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Shadow 1st Hussars

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Everything posted by Shadow 1st Hussars

  1. You call it a bug..........I call it my lucky day
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Colin: There is no large fee to join. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Game Ranger = Free
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by ericgorr: I asked about GameRanger Support and got the following back: -- We will not be natively supporting any third party TCP/IP service or add-on as there just isn't time. That doesn't mean we will not look at such options the future though. I am not familiar with the particulars of Gameranger but with services like Mplayer or Microsofts Gamezone they charge hefty fees to be hosted which pretty much prevents us from being hosted there. They also are usually wary of hosting games where only 2 people can connect at a time as it limits the amount of potential customers they will receive. -- I find this very unfortunate and would encourage every Mac player to write and request they support GameRanger. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> GR is free. I was talking to Evill about CM support, but he said BTS wasn't interested.
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Snoop: You should watch the movie Stalingrad. I think the main German unit was a Sturmgruppe Company.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> That's my favourite movie!
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Rob/1: No it donsn't arty ones are lighter!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> no, there are dark and light.
  6. Sandbags. CM has no sandbags.......... Could someone make a wall mod that looks like sandbags?
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Phoenix: Since BTS is not going to add it now the question is kind of pointless. Was the Brummbar used in the East? I don't. kow. If it was maybe it'll show up in CM2. I thought the main argument for no Brumbar in CM was that it was extremely rare. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> The Brummbar and Strumtiger were used for street fighting, designed to blast a building to bits in a single shot. They employed mostly in Stalingrad.
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lea: I had a depleted US inf HQ take out a Tiger head on at about 5m in scattered trees Don't know how they did it, in fact I don't care, their heros!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I had a single Waffen SS rifle platoon take out a pair of super pershings. i just had them run back and forth shooting at it with panzerfausts. Thank god for the pershing's slow turret
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Chupacabra: While I'm not convinced that there were two flamethrowers in Allied or German flamethrower teams, I don't think it's a particularly good idea to cite Hollywood movies as proof. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I'm not. one man is has a rifle and "supports" the flamethrower.
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by John Kettler: I read much of the reams on flamethrowers and found nothing on this matter, but maybe I missed something. I'd like to know why a flamethrower team can't split into two guys, each with a flamethrower? I've used flamethrowers repeatedly, have taken a casualty in my flamethrower team on numerous occasions, but have never lost flame capability. Ergo, I'm forced to conclude that the team has two men armed with a flamethrower per, either that or I've always taken the casualty from the escort, presumably armed with a rifle or SMG. If there are indeed two flamethrowers in a team, as I believe to be true, why can't the team split, thus providing more tactical flexibility in their use? Sincerely, John Kettler<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> the fact is there is only one flame thrower in a team. Watch the movie "a bridge to far" it demonstrates it well.
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by gaffertape: I think the M14 was derived from the M1 Garand, not the other way around. Not sure about the M14 caliber though. GAFF<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> M14 is 7.62, the M14 came after the M1, and was used until mid vietnam. It looks like a M1 with a BAR barrell minus the bipod and with a damn big clip. I've fired M1's and 14's, and the M1 is MUCH more accuarate at close range. I love how the M1 bandoliers pop out when all the rounds are gone. BTW: We had a couple on a Field Ex. a while back, a corporal in my company chopped his thumb up pretty bad loading the thing.
  12. they've got some of the thickest armour. Right up there with the King Tiger and JagdTiger. They were use mostly for close support. The Canadians at Juno on D-Day send in a whole whack of them. It's cool watching videos of them stroll across the beaches blasting the hell out of German Fortifications. It probably wouldn't be that cool if I was one of the Germans....
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fatmac: Actually, my g3/500 is faster than my g4/400, so probably no altivec enhancements are in CM.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> 500 would be faster than a 400....... 100MHz faster
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by M. Bates: Will Combat Mission now be included on Gamerangerâ„¢? place.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Talk to Evill about that. He has to give permission.
  15. When i was playing the Arnehm op the bridge blew up somehow. And that was the end of that operation.......... My StuG's and HT's were stuck on the wrong side when it blew
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Sven: This is a bug: When the AI (your own troops or the computer's) decides to run for cover, they tend to pick a building. In the scenario I'm playing now with a friend, my troops decided that it was time to run for that building to get away from it all.dead. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Lemme put it to you this way, If you were being shot at would you choose to stand in a open field?
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by OGSF: So my conclusion would be that pillboxes in CM do not extend the life of the gun inside by very much as they are very susceptible to direct fire from armour, but are impervious to infantry assault. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I made a senario where there we a bunch of pillboxes, all I had to work with were british para's. They knocked out 7/10 Pillbox MG's with gammon bombs. BUT......as for the other three PB MG's.....they didn't live to fine out
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Sonora: Has anyone thought about a WWI Scenario?? or is it even possible?? (with all the trenches and such)Thoughts ????<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I made one a while back, i could post it up somewhere if you really want it. Lot's of machine guns, barbed wire, pits & mud in no mans land. works quite well. I'm working on a Vimy Ridge Operation right now.
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stoffel: Not long ago someone mentioned that he lost many games as a defender. Lately I looked at the kill stats for my units. And something odd is going on if you look at a HMG 42 team they have lot of ammo. In my previous pbem I had three teams they had fired almost all their ammo at many different infantrysquads and vehicles. I looked at the kill stats in the 26th turn and to my suprise they had caused.... 3 infantrycasualties? So I was curious to the other units results and setup a testrange. Used two 150mm guns and 8 mg42 teams against unprotected infantry with a maximum range of 400 meters,no hills no trees no other cover. After 4 turns they had caused ...zero casualties,how am I supposed to win a fight if my crews can't kill anybody? ANd yes they all had veteran quality.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> mb it's the fog of war. You can kill a whole battalion of infantry, they can all be lying infront of you dead and dying and you wouldn't even know it.
  20. What about German 300mm rocket launchers? Big dog...... [This message has been edited by Shadow 1st Hussars (edited 11-16-2000).]
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Ari Maenpaa: What about the missing MGs on Marders? Are there historical reasons for their absence? Ari<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> MG's on Marders were not standand I beleave. Some Marders had a removeable MG34 mounted on the back.
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda: Any idea why? If I shoot a building it gets *s next to the name. One time, I had a building named Heavy Building*. Later it was Heavy Building**. I kept shooting it and it became rubble***. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I think it has something to do with what units are in the building.
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Little_Black_Devil: Canadian Forces, 1993-98 13FD Bty, 26FD Regt Royal Canadian Artillery <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> A couple of my buddies are in that Regiment. [This message has been edited by Shadow 1st Hussars (edited 11-13-2000).]
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