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Everything posted by Treeburst155

  1. Try holding your CMBO disk by the edges as you would to insert it into the drive. Then, do the same thing with the CMBB disk. Is it my imagination, or is the CMBB disk a little more flimsy, lighter weight, more flexible, etc.. There is no noticeable difference in disk thickness. The CMBB disk just feels....less substantial. BTW, I have some oddities on my disk, but it seems to work just fine. On the label side are two small bumps about 1/32" in diameter. On the reflective side, there is a very strange looking area on the extreme outer edge about 1/2" long. It's difficult to describe. Anyhoo, it works with the CD player I'm using now. Treeburst155 out.
  2. I am currently in the process of taking a beating as the Germans in FOM. I'm finishing Torbhen's game. Having finished two games as the French, I still think the scenario favors the Germans, as the medians show. Treeburst155 out.
  3. Ooops, wrong thread. [ September 28, 2002, 10:29 AM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
  4. I think this was meant to be a thread to discuss all the RoW II scenarios. Players apparently preferred to start a thread for each scenario. You could post AARs to this thread or the scenario specific thread. They would be read if posted to either place, methinks. Treeburst155 out.
  5. The latest scoresheet is on the way to you, Tero. Treeburst155 out.
  6. Yes, Cpl Carrot, you ARE the median so far. Treeburst155 out.
  7. MajorVictory, This is not really a new tournament. We're just allowing the players to play the Finals scenarios even though they are not eligible for the prizes (only section winners are eligible). However, I would like to have 'four player' groups. If I end up with left over players I may be able to use you. Email me, and I'll put you on my list for filling out a group. Mikeman@cablelynx.com Treeburst155 out.
  8. This is what Vader's Jester wrote on the tourney thread. I thought I'd paste it here too. "Fire on the Mountain: Units took up their defensive (hidden) positions arond the flags. Stuck mostly to the defalt deployment with a few minor exceptions. Left most of the field guns in thier spots, and put tanks in what I thought were good positions to pummel troops coming in from the opposite hill tops. First turn, I loose all of my tanks but the Sherman 76. On turn two, I rapidly move him to a hedge near the main road in the center of the map for concealment from the guns. I order several .50 cals and all of my 81mm mortars to open up on the guns that have been spotted. Not sure how to employ them, I foolishly leave my halftracks exposed to the guns who finish them off after the tanks. A min later, a barrage of arty and rockets comes down to desrtoy any supporting infantry the HTs might have had. Fortuneately, the HTs has no such support, and for the most part, only the vehcile crews are molested by the incoming rounds and rockets. The .50 cals and 81mm mortars are having little sucess in taking out the hilltop guns. I order my hilltop batteries to assist in the effort. All the field guns I have are destroyed with the counter fire from his guns. He still has suffered no more than two or three guns being lost. My opponent drops a 105mm prep barrage on the hill with the stone wall to soften up any defences for an assalut by an understrength company. The assualt is a sucess. At the same time, he captures the most forward of the villages to my left flank after a burtal house to house fight. My men are just not able to stomach the horrable fighting, and most of what is left flee for safety. I use the Shermie 76 sitting next to the hedge to harrass the village's new masters. A large reinforcement arrives to my right flank. It is a motorized (and strangly AMERICAN mechanized) intantry group. There are some supporting GP MG units as well as an A/C or two. I plan to rush the collum to the lost hill and village, and issure the appropreate orders. On the next turn however, a 105mm barrage comes down on them and turns the whole thing into a clusterf***! Troops abandon their transports as many explode into flames. It was the best use of artillery in CM I have ever seen. Anyone that played the French knew how big that reinforcement was. My opponent made all but one platoon and A/C die or route within a few turns! I decide to make a last despirate attempt to capture the flags I have lost. I order my 81mm and 105mm spotters to drop everything they have on the stone wall hill. I then use my Sherm 76, the last halftrack, the last A/C, and about a platton of men to contest the village on my left flank. After the arty runs dry, I order a platoon to mop up on the stone-wall hill. To my suprise, the massive drop did almost nothing to the defenders! My platoon is routed in a firefight that had a slight advantage towards his men. The second assault force makes their attempt on the village. However, the troops are too shaken to begin with, and the run when the Germans say "boo." The 76 is Ko'ed by a 20mm flack at close range, but I am able to get the HT and A/C in without dying. They are able to contest the flag when the battle ends. Resutls: A heafty victory for my Axis opponent. It was the attrition he handed to me that did me in more than the flags. I learned some valuable lessions on deployment."
