remains God. : ) I have his three main books and some of the graphs in there are absolutley wonderful. The Japanese have a lovely way with timetables : ) Of course he did himself a little disservice with the rocket launch disaster but in general his books are great reading. Probably in my top ten most loved books that I would take from my library in case of fire. I have just bought 4 Braudel books which could make the list ..... its tough. Having just moved I have been moving the books about and I reckon there are 1000 plus. The cookery and gardening are each 100 plus and the humour/joke books must be similar. ditto military, relatively little fiction. One day I am going to try and read some of my books.
  3. It seems to me that you should therefore just feel superior and leave it be. After all in a country devoted largely to creationism, Christianity, along with cult followings for Buffy, Heroes and other realistic fare it does seem rough to pick on one guy for bringing us stuff that is as believable as Buffy is*. *And often more believable JK does actually post a lot of interesting stuff on military matters but then a lot of his critics do not appear on the CM1 forums so they are probably unaware, or do not care to give credit for that.
  4. Wcky Nothing wrong with posting to the forum. Those who find JK's stuff upsetting have no need to read it. It does say who started the thread. I welcome the chance to see the oddball elements that he comes across. It was a worthwhile excursion into underwater volcanoes. As with most posters there is dross and gold. Attacking posters does seem a peculiarly useless - particularly if you appear to believe your view is that of the entire forum. Which it is not.
  5. Realism vs gameplay I think will be the crunch for WW2. And of course scale - which I assume is set irrevocably to a lower level than CM1. Best of luck anyway
  6. Coo more interesting than I first thought - sorry I shjould have said complicated!
  7. Is that the difference between major economies and the also rans. Primitive Russia and Korea had the benefit of being dragged up byt he rest of the world is my guess
  8. It is wonderful how something becomes so mainstream but is insecure. http://www.automotivedesignline.com/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=210605589&cid=NL_autodl Researchers highlight GPS vulnerability By Drew Wilson Courtesy of EE Times Europe (09/30/2008 8:14 AM EDT) BERLIN — A group of Virginia Tech and Cornell University researchers have underlined a vulnerability in GPS navigation by "spoofing" GPS receivers. "Spoofing" is a term used in the radar community for the transmission of fake GPS signals that receivers accept as authentic ones. The researchers modified equipment to send out a false signal, which a navigation device took for the real thing. By demonstrating the vulnerability of receivers to spoofing, the researchers believe that they can help devise methods to guard against such attacks. "Our goal is to inspire people who design GPS hardware to think about ways to make it so the kinds of things we're showing can be overcome," said Mark Psiaki, Cornell professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering. Handheld GPS receivers are popular for their usefulness in navigating unfamiliar highways or backpacking into wilderness areas. But GPS is also embedded in the world's technological fabric. Such large commercial enterprises as utility companies and financial institutions have made GPS an essential part of their operations. "GPS is woven into our technology infrastructure, just like the power grid or the water system," said Paul Kintner, electrical and computer engineering professor and director of the Cornell GPS Laboratory. "If it were attacked, there would be a serious impact." Related articles:
  9. Thanks for undead. I never knew the other type had evolved and gone on to such big things! Sounds positively dangerous to rational humans to get involved - the level of detail is amazing. Shame the maps look so awful.
  10. Absolute tosh. There is nothing in this video that has any substance though it might delude someone who does not follow the stock market. I would not be surprised if the film were an elaborate spoof based on a few facts and some daft connections in order to flush out the gullible. There is no doubt huge collusionary forces at work but that is herd mentality and hedge funds. Within that there will always be groups of people better placed to ride the market - but not necessarily making the correct decisions. : )
  11. http://members.tripod.com/johnnocmdow/unit1.htm http://users.erols.com/chare/cm/ I had the advantage of knowing they existed so the search on this forum for "spreadsheets" was rewarded : )
  12. http://blogs.zdnet.com/BTL/?p=10303&tag=nl.e539 ZDNET article on why Vista has failed. It also reminded me that there is a rollback facility - not that I know what it does. Makes Vista like XP?
