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Everything posted by Treeburst155

  1. I think you guys are confusing the issue. Forget about spotting for now. LOS does not degrade over distance like in CMBO. IOW, the LOS line does not darken over the brush-like terrain as you increase the distance. In CMBO you can see 155 meters through brush on a clear day. As you move toward that distance the LOS line darkens. The quality of your LOS steadily drops, and I assume the liklihood of spotting something also drops. In CMBB the LOS line does not become darker with distance. The player cannot determine the quality of his LOS because of this. He can't say, "I can barely see that area." In fact, feedback from the LOS line shows that brush, steppe, etc. is effectively clear terrain. Either there is a bug, or something major has been changed with the LOS line. EDIT: TabPub, that's an interesting idea concerning the running speed. You may be right about them tiring quicker in heavier terrain. Still, the entire running thing is different than CMBO, and undocumented too as far as I'm aware. Treeburst155 out. [ October 04, 2002, 07:20 PM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
  2. Treeburst155 game updates (CMBO): Herr Oberst is a gamey bastallero!! He's on defense and refuses to stay in his foxholes and fight off my hordes. Instead he attacks my right flank. On top of that, he bought at least a half dozen of those overmodelled HMG 42's that CMBO is famous for. He's cutting me to ribbons with those laser guns. At least they can't run, even though they should be able to. More-Arty is a gamey bastiche too. He continues to pound me with 300mm rockets. Every time I play a Moriarty movie the neighbors call the cops because of the noise. If I survive the arty he won't have a chance. I'm sure he didn't have enough points left to buy even a Kubelwagen after all the arty he acquired. MrSpkr pretends he can't get email from me anymore so our game is off. I would have won anyway. I knew that before the game started. Besides, he's a gamey pillock anyway. Sloe Squaw(CMBB) is.....well...he's slow, in more ways than one I might add. Joe, I feel I should warn you that I'll be upgrading my computer in two years. This will put me out of action for a day or two so don't rush that next turn. Altogether now, raise your left yarble and repeat after me: "I do solemnly swear that I am a git. I will faithfully uphold my duties as a git and Sod Off at every opportunity. May I be poked with a sharp stick repeatedly should I fail to do this one simple thing, so help me Peng" Treeburst155, Squire to Senior Knight and Pillock, More-Arty, Defender of Lost Causes
  3. Holien, The scoring program splits the VL points down the middle. You have until tomorrow evening to turn in AARs. If you think you have a shot at winning your section, you might want to make sure you've got some AARs turned in. It could very well make the difference. One AAR is worth 4% of the highest tourney score achieved (before AARs). Treeburst155 out.
  4. I have confirmed Broken's concerns. Indeed troops can run through woods, scattered trees, and pines at the same speed as open terrain. Also, brush, grain, steppe appear to have no effect on LOS. IOW, LOS does not degrade even over very long distances. Hmmm...I didn't check open terrain for degradation over distance. Treeburst155 out.
  5. Hmmmm...this plan would give us a schedule that looks like this (Allied Player on the left): "Fluid" Tuomas vs Mattias Ari vs Mattias "Twin Valleys" Ari vs Tuomas Ari vs Mattias "Kriegstadt" Tuomas vs Mattias Tuomas vs Ari The only thing is that every player will have to play one scenario twice from the same side, AND the second opponent will be at a disadvantage since his opponent will already know the scenario. BUT, if everyone finishes the games they are playing now, before they start their "Cogust" game, then all will have the advantage in one scenario. If they don't mind doing this then I'm all for it. Very good, Tuomas. It took me awhile to figure it out. Treeburst155 out.