  9. Vader's Jester, I shall take the liberty of posting your latest to the relevant thread in the scenario forum. Treeburst155 out.
  10. The medians for FOM, after splitting the points for unclaimed/contested VLs, and with one game remaining are: Allies 41.5, Axis 58.5 The Nabla ranking so far is: Visom 11.05 Sgt_Gold 10.91 mPisi 10.12 Mikeydz 9.77 Fate 9.77 Ali 9.77 Tabpub 9.39 Jon_L 9.39 THumpre 9.19 John_Kettler 8.78 I_Man 8.56 Kanonier_R 7.09 EASY_V 7.09 Diceman 7.09 Charles 7.09 Zipper 6.53 Tero 6.53 JeffWilders 6.53 MickOZ 5.62 mike8g 5.30 Jim_L 5.30 Ugbash 4.97 Jack_Trap 4.97 Boris 4.27 Juha_A 3.90 J_Porta 3.90 Holien 3.52 Vadr 2.31 Evan_Roberts 2.31 Uber_General 1.88 Spanish_Bombs 1.88 JonS 1.88 Heavy_Drop 1.43 Kunstler 0.49 a1steaks 0.00 Combined_Arms 0.00 Ligur -0.49 Jeb -1.43 von_Lucke -1.88 Strider -1.88 Soddball -1.88 Ozzie_Osbourne -2.31 Cpl_Carrot -2.31 White4 -3.52 The_Capt -3.90 Scheer -3.90 Vaders_Jester -4.27 J_Jelinek -4.97 Bertram -4.97 U8led -5.30 Lopaka -5.30 Wadepm -5.62 Warhammer -6.53 Redwolf -6.53 Hobo -6.53 cuzn -7.09 Tom_Norton -7.09 Saport -7.09 Rat -7.09 Lord_Dragon -8.61 Michael_Dorosh -8.86 MrSpkr -9.36 StuGIII -9.61 Cpt_T -9.61 Ricochet -10.11 RC -10.11 Jarmo -10.11 Bimmer -10.61 Gunnersman -11.86 Big_Dog -12.11
  11. The medians for this scenario, after splitting contested/unclaimed VLs, and missing results for one game are: Allies 43, Germans 57 The Nabla ranking for this scenario so far is: Holien 14.31 Scheer 14.24 Charles 14.00 John_Kettler 13.58 mPisi 13.52 Ricochet 13.33 Jarmo 13.33 Vaders_Jester 13.20 Hobo 13.20 Jeb 13.05 JonS 12.89 MrSpkr 12.72 Jon_L 12.72 U8led 12.15 Kanonier_R 12.15 Lopaka 11.70 Tom_Norton 11.46 Warhammer 10.91 J_Jelinek 10.91 MickOZ 10.12 Bertram 9.19 The_Capt 8.99 Lord_Dragon 8.33 Wadepm 7.35 cuzn 6.81 White4 5.94 Cpt_T 5.94 Big_Dog 5.94 Vadr 5.62 von_Lucke 4.97 a1steaks 4.27 Michael_Dorosh 4.27 Kunstler 4.27 J_Porta 4.27 Tero 0.00 Cpl_Carrot 0.00 Torbhen -4.27 Soddball -4.27 Jim_L -4.27 Combined_Arms -4.27 Juha_A -4.97 I_Man -5.62 Strider -5.94 Evan_Roberts -5.94 Boris -5.94 Heavy_Drop -6.81 Uber_General -7.35 Zipper -8.36 Saport -9.11 Spanish_Bombs -9.36 Visom -10.61 StuGIII -11.86 Bimmer -11.86 Tabpub -12.86 Jack_Trap -13.36 Sgt_Gold -14.36 JeffWilders -14.36 Mikeydz -15.86 Fate -15.86 Diceman -16.36 EASY_V -16.86 RC -17.36 Ozzie_Osbourne -17.36 THumpre -17.86 Ali -17.86 mike8g -18.61 Ugbash -18.86 Rat -20.86 Pixelmaster -22.36 Redwolf -22.86 Edited because I pasted the wrong numbers. [ September 27, 2002, 06:05 PM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
