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Everything posted by Treeburst155

  1. Steppes bmps will not show up on the map at all unless it is over 50-60 % covered with steppe tiles. When it does show, all open terrain takes on the steppes bmps, even non-steppe open terrain. This means the ONLY way you can determine open terrain from steppes is with the combination of view 2 and doodads enabled (and LOS tool). Less than 50% steppes, all appears open. More than 50% steppes, all appears steppes. This even though steppes are better concealment than open terrain. It's all about level two and the doodads, OR never mixing open terrain with steppes when designing maps. Treeburst155 out. [ September 23, 2002, 09:59 PM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
  2. Cemeteries and rocky terrain assume the underlying terrain bmp. IOW, no special bmp, therefore no ID of said terrain without doodads on. With full coverage doodads, cemeteries can be spotted at view 5, rocky at view 4(barely), and steppes at view 2. Steppes have modifiable bmps however. Doodads are essential for locating cemeteries and rocky terrain, unless you're going to range all over the map with the LOS tool. Treeburst155 out. [ September 23, 2002, 06:43 PM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
  3. There are QB and editor situations that default to steppes, but you can add steppes in the editor too to simulate high grass. Default steppes situations are flat to gentle contours, southern location, rural. Treeburst155 out.
  4. Apparently,in the editor, steppes tiles (1570-1589) are not used, even when steppes tiles are placed. They do show up in the game however. I've yet to experiment with cemeteries and rocky yet, but maybe they are the same way. Yes, there are separate terrain tiles for cemeteries, rocky, and steppes. EDIT: Very strange. Evidently mods don't show up in the editor until a game is launched. After that, mods show in the editor. Treeburst155 out. [ September 23, 2002, 06:28 PM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
  5. Cemeteries are not mentioned in the manual at all, so probably have no effect. Other terrain that is only visible with doodads ON, DO affect movement, spotting etc.. These are rocky terrain (vehicle passable rough, good cover), and steppes (enhanced brush/good concealment). If you're not a doodadder, you won't see these features. Also, steppes can be used as high grass in non-steppe scenarios. You won't see the high grass without doodads on in conjunction with the very low views. It's modding time for me! Treeburst155 out.
  6. It's not in the manual, that I could find. Also, since they are invisible without doodads, like steppes and "rocky", is there a special bmp number for them? How about the "rocky" bmp number too while you're at it? Thanks! Treeburst155 out.
  7. CMBB arrives in Hot Springs, Arkansas!! I pre-ordered about 12 hours after they opened up for such things. Treeburst155 out.
  8. I will be posting the results to this thread on or before October 1st. At that time, the section winners (finalists eligible for prizes) will know who they are. We probably need to start a discussion about the finals. We have three more brand new scenarios. All players are eligible to play in the finals; but with CMBB out, I suspect many will decline. If you want to play in the finals (even if you don't win your section), post here with your email address if it is not in your profile. I feel certain lots of my addresses are out of date since I sent out the RoW II games. Treeburst155 out.
  9. Mr Spkr, File 35 sent to what I think is your home address. Treeburst155 out.
  10. None are entirely completed. The unfinished games are spread out among all five scenarios. Mr Spkr, I sure would like to finish my French attack in that game we were playing. The part we have left is the bloody part! Perhaps we should test our email compatibility again? My ISP is aware of the problem, but they move REAL slow on stuff like that. BTW, you're not the only one rejecting my stuff as SPAM. Apparently, lots of SPAM is coming from people associated with my ISP. Treeburst155 out.
  11. With a minimum of 30 games played with each scenario, I'm getting a fairly good idea on balance. Some of you will be quite surprised. A player's perception of scenario balance is influenced significantly by the skill of his opponent. For example, I played "Head For The Hills" from scratch, and blind. I came to the conclusion that the scenario favors the Germans significantly. Hehe....boy, was I surprised. Treeburst155
  12. Hmmm....what's that like...being wrong occasionally? Treeburst155 out.
  13. Hmmm....very interesting, Redwolf. I just might do that. Thanks! Treeburst155 out.
  14. Thanks, Major. So then a unit defending in "woods, rough3" is better off than if it were in "woods, rough2", everything else being the same (ignoring negative effects of reduced movement rate)? Treeburst155 out.
  15. Thanks, Red 6! That's what I needed to know. Treeburst155 out.
  16. I'm hoping we can start the finals the weekend of the 5th-6th. I have lots to do before then to make it happen however. For one thing I have to crunch all the scores and post the results. I then need to secure the scenarios and send them all out. I also need to see how much interest there is among the non-winners of the sections. We may have to go with a different form of the Nabla scoring system that does not rely on a median. The task before me now however is to get all the games finished. Treeburst155 out.
  17. Redwolf, I think some don't know how to make that IRC thing work. I know I don't. There is some software to install first, is there not? Treeburst155 out.
  18. Is there a difference between these various levels of rough terrain other than movement speed? For example, does rough4 affect spotting/visibility more than the lower levels of "rough"? When applied to woods, towns, and roads does the "rough" level only refer to movement speed? Thanks! Treeburst155 out.
  19. Yeah, this is great. I'm enjoying the misery. Keep up the whining fellas. This thread will entertain me while I wait until October 15th to arrive. That's when I'll get my copy. Whining Treeburst155 out.
  20. Redwolf is right. The worst thing players could do is call a mutual ceasefire for the sole purpose of ending the game due to time pressure. It's far better for me to finish the last few turns. Time pressure is a bad thing. People have enough of that in Real Life. Unfortunately, without time pressure, I fear some would never finish their games. Treeburst155 out.
  21. Don't open any attachments that aren't CM turns! This little bug is quite deadly. I had to reinstall Windows to prevent numerous strange occurrences and crashes. The bad stuff will come from a familiar wargamer with a wargame "flavored" attachment. If you open it, you die. I know. I also knew better, but did it anyway. Treeburst155 out.
  22. Alrighty then, we have the official whine thread. I'm sure I'll be posting here for weeks, if not a month or more. It's my destiny, or maybe my karma? Anyhoo, let the whining begin. I didn't get mine yet, but the CDV Euros are just having a ball right now. I knew it would happen. If you want something bad enough, you WILL be the last to get it. Let the whining commence! If you have the game, and you post here, you are truly a thoughtless SOB. Leave us to our misery, please. Go play your CMBB. Treeburst155 out.
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