  6. All games are finished!! Below is the Nabla program input file. Please check the scores I have entered for you. It's possible I made a mistake. I will crunch the scores after 1800 hrs (GMT-5) Saturday as planned. You have until then to turn in AARs. # Fire_On_The_Mountain Ali 57 Ricochet 43 THumpre 54 MrSpkr 43 Fate 52 Jarmo 38 Lopaka 35 mike8g 65 mPisi 53 Bimmer 37 J_Jelinek 34 Jack_Trap 63 Redwolf 33 Tero 67 Cpl_Carrot 39 Evan_Roberts 61 White4 36 Holien 61 The_Capt 37 Juha_A 63 von_Lucke 37 JonS 58 Diceman 49 Saport 47 _____________________________ Visom 61 Big_Dog 39 Strider 37 Uber_General 58 Wadepm 32 MickOZ 63 Pixelmaster 45 Torbhen 52 a1steaks 38 Combined_Arms 55 J_Porta 41 Scheer 49 Tom_Norton 32 Kanonier_R 68 JeffWilders 50 Warhammer 50 StuGIII 27 Tabpub 73 Soddball 39 Spanish_Bombs 60 Bertram 34 Ugbash 63 John_Kettler 53 Michael_Dorosh 44 _______________________________ Sgt_Gold 59 Gunnersman 38 Ligur 39 Kunstler 57 Jim_L 45 U8led 49 Charles 51 cuzn 49 Heavy_Drop 43 Jeb 57 EASY_V 51 Rat 49 Cpt_T 27 Jon_L 73 Mikeydz 57 RC 43 Vaders_Jester 35 Boris 62 I_Man 48 Lord_Dragon 40 Zipper 44 Hobo 44 Ozzie_Osbourne 34 Vadr 56 *************************** # Ste_Mere_Eglise THumpre 26 Ali 74 Ricochet 46 Fate 42 MrSpkr 60 Jarmo 40 mPisi 45 Lopaka 55 mike8g 77 J_Jelinek 23 Bimmer 20 Jack_Trap 80 Cpl_Carrot 55 Redwolf 45 Tero 30 White4 70 Evan_Roberts 31 Holien 69 von_Lucke 48 The_Capt 43 Juha_A 65 Diceman 35 JonS 44 Saport 48 _____________________________ Strider 38 Visom 59 Big_Dog 42 Wadepm 45 Uber_General 33 MickOZ 67 a1steaks 76 Pixelmaster 20 Torbhen 70 J_Porta 30 Combined_Arms 87 Scheer 13 JeffWilders 38 Tom_Norton 54 Kanonier_R 74 StuGIII 26 Warhammer 31 Tabpub 69 Bertram 33 Soddball 49 Spanish_Bombs 66 John_Kettler 34 Ugbash 46 Michael_Dorosh 43 ______________________________ Ligur 53 Sgt_Gold 47 Gunnersman 25 Jim_L 75 Kunstler 40 U8led 48 Heavy_Drop 42 Charles 58 cuzn 70 EASY_V 30 Jeb 74 Rat 26 Mikeydz 38 Cpt_T 59 Jon_L 73 Vaders_Jester 27 RC 70 Boris 30 Zipper 46 I_Man 41 Lord_Dragon 69 Ozzie_Osbourne 31 Hobo 36 Vadr 62 ************************* # Another_Day Ali 60 Fate 40 Jarmo 76 THumpre 26 MrSpkr 23 Ricochet 77 Lopaka 56 J_Jelinek 44 Jack_Trap 50 mPisi 46 Bimmer 38 mike8g 62 Redwolf 36 White4 64 Holien 26 Cpl_Carrot 70 Evan_Roberts 46 Tero 50 The_Capt 62 Diceman 38 Saport 58 von_Lucke 42 JonS 36 Juha_A 59 _________________________ Visom 50 Wadepm 50 MickOZ 27 Strider 67 Uber_General 52 Big_Dog 44 Pixelmaster 32 J_Porta 68 Scheer 79 a1steaks 21 Combined_Arms 56 Torbhen 44 Tom_Norton 48 StuGIII 52 Tabpub 51 JeffWilders 49 Warhammer 20 Kanonier_R 80 Soddball 46 John_Kettler 54 Michael_Dorosh 43 Bertram 57 Ugbash 16 Spanish_Bombs 84 ____________________________ Sgt_Gold 21 Jim_L 79 U8led 78 Ligur 22 Kunstler 44 Gunnersman 56 Charles 35 EASY_V 65 Rat 12 Heavy_Drop 88 Jeb 45 cuzn 51 Cpt_T 34 Vaders_Jester 62 Boris 60 Mikeydz 36 RC 33 Jon_L 67 I_Man 74 Ozzie_Osbourne 26 Vadr 54 Zipper 46 Hobo 57 Lord_Dragon 39 *********************** # Polish_Push Jarmo 74 Ali 26 Fate 16 MrSpkr 84 THumpre 12 Ricochet 88 Jack_Trap 21 Lopaka 79 J_Jelinek 62 Bimmer 38 mPisi 67 mike8g 16 Holien 84 Redwolf 16 White4 36 Evan_Roberts 35 Cpl_Carrot 43 Tero 57 Saport 21 The_Capt 62 Diceman 15 JonS 85 von_Lucke 49 Juha_A 51 ____________________________ MickOZ 52 Visom 33 Wadepm 47 Uber_General 41 Strider 29 Big_Dog 58 Scheer 83 Pixelmaster 17 J_Porta 48 Combined_Arms 52 a1steaks 48 Torbhen 52 Tabpub 22 Tom_Norton 78 StuGIII 24 Warhammer 76 JeffWilders 19 Kanonier_R 81 Michael_Dorosh 35 Soddball 39 John_Kettler 76 Ugbash 24 Bertram 51 Spanish_Bombs 37 ____________________________ U8led 67 Sgt_Gold 33 Jim_L 22 Kunstler 46 