  13. Very interesting article, and also news to me of a further 6 month extension to new computers coming with XP http://blogs.zdnet.com/BTL/?p=10303&tag=nl.e539
  14. PBEMHelper uses .VBS to do all the clever little automated bits. You should check if Vista, or your firewall/virus checker by default stop .VBS running. I could be wrong on this and if you find clicking on a game file in the PBEM list in Helper gets the game opened up then .VBS is working within your computer. Therefore the transmitting out might be the problem as per firewall etc. I am sorry it is a chore however perhaps in the interim just use Helper for tracking games and manually send them. Pressing the F5 key to increment the turn is a little script. : ) However you could manually open your e-mail program and add the file to send. Not ideal but it would index all your games and keep the passwords etc.
  15. Use the BF forum mail system its probably as easy. Just mention it here so I know if I have missed it coming : ) The alternative site is where to get the program as I recall Version 1.3.362 (11.9.2004) by Harri Pesonen © 2000-2004 View the latest version of this document (alternative). Download the latest PBEM Helper version (alternative), 2.5 MB. When updating, it is usually enough just to download the executable (alternative), without system files, 460 kB. PS Dan i am having trouble sending currently but it will reach you
  16. Very military of ypu GJK. The Bobbin bought back into use - very clever. I had not realised that you get ticked boxes when looking at other peoples designs - rather confusingly I have to check which I have done and which I have seen ...... Its really impressive to see the thought that goes to solving them. And some of the later ones look impossible to me.
  17. Might be interesting to hear what the Prudential agent for the sale thinks is going on Listing courtesy of: PRUDENTIAL REALTYCENTER.COM Agency Phone: (423) 842-8887 Agent Name: FELICIA HUDSON
  18. i think what has to be made clear is: A] the Yahoo contact was he selling agent for the owner or B] was he inserting himself into the process as the buyers agent and should be rewarded for "finding" the property I suspect B] given the story so far. If this is the case the idea is to load your site with really tasty properties and when contacted you then contact the real seller or agent. The actual vendor may not wish to cut in this guy for the introduction and he is going after Ironbar for some money. As Ironbar has been apparently mislead by the Yahoo man then I would think there is no contract. However it is probably worth checking the Yahoo site to see for any strange wordings or quasi-contracts that Ironbar should have seen. I would also flag this issue up to Better Business or its equivalent if the Yahoo man is purporting to be an authorised agent of the seller.
  19. It is amazing how detailed some people's are. I have done #16 Awash and then looked at what others have done. Someone has a design with only two wheels and wins. Incredible when you see others with a dozen or more driving wheels doing the same task. The build a bridge game was similar fun but you had to get within budget - this is more fun : ) And easier to understand.
  20. Black Hand. I would suggest you use Helper to organise your turns currently and then progress to the sending side. You can attach turns to your normal e-mail messages and helper will clock that. More to the point if you send me your e-mail address I can send you the two different manuals people have written on using it. It is very well worth persevering with. I have played over 200 games using it and introduced 30 plus players to it. Satisfied testimonials are available : ) If you are playing someone you trust the "Fast & Trusted" method allows each e-mail to contain two movies and two moves. This means even long games can be finished inside a month. I would also maintain it is very much more immersive and instructive as you see things in 2 minute blocks rather than perhaps a single film every other day.
  21. http://FantasticContraption.com/?designId=2443566 This is my Mars contraption. Having the capsule in different places makes for different designs. Elmar said you could move it - but I can't.
  22. Subvet - your Mission to Mars! I was gutted that I could not do it so I looked at yours. The ball is in a different place .!! Mine is just above the pole of the planet.!
  23. http://www.videsignline.com/210601739;jsessionid=B3RJTO0SQ51CSQSNDLRSKH0CJUNN2JVN?pgno=1 New free codec for video from the BBC. Interestingly goes all the way from high end broadcast to streaming and is TOTALLY free . You need to read the article to see what makes it clever and what its advantages are.
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