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Everything posted by Treeburst155

  1. John, The "bleachers" you see is the enemy exit zone graphic. Treeburst155 out.
  2. Jack Trap has taken the last slot in Group 8. All files are now out. Fight On!! Treeburst155 out.
  3. Mr Spkr, Did you get my turn? I think I fixed YOUR email problem. If so, and you would rather not finish our CMBO battle, I can live with it as long as you surrender properly on this, The MBT. The surrender should be no less than several hundred words attesting to my tactical prowess and/or your lack of same. If you did NOT receive the turn I sent yesterday, you should still post your formal surrender here. This is because I will never believe you did not get the turn I sent. Gird up thy loins for battle you geriatric gits (You're understandably excused from this Panzer Leader). It's time to quit writin' and do some fightin'. Pillocks Treeburst155, Squire to His Gameyness, Senior Knight More-Arty, Defender of Lost Causes.
  4. Ah yes, I see my error. I made a similar error with Visom. Both of you should have your files now. Group Four, Your contact list has an error in JonS' address. The correct address for him is: jons-em@clear.net.nz Group Seven, your contact list has an error in Visom's address. The correct address for him is: NL_Visom@telia.com [ October 09, 2002, 08:36 PM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
  5. John, The median is still the determiner of scenario balance. The standard deviation from this median will now be considered in the determination of the specific scoring curve applied to a given scenario. Holien, I doubt the ranking of the players in the first round would have changed with the new program. It may have caused a flip-flop among players who were very close however. More likely, the gaps between players would have been lessened or increased a little. In any case, when I get the new program from Nabla I will be running the round one scores through it because I'm curious too. The curve I've been using has fit most scenarios fairly well IMO. There have been a few exceptions however. These exceptions are common enough that we need to do something about them. That is happening now. To All, Except for Group 8, all the files have been sent out. Email is bouncing back to me from two of you. Am I using a valid address? JonS - em@clear.net.nz Visom - Visom@telia.com Treeburst155 out. [ October 09, 2002, 07:29 PM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
  6. A Nabla Scoring System Technology Breakthrough!! Now that we have had at least a dozen scenarios scored with the Nabla system, and have analyzed the results, we find that each scenario exhibits a different "fingerprint" with regard to the relationship of the scores to the median. IOW, the curve needs to be adjusted for each scenario so that bigger victories are properly rewarded when they are not outlier results. The same applies to big losses. We don't want the "big loss penalty" to kick in when many are losing big. In short, the scoring curve will be normalized based on the standard deviation from the median for each scenario. With each improvement we feel we are measuring player performance better. These finals will be scored with this improvement to the system. Nabla the genius is working on it now. Thanks Nabla! Treeburst155 out.
  7. Here be the randomly selected groups. Now who's going to clean up all these strips of paper on the floor?! The incomplete group 8 contains the last two players to sign up, EASY-V and Bertram. GROUP 1 Boris - bbalaban@rim.net John Kettler - kettler@relaypoint.net Tero - tero.leppanen@pp.inet.fi Fate - kirkcm@telus.net GROUP 2 Mikeydz - mikeydz@houston.rr.com a1steaks - gpaull@pacbell.net von Lucke - blane2@flash.net Cpt T - dktravis@stx.rr.com GROUP 3 White4 - christian.p.lerche@saic.com Sgt Gold - rspilot@nyc.rr.com mPisi - mPisi@flash.net Tom Norton - TGHCGN@aol.com GROUP 4 JonS - em@clear.net.nz Big X - ckeagle@earthlink.net Frunze - evanroberts1@charter.net Juha A - juha.ahoniemi@mail.htk.fi GROUP 5 JJelinek - jjelinek@intertek.net Hobo - hobo@mindpulse.com Heavy Drop - rtravis1@satx.rr.com Saport - jatucker@loxinfo.co.th GROUP 6 Cuzn - fvisintini@nyc.rr.com TabPub - Tabpub@aol.com Mike8g - mike8@lycos.com Wadepm - wadepm@attbi.com GROUP 7 Cpl Carrot - rjb109@slingshot.co.nz Strider - Strider@bak.rr.com Jim Liang - jim_liang@msn.com Visom - Visom@telia.com GROUP 8 EASY-V - vboyev@aol.com Bertram - BORedmeijere@home.nl Michael Reddy - mike.reddy@sbcglobal.net ?? I will begin sending files this afternoon. I will not be able to finish the job however. It may be the weekend before I get time to finish. Group 8, Hang tight. I'll get another guy soon. Treeburst155 out. [ October 09, 2002, 01:58 PM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
  8. Alrighty then, it's time for me to cut up little slips of paper and randomly select the 4-player groups who will do battle. As was to be expected, I don't have an even multiple of four players. Have no fear! I will fill out the last section soon. Now I go to prepare a tourney for you lot of 30. Watch your mailbox, and keep an eye on this thread. You will once again be at war by the end of this weekend, maybe sooner. Treeburst155 out.
