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Everything posted by Treeburst155

  1. Feel free to discuss "Fire On The Mountain" also. There is only one game left to finish in that one, and I don't think it will hurt anything at this point. If it does, well...you guys have waited long enough. Just keep it in the scenario forum. I'm putting together an updated scoresheet today. Email me if you have finished your games and you want it. Make the subject "Scoresheet", please. I'm going through the other scenarios right now, and may open one or more up to discussion too. Stay tuned. As of now you can talk about Polish Push and Fire On The Mountain. Treeburst155 out.
  2. I'm compiling a list of players for the finals. I'll post it when the time comes. Be assured, if you posted here, you are IN. Having played at least the last third of all these battles for dropouts, I too would like to discuss them. I really liked Ste Mere Eglise and Head For The Hills. Checking my spreadsheet it appears we can discuss Polish Push at this time. Only Gunnersman vs Treeburst needs to be completed and we're in the final stages so discussion will not help us any. So, discuss Polish Push in the scenario forum to your heart's content. Treeburst155 out.
  3. Why thank you, U8led. It's comments like that that make it worth the effort. Treeburst155 out.
  4. Don't feel silly japinard, your FOW preferences are just a little extreme for most of us. Treeburst155 out. [ September 26, 2002, 12:14 AM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
  5. Yeah, I'll admit I was dead wrong about the pre-order crunch and processing delays. Thanks BFC for being on the ball with the CMBB release. Never have I received faster delivery on any of my frequent internet purchases. Treeburst155 out.
  6. I agree about the level 3-4 view. It seems like we need a 3.5 view. This has been mentioned recently on the forum. As for the camera "slide" being triggered by banging the mouse on the lower portion of the screen, I love it. Bang high for the usual rotate, and bang low to slide. Once one adjusts to it, it's really convenient. Treeburst155 out.
  7. TabPub, No, don't procrastinate. September 30th is still the goal. It just appears less likely now. As for busting Kanonier's butt to finish his game, you can blame that on me. Besides, his butt needed busting. Treeburst155 out.
  8. Hmmmm....I noticed this right away and thought it was an improvement. The CMBB view is more of a commander's eye level view, rather than above him. I always wanted to get down lower in CMBO when I wanted to get low at all. I can see your point however. For watching the action, the CMBO view is better. Makes no difference to me really. I fight from view four almost exclusively anyway (3-4 in CMBB). Unless of course, some big arty is coming down. I love those barrages, even when they're coming down on me. Treeburst155 out.
  9. TabPub, Excellent! Thanks. To All, We may have to extend the deadline for battle completion (therefore AARs too) for a couple very good reasons IMO. The first is my work schedule, and the second is that there are a couple of very good games going on that got behind due to ISP/internet connection hassles. I REALLY hate to take over a good contest where the outcome is not already obvious from the perspective of the player I am replacing. All the games I have taken over so far were basically over when I got them. All unfinished games at this point are either being played by me, with quick turnaround opponents; or are progressing as fast as Real Life will allow the combatants to go. They are doing the best they can, so we will wait IF necessary for an additional week. Treeburst155 out.
  10. Heavy Drop, I just received email from Rat. He wants to finish Another Day with you, and will try to make the deadline. Kanonier, No go on the email with scoresheet attached. I absolutely cannot send email to you. I can receive however. The problem and symptoms are exactly like the ones I'm having with Mr Spkr. Treeburst155 out.
  11. Kanonier, Scoresheet as of the 17th is on the way. I haven't updated my text version of the spreadsheet since then, and nobody can open my Microsoft Works files. You'll get enough scores to get an idea of how you did. Heavy Drop, I didn't receive an email from you with the turn. I did receive an email from you yesterday however. Try sending the turn again to mikeman@cablelynx.com. As of now, I'm taking over for Rat.
  12. FPS count is interesting to computer enthusiasts. It's not how good it looks that matters. It's how much faster your machine is, than is really necessary for it to look good. Flight sim enthusiasts are the ones who really NEED an FPS tool IMO. Treeburst155 out.
  13. a1steaks, I sent it to the Pacbell address. It could have been a temporary problem, or your ISP may be blocking me out. That's been happening a lot to me lately. Everybody's ISP thinks I'm a SPAMMER. Good to hear you're on track. Remember, you only have six days to go. Treeburst155 out. Mr Spkr, Ok, I'm going to leave you and Jarmo alone for now, but remember, only six days left. Oh, let's do that French attack of mine TCP/IP someday. I'll save file #35. We're really going to have a bloody fight in that one soon. Treeburst155 out.
