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Everything posted by Jaws

  1. Not sure if this will appeal to you, but look here: http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=23;t=009289 </font>
  2. Good work (as always) any chance to see a PZ-IV J mod??
  3. Paulus, Friedrich (1890-1957) No matter from which points of view I tried to understand this man.... if you let 220.000 man die just to hide yourself behind the befehl of the Furher.. you deserve the title of the worst general (Generalfeldmarschall) of the history.
  4. What is the problem with beating Germans?? The Allies got the M10, 17 pound AT gun, lot's of cheap arty or the 57mm AT gun who can beat most German tanks and the infantry of the allies is also pretty good with mortars, machineguns and bazooka support. So beating Germans you can do it with 2 fingers in the nose
  5. I'll make sure to tell that to my grandfather who spent a lot of time fighting battles you think did not happen. Such as lying behind a cemetery wall with 50 other Germans waiting for 200 Soviets to assault them in February 1944. Such as fighting reconnaissance into a Baltic village with some Stugs and guns in July/August 1941. The scale of the key actions in the west also dwarves anything you can do in CM. Or have you seen someone design a playable battle showing the whole operation to close the Falaise pocket? Or the whole Cobra breakout? Or the whole of Monte Cassino? Or the whole defense of the Oosterbeek perimeter? Or the whole initial stage of the Ardennes offensive? Or the whole of 12th SS assaulting the Elsenborn Ridge? Do I need to go on? There are many reasons for not being interested in CMBB. Plain old ignorance does not feature highly amongst those, or reflect well on you. </font>
  6. I wasn't planning on it. You could alway renumber the trousers for the winter version of the mod, as they're the same color as the tunic. </font>
  7. Can you tell me how if you have a mod to make the German trousers also grey in July 1943 :confused:
  8. Great work I can't wait to use it
  9. CMAK, PBEM/TCP, February 1941. I was the British attacker against the Italians. My opponent had 3 tankettes L33, 1x L33 Flame and a M11/39 tank with a 37 mm AT gun. Those tanks did delaying actions against my reinforced infantry company. But I had only AT rifles and Carriers with AT rifles. No matter how I tried those rifles did not penetrate the Italian tanks. My company went pinned down every time when I tried to advance and I was not able to reach my final objectives. :mad: Each time when I tried to outflank the Italian tanks they retreated to a next dominant peace of terrain and the cycles started again. Pinned down, attempt to outflank and then he retreated. :mad: Then the FOG really hit the fan. During my attempt to outflank his tanks with 2 of my infantry platoons they bumped into an outflanking reinforced Italian platoon. An intense close combat started on the flank of those Italian tanks. :eek: My opponent forgot the retreat his tanks because he tried to save his reinforced infantry platoon. :confused: I saw the light… :cool: I had one Engineer platoon still pinned down by those tanks. I pulled them back and outflanked the tanks on the other side with this platoon. But there was no cover to engage those tanks close by. I kept outflanking until I reached the back of those tanks and started to run into the open towards the tanks with the engineer platoon. In less then 30 seconds 3 tankettes L33, 1x L33 Flame and a M11/39 tank were burning due damage of the demolition packs and the reinforced outflanking infantry platoon was destroyed. This changed the course of the battle and I was able to win it. Something I never though about until this success. [ April 30, 2004, 10:20 AM: Message edited by: Jaws ]
  10. Not sure what that problem would be. There were no gray trouser BMPs included in the set, and the CMAK textures use a tan color. Keep in mind this mod only works for the set 3/late-war W-SS troops (from June '44 on). Are you using the CMMOS version? </font>
  11. Thanks again, great work. I’ve got some problems with the Europe SS uniforms. The trousers are still grey? Can you give me a hint?
  12. No, you confuse 1) the base hit probability and 2) what happens if it missed. You have to understand how the engine works: there is a hit probability against an armored target and it is executed as a pure probability with a random number. There is no flight path computation. If the engine decided it is a miss then it does an entriely new computation to figure out where the shot lands, which is case 2). Case 2 is certainly screwed up, the fall pattern of missed shots is far too wide given the base hit probability. But it doesn't matter as case 2) is entirely seperate from case 1), so you don't miss out on armor hits. </font>
  13. Yes I agree the problems with different types of tanks but I must say that urge to survive makes soldiers very creative in solving this kind of problems. But you make a good point here.
  14. This sound very familiar with new tank crews
  15. First I did no testing but I noticed this behaviour often. Then I did testing wit PZ III M, PZ IV G and up, Panther and Panzer IV/70 (Jagdpanzer). With the PZ III M you can see this the best because this tanks is not able to kill i.e. a Sherman with its 50mm L60 in one shot (mostly). It is possible that this was already in CMBB but I didn’t notice this before. :confused:
  16. yes we are talking about stationary targets.
  17. Only at large distances and with heavy wind the flight path of the project will be influence. For WW2 tanks let's say above 600 meters. And yes projectiles will not always follow the exact same path but have a tolerance of about 1 meter in that time. </font>
  18. Only at large distances and with heavy wind the flight path of the project will be influence. For WW2 tanks let's say above 600 meters. And yes projectiles will not always follow the exact same path but have a tolerance of about 1 meter in that time. [ April 25, 2004, 10:06 AM: Message edited by: Jaws ]
  19. Basically the procedure is simple. Someone of the tank crew spots a target and the Tank commander decides if the gunner should engage it. Then he gives a direction, an estimated range and ammo sort. This sound something like this (depending from which country you are) Commander: HE, 1 o'clock, 800 meters, vehicle engage Gunner: 1 o'clock, 800 meters, vehicle,..Contact Loader: HE Loaded Commander: Fire Gunner: I will fire (wait 1 second so tank crew can prepare for shot) Than the adjustment procedure starts: Someone from the Tank crew calls; over, right, left, short or a combination of this. The tank commander gives order to adjust. i.e. if the shot went over he calls aim at underside target (every country has a procedure for this) Finally (if he gets the chance ) there is a moment he hit the target. After that if he repeats fire until the target is destroyed. After he is adjusted, the round will always hit the target because he knows exactly where to aim with the correction (i.e. left underside of target) (only very bad gunners make a mistakes here) In CMAK it goes like this; 1st shot over 2nd shot short 3th shot hit. 4th shot miss :eek: 5th shot miss 6th shot hit 7th shot hit 8th shot miss :mad: This is in real life it is impossible without a clear cause to miss the target after shot 3. In my opinion this error should be corrected. [ April 25, 2004, 08:51 AM: Message edited by: Jaws ]
  20. Thanks, People still respect the time you put in to this
  21. BERGMAN IS STILL ALIVE!!! Got all CMBO mods of him. Great I can't wait to see it gold [ April 22, 2004, 11:45 AM: Message edited by: Jaws ]
  22. Yes thanks this is it. Heavy bridge and 4 levels between water and land Thanks again
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