Ligur 64 Gunnersman 36 Rat 6 Charles 94 EASY_V 14 Jeb 86 Heavy_Drop 27 cuzn 59 Boris 28 Cpt_T 57 Vaders_Jester 73 RC 27 Mikeydz 16 Jon_L 84 Vadr 50 I_Man 50 Ozzie_Osbourne 13 Hobo 87 Zipper 31 Lord_Dragon 69 ************************** # Head_For_The_Hills Ali 78 MrSpkr 22 Ricochet 60 Jarmo 40 THumpre 35 Fate 62 Lopaka 63 Bimmer 35 mike8g 58 Jack_Trap 35 mPisi 66 J_Jelinek 31 Redwolf 27 Evan_Roberts 73 Tero 27 Holien 72 Cpl_Carrot 58 White4 42 The_Capt 52 JonS 48 Juha_A 34 Saport 58 von_Lucke 54 Diceman 39 ___________________________ Visom 45 Uber_General 53 Big_Dog 28 MickOZ 69 Strider 54 Wadepm 38 Pixelmaster 18 Combined_Arms 82 Torbhen 38 Scheer 54 a1steaks 56 J_Porta 44 Tom_Norton 54 Warhammer 40 Kanonier_R 64 Tabpub 26 JeffWilders 35 StuGIII 60 Soddball 43 Ugbash 54 Spanish_Bombs 49 Michael_Dorosh 49 Bertram 59 John_Kettler 33 ___________________________ Sgt_Gold 27 Kunstler 68 Gunnersman 38 U8led 60 Ligur 42 Jim_L 58 Charles 44 Jeb 56 cuzn 68 Rat 32 Heavy_Drop 55 EASY_V 45 Cpt_T 52 RC 46 Jon_L 65 Boris 27 Mikeydz 53 Vaders_Jester 43 I_Man 28 Hobo 71 Lord_Dragon 52 Vadr 48 Zipper 57 Ozzie_Osbourne 43 [ October 03, 2002, 09:11 PM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
  7. Leeo, I will not spend my valuable time helping you compose your posts to the MBT anymore unless you send me a CMBB setup. I will also quit balancing your checkbook for you, AND quit explaining the plots of your favorite cartoons to you. IOW, if I'm to continue helping you hide your lackwit nature from the world, you must send me a setup. Nothing is free in this world, boyo. I would prefer to play one of the CD scenarios double-blind. The only one I've seen is the one I'm playing with The Justicar. Unfortunately, I don't remember which one that is because it's been an age since THAT lackwit has sent me a turn. Hopefully he sodded off as I requested each and every time he fouled my mailbox with his drivel. You pick the side and the scenario. I'll play anything you want. I'll be happy to call you COLLECT and read the scenario descriptions to you over the phone. That is all. You can go back to looking at your comic book pictures now, especially if that means you'll be sodding off to do so. Treeburst155, Squire to Senior Knight More-Arty, Defender of Lost Causes
  8. You may now discuss ALL the scenarios since there are only two incomplete games still out there. I will notify the Boots & Tracks Team Leader, Scott Boston, that he can announce the designers of Ste Mere Eglise and Another Day. Treeburst155 out.
  9. Aah, Roxy....may she rest in peace. Treeburst155 out.
  10. You can mod the steppe tiles, but they won't appear anyway unless the map is more than 50% steppe. Experimentation with foxholes shows that they appear at almost exactly the same distance when they are located in steppe, brush, summer wheat, and rocky terrain. These terrain features seem to provide only a small amount of concealment. Unless you are tracing LOS through many of these terrain tiles you can just about consider them open terrain for all practical purposes, except for the new spreading fires. Treeburst155 out.
  11. The manual does not mention "wheat". Those terrain tiles are called "grain fields" and represent just that. They are described as having "decent concealment". Steppe terrain is described in the manual as "waist high grass which provides excellent concealment for hiding infantry....Steppe terrain can also be used to simulate high grass on any map". It is good if the concealing nature of Steppe is less than "excellent" because the terrain is invisible above view two if the map consists of less than 50% steppe tiles. Treeburst155 out.