  12. Yes, Holien, you killed Tero. I hope he is out for revenge! Treeburst155 out.
  13. The Nabla scores for this scenario AT THIS POINT give us the following performance ranking among all participants: Combined_Arms 13.80 Evan_Roberts 12.55 Holien 12.45 Ali 12.36 Hobo 12.26 MickOZ 12.04 Kunstler 12.04 Fate 10.12 Kanonier_R 9.95 Jon_L 9.95 Saport 9.58 mPisi 9.39 Scheer 7.86 Lopaka 7.86 Jim_L 7.86 Bertram 7.35 Jeb 6.81 mike8g 6.53 Ugbash 6.53 Uber_General 5.62 Ricochet 5.62 Strider 4.27 Cpl_Carrot 4.27 von_Lucke 3.90 Zipper 3.52 Tom_Norton 3.52 a1steaks 2.73 Michael_Dorosh 2.73 Mikeydz 1.88 Heavy_Drop 1.88 Vadr 0.97 JonS 0.97 RC 0.00 Cpt_T 0.00 The_Capt -0.97 Lord_Dragon -0.97 Vaders_Jester -1.88 EASY_V -1.88 Spanish_Bombs -2.73 J_Porta -2.73 Warhammer -3.52 Ozzie_Osbourne -3.52 Diceman -3.90 White4 -4.27 Wadepm -4.27 Visom -5.62 Jarmo -5.62 Soddball -6.53 Jack_Trap -6.53 Charles -6.81 John_Kettler -7.35 Torbhen -7.86 Ligur -7.86 Bimmer -7.86 J_Jelinek -9.61 Juha_A -9.86 Tabpub -10.36 Boris -10.36 THumpre -10.61 Sgt_Gold -14.11 Big_Dog -14.11 I_Man -14.61 MrSpkr -14.86 Tero -15.11 Redwolf -15.36 Pixelmaster -19.86
  14. The MEDIAN (not the average) scores for this scenario so far, after splitting the unclaimed/contested VL points down the middle are: Allies-53, Axis 47 There are still three games going that could affect this. Treeburst155 out.
  15. Kunstler makes a good point here. I've noticed over the years that people quite often disagree on whether a scenario is "good" or not. Personal preference plays a big part. Treeburst155 out.
  16. "fragile 88's", hehe.....wait until you read some of the AARs. I'd send them to you if I could. It sounds like you may have had more than your share of bad luck in HH. It's interesting that you and I hold opposite views on balance in this one. Very interesting indeed. I played Allies, and you played the Germans. Hmmm.... Treeburst155 out.
  17. Will do, WineCape! Just a few more games to go. I forgot to announce the scenario designers for the three scenarios we can now discuss. They are: Jeff "Jwxspoon" Weatherspoon- Fire On The Mountain Scott Boston- Head For The Hills Wyatt "wwb" Barnett_ Polish Push Thanks guys! Treeburst155 out.
  18. I think it favors the Germans, but only if the defense is a good one. IOW, a skilled German player will get at least a minor victory against any Allied player, even a highly skilled one. I could be wrong though. Perhaps my attack plan was not the best. Treeburst155 out.
  19. I don't understand how this would work. Each scenario was played only two times in total by the Wannabee Finalists. This would not give us an accurate median. Plus, the scenarios you guys are playing are not the same. You are each playing two of three, but not the same two. I just don't see how the Wannabee results can help here. Maybe I'm missing something? Treeburst155 out.
  20. The_Capt, You are one of the many people who I cannot send email to due to anti-SPAM software in use by your ISP. I was trying to send you the scoresheet. Treeburst155 out.
