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    GA, USA

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  1. Thank you gentelmen for the replies will do more reshearch
  2. Can you edit texture files? like walls and such??
  3. Hey, I D/L your Cochon Bridge last night. It turned into a battle of the FOs and with Tanks and AFV jockying for cover tring to get LOS on the targets on the other side of the river (some nice long shots were made) Played as the Allies. In the end had all the flags but one and was closing on that one.(flag in the far corner)Fought to a draw. (Due to heavy Allied KIAs I think)
  4. Hmmmm, here is a thought, maybe someone more computer literate than I can figure out a way to make a texture tile for the trenches so they would be uniform in depth, width,and such. sort of like walls but in reverse
  5. Thanks Shadow,please send if you still have it. SonoraPine@juno.com
  6. Is there a way to model the trench?? if you use deep mud and dug in the unit still just looks like its standing in a puddle. Could it be done with elevation on the map itself??
  7. Has anyone thought about a WWI Scenario?? or is it even possible?? (with all the trenches and such)Thoughts ????
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