  9. The Player List 1)Boris- bbalaban@rim.net 2)JonS- jons-em@clear.net.nz 3)White4- christian.p.lerche@saic.com 4)jjelinek- jjelinek@intertek.net 5)Strider- Strider@bak.rr.com 6)Frunze- evanroberts1@charter.net 7)Cpl Carrot- rjb109@slingshot.co.nz 8)Visom- NL_Visom@telia.com 9)mPisi- mPisi@flash.net 10)Big X- ckeagle@earthlink.net 11)Juha A.- juha.ahoniemi@mail.htk.fi 12)von Lucke- blane2@flash.net 13)Mike8g- mike8@lycos.com 14)John Kettler- kettler@relaypoint.net 15)cuzn- fvisintini@nyc.rr.com 16)Wadepm- wadepm@attbi.com 17)Heavy Drop- rtravis1@satx.rr.com 18)Jim Liang- jim_liang@msn.com 19)Tom-TGHCGN@aol.com 20)Mikeydz- mikeydz@houston.rr.com 21)a1steaks- gpaull@pacbell.net 22)Tero- tero.leppanen@pp.inet.fi 23)Sgt. Gold- rspilot@nyc.rr.com 24)Hobo- hobo@mindpulse.com 25)Saport- jatucker@loxinfo.co.th 26)Cpt T- dktravis@stx.rr.com 27)Fate - kirkcm@telus.net 28)TabPub - Tabpub@aol.com 29)EASY-V - vboyev@aol.com 30)Bertram - BORedmeijer@home.nl Replacements: Ted R.- tramos1@optonline.com Michael Reddy
  10. Bertram, You're on the list. To All, You have SEVEN HOURS to sign up to play the Finals scenarios! Treeburst155 out.
  11. SturmTiger blast value: 2116 Compare that figure with some good old fasion 155mm arty. It's a good thing the ST costs 1,000 points (with rarity). Treeburst155 out.
  12. LOL at Parabellum! Treeburst155 out.
  13. The Treeburst155 terrain mod, aka "The Tron Mod" and "The War Room Mod"!! Say "NO" to snow! SEE the smallest dips and bumps from view four regardless of ground conditions! FEEL the lay of the land and LIVE the elevation changes, be they in thick woods or open terrain. Positively and instantly differentiate between woods/tall pines and scattered trees WITHOUT turning on the trees! Plot movement to precise hull-down positions with little effort. Give up the green grass for the Gaudy Grid today! Can you find your brush in Light Snow? Due to lack of popular demand, this mod must be special ordered from mikeman@cablelynx.com. Treeburst155 out.
  14. I will be sending out the files, passwords, and schedules to the three prize eligible groups within the hour. The rest of you will get your goodies after the player list is finalized. It will take awhile to send out the files, but all should be delivered by the end of this coming weekend. Those of you who are not eligible for the prizes are still important to the Finals! Your scores will give us an accurate median. Without them, I would have to use a less perfect form of the Nabla System. You guys can look at the finals as a mini-tourney between you and three others. It appears we will have at least seven groups of four, not including the prize eligible guys. Maybe the winners of these groups can have a CMBB QB playoff or something, just for kicks. It would be wise for players NOT to share their schedules with those in other groups. This is like a neon sign pointing to who knows which passwords among the people NOT in competition with you. :eek: Password security is dependent on all of you. EASY-V, I will add you to the player list. Prepare to Fight On!!! Treeburst155 out. [ October 07, 2002, 01:21 PM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
  15. Lopaka, Drink less while giving orders. Your opponents will be quite formidable I'm sure. TabPub, I'll put you on the list. Kanonier and ALL, The schedule of matches for 4-player sections can cause one player to play the same side all three times and/or be on defense or offense all three times. It depends on the scenarios. The primary thing the scheduling program does is try to even out the number of times a player is compared to any other player (same side of a scenario). Then it moves on to even out the sides as much as possible. IIRC, one player in each section will play the same side in all three games. This is unavoidable. Attack/defend duties are totally scenario dependent. Nabla worked the scheduling program out on a university computer with a mathematician buddy. It's as good as it can possibly get. I will need to use a non-playing person to send files to The_Capt and yourself. Kingfish is a good one for this. To All, Just this morning I received the scenarios from Boots & Tracks. I looked them over. Hehe....these may be the best ones yet. The maps are beautiful, the briefings are excellent, and the situations are interesting. A LOT of work went into these scenarios, and it definitely shows. I'm off now to secure the scenarios. You have about 29 hours to sign up if you want to play. Treeburst155 out.
  16. The graphics engine is not BS. It is meant to work with low end machines. This is because the average CM enthusiast does not upgrade as often as the average FPS fan. Treeburst155 out.