  21. AAR for redwolf in Polish Push Setup: - AT gun shoot down the diagonal road - this forms a killzone right (my view of the road) and on the road, by the bend - AT mines are placed left of the road, to catch tanks which try to escape the AT gun - one Schreck in a foxhole behind the foremost house - in front of the house in front of the Schreck a antipersonnel minefield - behind it one HMG - mortars as battery with QH spotting for it in the high building behind the church. I know it's dangerous, but its my only artillery - two HMG cover the hedge against infantry - one minefield in the gap in the hedge - infantry in the village, mostly in scattered trees besides the roads. One HQ as spotter in upper level of the church. Yes I know... Second one, surprise number one: while I had HQ contact for everybody in setup, now that people dug into the ground I have several units out of command. Amoung them my rightmost squad at the map edge. Turn one sees a tank firing at the church and grunts coming down the roads and at the right (always my view) map edge. The HQ in the church is hit worse than usual and can only be extracted with 1 survivour. Didn't really matter since command was out anyway. My rightmost squad was placed in the ideal positions and withthe help of the mortars hits the attackers at the map edge quite badly. But without HQ the show is over soon, they run and get shot in the back. The Schreck is killed by a squad just runing through the minefield into the house and surviving the HMG fire while killing the Schreck. Next turn, house down, next house. One single shell knocks out both mortars standing behind the house. Enemy infantry is near enough to kill all but 3 crewmen the next turn. All my MGs jam in the same turn. Tanks roll up. One tank gets into the AT gun. My mighty PaK40 against a rather thinnie Cromwell. Three hits, only the third knocks the tank out. But what is that? a broken squad runs back twowards the gun and pushes the gun out of the foxhole. The gun is turned 90 degrees away from the enemy now. Great show, where's my popcorn? Reinforcements! Great! Great? Nope. Beamed directly in front of the the fast-turret Cromwells. Both are knocked out for no return, one without moving, one even without turning. More reinforcements! Great! Great? Nope. Also in LOS of the enemy, although not as bad. But low global morale keeps them from being effective and I get an autosurrender even with this units largely intact. The reinformcement basically only improved the enemy score by handing more prisoners to him. Total loss. %% I do not believe that this scenario can be won. Being unbalanced, that might not even be a design goal. However, there are several fun brakes in this scenario: - the attacker has enough infantry to sweep away defenders without his tanks. The attacker has non of the nice dilemmas that make a game fun - CMBO's restrictions on mortar spotting make on-map mortars a bad choice for this scenario, in a town - the ground is Damp, but the Cromwells are going just fine on it. I think giving Shermans to the attacker would make for mor einteresting gameplay as he is more likely to hug the road - I think the mines should be allowed to be placed further in front of the town - obviously, do not beam Reinforcements right into the action %% I'm not sure what I could have done better, except for pulling my infantry deeper into the village. But that neglects the foxhole advantage, in open ground foxholes are not much better than the buildings you would have been in if I defended from the inside. It would also have made the problem of the StuGs appearing inside fire zones more serious, as you would have advanced even further. Two HMGs covered the hedges, but that was kind of neccessary. If I knew where I was to get reinforcements on the road I would have kept that area open. I should have been more paranoid about units in the buildings, one HQ was badly shot up, although the buildings were quite clear otherwise.
  22. Air support and variable reinforcement entry time are two sources of luck in scenarios. We have decided to avoid these things in future tourneys. I'm not sure there were any variable reinforcement entrances in this tourney, but there won't be in the future. I lost troops and halftracks to my own air support in one game of FOM that I finished. For several turns I thought it was his air-support. FOM was a scenario loaded with problems for both sides. Reinforcements with no ammo, difficult terrain and more. I liked it as the French. It was one crisis after another. Treeburst155 out. [ September 27, 2002, 12:09 PM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
  23. Kingfish, There are a dozen or mor AARs heading for Scott Boston today. I'm off work and will be processing them shortly. I've announced on the tourney thread that "Head For The Hills", "Fire On The Mountain", and "Polish Push" may now be discussed. Treeburst155 out.
  24. I'd be interested to know how many German players lost their StuGs on the turn of entry. If the Poles push hard on their extreme left they will catch the StuGs coming on. Treeburst155 out.
  25. You can discuss "Head For The Hills" too. There are three games still going, but they are in the final stages, so no problem. The only scenarios you still cannot talk about are "Ste Mere Eglise" and "Another Day". We'll wait a few days before opening those up for discussion. Treeburst155 out.
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