  14. Jon S, You MAY get more time than that for the AARs. All I need is for them to be ready when I'm ready to crunch the scores. You should plan on September 30th, but I'll accept them for points later than that, if I'm not ready to crunch scores at that time. Wow! Lots of finalists. This is excellent. I will need to work in multiples of four. If there are odd people they can still play the scenarios, they just won't have a schedule. They can just play any scenario with anybody in the group. I still get their scores for the median. There just won't be any "section winner" in the odd section. Hmmm...what if I have 17 people? Four groups of four with an odd man. We'll cross that bridge if we come to it. Treeburst155 out.
  15. Joe Surrenders to Treeburst in Demo Scenario On Turn Three!! Tell 'em how it was, Joe. Tell 'em about the withdraw orders, the crying for mommy, the panicked shooting of your own guys. Tell 'em how your girlies ran with the first shell impact! Go on, tell 'em! Squire Treeburst155 out.
  16. Aah, I see Mike8g is in for the finals. Excellent! Mr Spkr, This weekend is shot for me unless we do it fairly late Sunday night, like about 2130. I believe we're in the same time zone. Jarmo is still SOL on internet, eh? How many turns are we looking at? AARs are due September 30th!! I need them to do the scoring. If you're still playing a game, then write as you go if you want to do an AAR for it. Treeburst155 out.
  17. Hi John! Good to hear you're in. Mr Spkr and Jarmo, I sent you both an email regarding your game, but I'm not sure either one of you can receive it. I'd like to see all games finished by September 30th. Since I cannot communicate with Mr Spkr this may be difficult if I need to take over the game. Perhaps I should play both sides? Sub-optimal, but how else do we finish the game? How's your internet problem coming, Jarmo? a1steaks and Pixelmaster, Email has been sent regarding your game. A1steaks' email is not working for me. I probably have an old address. I will take over for him if necessary. Treeburst155 out.
  18. I'm sick and tired...um, strike that. YOU ALL are sick and tired! Why don't one of you do something useful for a change, like fix Mr Spkr's ISP, or stab Joe with a pitchfork until he sends me a turn! While you're at it, do a number on Herr Oberst too. Persephone, I didn't forget about the picture I owe you, I just haven't had time to borrow the digital cam. I'll get to it, probably much sooner than Joe will get to my turn file. Meester Speeker, Check the tourney thread when you get a chance. I don't want to foul the Mutha Beautiful with my tourney crap. What, you're still reading this thread?! Go to the tourney thread, man! Treeburst155, Squire to More-owes me a turn-Arty, Defender of Lost Causes.
  19. Sounds great, Ted! There's a good chance I'll need a replacement. It's the nature of the beast. You're on the top of the list for that. To All, I'm pleasantly surprised so many of you are still interested in these finals with CMBB out. CMBO may not be top dog anymore, but it's just as good of a game today as it was six months ago. I will be very busy this next couple weeks with tourney stuff, starting now. I'll be taking over a bunch of games to knock out the last few turns first. Then I will be crunching scores, and posting them here. After that, I will secure and send out all the finals games. These things take quite a bit of time. Work may interfere some with all of these things, but I'll just do the best I can. IOW, I won't be spending any time with CMBB or TacOps 4 for a few weeks. I hope to have the finals games delivered by the weekend of October 4-6, but that is fairly optimistic. It might be a week later if work gets too ugly for me. It also depends on how many games I have to finish for people. I'll be figuring that out, and sending emails as sson as I'm done posting here. Check this thread often for the next couple weeks. Lots will be happening. Fight On! Treeburst155 out.
  20. "Why doesn't the Peng challenge come with a printed manual?" BECAUSE THE ONE I WROTE WAS REJECTED BY PEOPLE WITH BETTER SENSE!! Squire Treeburst155 out.
  21. Ted, You really shouldn't feel obligated to play in the finals unless you win your section. The modified Nabla system works fine if we don't get enough finals players. The section winners themselves will cause each scenario to be played six times. If I can interest 12 others in the finals, I can get a good median (12 instances of each scenario)anyway. BTW, I will need multiples of four for the finals. All who have posted here are IN. Ted, I won't count you at this point. Treeburst155 out. Treeburst155 out.
  22. Hmmm...the wording in the manual kinda sounds like steppes might make for some fairly decent concealment, and rocky ground too. No mention of cemeteries at all in the manual that I could find. Treeburst155 out.
  23. Yep, the LOS tool and view 2 with doodads is the only way to tell the two apart. So, cemeteries, rocky ground, and steppes all require doodads or the LOS tool to identify. Cemeteries and rocks show up at view 4-5, but steppes doodads definitely don't show up until you're at view level two. Doodads are critical, much like trees must be on to determine "woods" from "tall pines". The difference being you actually have to drop way down to see the steppes. Treeburst155 out.
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