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Everything posted by Vergeltungswaffe

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Agua: Wait, "105 mike mike"? What are you saying?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> 105mm artillery
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Andrew Hedges: I usually give the AI only a +1 bonus, but +25 to 30% troops (Or I reduce by that much). Is there any advantage to greater bonuses in lieu of more troops?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yes, since the AI regularly keeps its squads out of command radius from the platoon HQ's, those units break and run much easier. Giving the AI +2 or +3 gives its men a better fighting chance at holding their ground or continuing to attack, as the circumstances may warrant. More troops is not a bad thing, but always bump it up by at least +2.
  3. Play a CM night scenario with Franko's True Combat rules and you will likely have a laugh out loud good time, even against the AI. The first time you "+" to a unit that has run into some woods from enemy (or friendly, at night) fire, and you can't even tell which way they're facing, you will begin to get a taste of what it must have been like for all of us who have never experienced it in real life. It is hilarious to move cautiously along and then, finally, discover that you have made your way right back to the jump off point for your attack.
  4. I am totally in favor of that, and anything that brings variety to the battlefield, Andrew. Having different faces helped a lot, but uni variants would be a much needed improvement. Also, your Commonwealth stuff is as good as ever. As I said before, All Hail Andrew Fox, Clothier to CM!
  5. If this is earlier in the war, as it appeared, then definitely not.
  6. Not to mention that the 'faust was inherently somewhat unstable, not unlike the T-stoff and Z-stoff that cost the lives of quite a few Me 163 Komet pilots. It occasionally went ka-blooey when you depressed the firing lever.
  7. I saw a preview for the movie your referring to, Captain's whatshisname's Mandolin. I also saw what was clearly a Hetzer rolling over a big debris pile coming toward the camera. I haven't seen the preview again to figure what theater of the war it takes place in, but it seems to involve some Italian soldiers and perhaps some Greeks? or Cypriots?. Nicolas Cage apparently decides to fight against the Axis, alongside the towns people.
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by The Commissar: Its not about making things happen quickly, its about making more complicated maneuvers possible, without wasting time.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> This is not in any way, shape, or form, a flame or an attempt to disagree. It just cracked me up, though, that when I said I thought maybe people were trying to do too much, too fast, you responded with the above. Without wasting time? So, in other words, more quickly, right? Again, not making a deal out of it, just finding humor in life!
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Richard Morgan: I would be very grateful if you could give me the full email address of the Russian Battlefield site you mentioned Richard.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Richard, the Russian Battlefield is: http://history.vif2.ru/ For what its worth, I love big maps, also. Even with small opposing forces. Some think it boring, but I love the tension of scouting around trying to find the enemy without being found.
  10. Some would argue that giving orders once per minute is ridiculous (though I am not one of them). I would have to say that I am not in favor of this being implemented, though, because it seems to me that you folks are just trying to make too many things happen too quickly. I understand your motives and I don't think its a "realism" problem. Seems to me that the one minute breaks have about the right feel for getting palatable results. Probably a moot point anyway. I doubt there will be any timing code changes before CMII.
  11. Makes me glad to have a high end system. My heart goes out to any that can't enjoy these. Andrew Fox is an incredible talent. Thanks for all the time you spend and all the work you do!
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Dirtweasle: How is it that in the Whitman Op the reinforcing MkIVs and such arrive back at the corssraods at the far end of the map?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> They show up there, but then you can immediately place them anywhere within your zone of control to start that particular battle.
  13. In some instances, yes, this is what empty maps are used for, but, generally, they are just made by helpful folks so you can build your own scenario without having to take the, sometimes substantial, time to make your own map. I, too, am a fan of big maps, with large forces, or even with small battles. You can never have too much room to recon and infiltrate!
  14. Only if you have a 3rd party to send both of your unit purchases to. They then buy them, save it, and send it to you two to start playing. Otherwise, only the 3 default maps for QB's. Its one of those features we all keep hoping for in a future CM.
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kingfish: Battlefront Resources<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> That has some great links. In particular, Bob's vacation pictures have tons of wonderful views, especially vehicle interiors.
  16. What a horrible end to such a difficult struggle. Even escaping what would have been a horrible, and probably fatal, captivity by the Russians. Kind a microcosm of the whole war for the Germans. Thanks for the story, SuperTed.
  17. This topic has been the subject of maaaaaaaany posts already. Unless you'd like to watch the search engine run for a while, I suggest you accept that the Panther had a fairly large variation in possible turret rotation speeds based on engine rpms, and that, on average, the turret would not make the faster times.
  18. I am so ready to delete all that crap in my bmp folder. Bring it on!
  19. No wasting time with previews! There is no need to market CMBB to us, we'd all pay a ridiculously high price to preorder it right this second. Steve and Charles may only work on CMBB. Food and sleep are also a waste of time. Work!
  20. Large caliber AAA was used for high altitude defense, against bombers, and so forth. For the low level fighter-bomber attacks being represented in CM, the crews would have no chance to get those great big bad boys whipped into line with a fast moving, low altitude, only visible for a few seconds, type target. So, they don't fire.
  21. All the sources I have read agree that the 122mm armed models had stowage for 28 rounds. I'm sure BTS will correctly model this. I also hope that they will make the default loadouts with a high percentage of HE, as they historically were.
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Smaragdadler: *Maps key 5,6,7,8 may only used when the TAB-locked unit is a HQ. Platoon HQ may only use 5 and 6 Company HQ may only use 5,6 and 7 Battalion HQ can use all (5,6,7,8) NO scrolling on the map is allowed, exept during setup-phase NO selecting and giving orders of units on the map is allowed, exept during setup-phase FO's can only use map level 8 to mark their target areas on it. Any other 'Über-FOW-players' out there with some more commends or suggestions? Greetings!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I know not everyone has a color printer, but if you do, then the best option of all is absolutely no use of 5-8 after setup. Print out a map from 7 or 8 depending on size, and use that only.
  23. Glad theres more coming. As much as I enjoy beautiful vehicles and terrain, infantry is the heart of the game. Now they're really getting the treatment they have needed. I imagine we modsluts make it tough for the talented few artistic members of the community (like yourself) to actually play any CM.
  24. 99 nailed it. Priests didn't kill a lot, but nobody likes big-ass explosions in close proximity, even when you're in an afv.
  25. Good as DD's were, you definitely want the ones from the man who posted right after you. Hail Andrew Fox - clothier for CM!
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