  17. I liked the CMBO views better, and see no advantage to the added 3D view. Still, this issue is a personal preference thing IMO. BFC likes the new views arrangement or they wouldn't have done it. I will get used to it because it's not a big deal to me. Treeburst155 out.
  18. Below are the twelve section winners, along with the email address I have on record for them. Please let me know if your address has been changed, or if you wish me to use a different address. An asterisk by your name means that I cannot send you email due to anti-spam software in use by your ISP. I can only receive from you. Tourney I Finalists Ali - alpi100@jippii.fi Lopaka - rwinant@fenwick.com Holien - holien@woodford.gioserve.com *The Capt - k.lan@roadrunner.nf.net Tourney II Finalists MickOZ - mickcm@optushome.com.au Combined Arms - ttravisano@stny.rr.com *Kanonier Reichmann - jimbo@picknowl.com.au Spanish Bombs - chucknsue@yahoo.com Tourney III Finalists U8led - U8led@aol.com Jeb - jcallan@austin.rr.com Jon L - russlav@frontiernet.net Vadr - chaz@cgidesign.net
  19. Fate, You may have posted earlier and I missed it. That's why I'm posting the list I'm using. You're on the list. BTW, there will be no AAR points for the Finals. Nobody gets to write his way to the prizes. HOWEVER, AARs are always welcome and encouraged. Designers want feedback, and they deserve it. Treeburst155 out.
  20. For QB competitions (ladders) there will soon be new rules and "talking points" regarding various units in various time periods. Those wishing to avoid the "late '42-'43 StuG issue, will negotiate games set in other time periods. Of course, each of these time periods may present their own inequities. Treeburst155 out.
  21. The 4 player schedules will be generated by the Nabla Scheduling Program. First I have to establish the final list of players, and then divide them into groups of four. The Nabla program does not determine sections (groups), it just creates schedules for them. These 4-player groups will be randomly assembled except for the 12 finalists who must play the other section winners in their tourney. Below is the list of people who have expressed a desire to play the Finals scenarios. If you played in this tourney, and are NOT on this list, AND you would like to be, post here. Note: If you are eligible for the prizes (Section Winners,) your name is NOT on the list below! 1)Boris- bbalaban@rim.net 2)JonS- jons-em@clear.net.nz 3)White4- christian.p.lerche@saic.com 4)jjelinek- jjelinek@intertek.net 5)Strider- Strider@bak.rr.com 6)Frunze- evanroberts1@charter.net 7)Cpl Carrot- rjb109@slingshot.co.nz 8)Visom- NL_Visom@telia.com 9)mPisi- mPisi@flash.net 10)Big X- ckeagle@earthlink.net 11)Juha A.- juha.ahoniemi@mail.htk.fi 12)von Lucke- blane2@flash.net 13)Mike8g- mike8@lycos.com 14)John Kettler- kettler@relaypoint.net 15)cuzn- fvisintini@nyc.rr.com 16)Wadepm- wadepm@attbi.com 17)Heavy Drop- rtravis1@satx.rr.com 18)Jim Liang- jim_liang@msn.com 19)Tom-TGHCGN@aol.com 20)Mikeydz- mikeydz@houston.rr.com 21)a1steaks- gpaull@pacbell.net 22)Tero- tero.leppanen@pp.inet.fi 23)Sgt. Gold- rspilot@nyc.rr.com 24)Hobo- hobo@mindpulse.com 25)Saport- jatucker@loxinfo.co.th 26)Cpt T- dktravis@stx.rr.com 27)Fate - kirkcm@telus.net 28)TabPub - Tabpub@aol.com 29)EASY-V - vboyev@aol.com 30)Bertram - BORedmeijer@home.nl Replacements: Ted R.- tramos1@optonline.com Michael Reddy I'm not going to leave these Finals sign-ups open too long. I need to move on to the next step before RL takes all my time again on Wednesday. The deadline for signing up for the Finals is 1500 hours (GMT-5), on Tuesday, October 8. If you want to play, post here. If you want to be a replacement, post here. Newbies can sign up for replacement slots. If I need to round out a section, I will go to the replacement list. If someone drops out, I will go to the replacement list until near the end when I will finish the games. The deadline for completion of the three Finals scenarios is December 15th!! That will give you just over sixty days to complete the scenarios. This means all players should be sending one file per day per game. If you think this will be a problem then you should consider having me remove you from the player list now. Treeburst155 out. [ October 08, 2002, 08:49 AM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
  22. Edited because I misunderstood a previous post. Treeburst155 out. [ October 06, 2002, 03:28 PM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
  23. Wow! There are no real issues here IMO, except for Redwolf's half-squad scoring, and the half-squads embarking on Marders. Even these aren't super critical things. It's really amazing how few bugs have been found so far. Treeburst155 out.
  24. Mission accomplished!! Thanks, Madmatt! Treeburst155 out.
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