  12. MrSpkr, The deadline is firm. You must make it by 1800 hrs on Saturday. If it doesn't work out, one of you should send me the latest file at that time. Incomplete Games MrSpkr vs Jarmo Jarmo vs THumpre Treeburst155 out. Edited to remove several games from the "incomplete" list. [ October 02, 2002, 08:10 PM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
  13. The FIRST game of the Nordic Championship Finals has been completed!! Mattias and Tuomas are done. No scores because of FOW. Fight On! Treeburst155 out.
  14. That may be a newbie question, but it was a very good one. Ask all the newbie questions you want. Many here are more than happy to help you out. Treeburst155 out.
  15. I'm even more saintly than you think: Below is a list of all the players who sent in at least one AAR, along with the number of AARs I have on record for them. Ali-2 Bertram-1 Combined Arms-5 Cpl Carrot-5 cuzn-2 Frunze-2 Heavy Drop-3 Holien-5 Jack Trap-5 Jon L-3 JonS-5 Juha A-4 Kanonier-3 Kettler-5 Kunstler-5 Mick-5 Mike8g-3 Rat-1 Redwolf-5 Spanish Bombs-5 TabPub-5 Ted-2 The Capt-5 Tom-2 Ugbash-5 Vadr-4
  16. Holien, It will take me awhile to process the latest AARs, and then count them up and post the info here. I will make that a high priority task for when I get that large of a chunk of time. At the very least, the info will be posted along with the scores for one final check by the players before I crunch the scores. Treeburst155 out.
  17. The_Capt, All five AARs have arrived safely at the RoW II Command Center. To All, The Final Set In Concrete Deadline for finished games AND AARs is Saturday, October 5th, 1800 hrs (GMT-5)!! That evening I will request the latest game files for all unfinished games. I will then do a hotseat runout of the games to arrive at a likely and reasonable final score. I will then post the Nabla program input file so players can take a look in case I made a mistake. I will also post the number of AARs I have from each player. Sometime on Sunday I will post the results. Starting Monday I will go to work on the finals scheduling, scenario securing, etc.. I'm limited on what I can do before the section leaders are known. Hopefully the Finals scenarios will all be delivered to the players by the weekend of October 12-13. Check this thread often over the next two weeks, please!! Incomplete Games MrSpkr vs Jarmo a1steaks vs Pixelmaster Jarmo vs THumpre Ligur vs Gunnersman JeffWilders vs StuGIII Gunnersman vs U8led cuzn vs Rat Treeburst155 out.
  18. The Big X vs Jeb battle sounds to me like mutual low morale resulting in a "cease-fire". I've never seen a "surrender" where all VLs did NOT go to one side. Treeburst155 out.
  19. MrSpkr, I've a feeling you and Jarmo are having some intermittent email troubles. I just heard from him today, and he is waiting on you. My guess is that cyber-space has a black hole in it somewhere between you two. It would probably be best not to cease fire unless you guys really want to; otherwise it would be an "artificial" result. It would be better for me to finish the game hotseat with the latest file. This would produce a final score more likely to reflect what would have actually happened IMO. Due to my work schedule, and a few games still going, you still have a little time to get the game as far as possible. I would offer my services as a go-between for turns, but I can't send you anything. Treeburst155 out.
  20. Heavy Drop, U8led, and Cpt T, Scoresheet is on the way. Treeburst155 out.
  21. Aaah, Saport, our man from Thailand. You're on the list. Only seven games to complete at this point. I know of three that are within a few exchanges of completion. Hopefully the rest are progressing nicely too. Treeburst155 out.
  22. Back in '75, when I was a gunner on an M60A1 tank, I asked my TC if he would stay down (buttoned) when it got hairy outside. He said, "Hell no! We have to know what's going on or they'll kill us for sure. If I get hit, then it's your turn to keep an eye on things." Treeburst155 out.
  23. JAT, Who are you? I'm not familiar with your forum name. Vader's Jester, No scoresheet for you. I've had a bad day. (It's on the way.) Treeburst155 out.
  24. TabPub, Due to the CMBB release I need to do a "roll call" to find out who is still interested in the finals. You are now on the list. So far it appears that close to 50% are still interested in the finals scenarios. To All RoW II participants, If you have not posted here for a slot in the finals, you are NOT on the list, inspite of what it says in the "tourney manual". If you wish to play, just post your desire to do so here. Treeburst155 out.
  25. Jim Liang, I already put you on the list. Jon L and The Capt, You guys are on the list. To all tourney participants, If you posted your desire to play the "Finals" scenarios on this thread, you are on the list. I'll be going over the thread here and updating my list right now. I really had no idea I would see this much interest in CMBO at this point. I'm actually quite thrilled about it. Treeburst155 out.
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