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Everything posted by Jaws

  1. Play gevechtsaufklearung it is a good scenario to start with.
  2. 2 shots of a T-34 who thought that he found a good spot to hide. B.t.w. I'm experimenting with a rule that I may give only orders from the company commander’s position. It really would help if I could use a 2d map to give orders to other units. Of course I can zoom out and give orders but than I'm able to see things I normally want see as a CO. Anyone suggestions?? [ October 16, 2003, 02:11 PM: Message edited by: Jaws ]
  3. Thanks for the info Moon. And how about turn length, bogged chance? I must say that the change to get a vehicle out of a bogged situation seems to be improved since 1.03. And I will only say this once... This kind of spontaneous response from you and your team mates is why I wake up with this forum and program and go to bed with it Grammar edits (sorry I'm Dutch ) [ October 13, 2003, 04:08 PM: Message edited by: Jaws ]
  4. It depends if you have enough memory (at least 512MB) and a good video card (FX 5600 128 MB or higher or a ATI 9700 pro 128 MB or higher) then I think a 750Mhz can do the job. Otherwise you can turn down some graphics. But I know the feeling... I've got it every time when a new game hits the stores
  5. Ok I'm stupid. I see the link but I'm looking for the link on your site to download the mod's. I only see screens. And the data base link is to CM Mod Database (the one that’s down at the moment)?? So my question is do you have a link on your site to download. :confused: </font>
  6. Ok I'm stupid. I see the link but I'm looking for the link on your site to download the mod's. I only see screens. And the data base link is to CM Mod Database (the one that’s down at the moment)?? So my question is do you have a link on your site to download. :confused: [ October 12, 2003, 09:53 AM: Message edited by: Jaws ]
  7. Only if there is a converter program to do that. I like to see some old scenario's i.e. Noville Team DeSobry is one I really like to see back.
  8. What is you point Godflesh?? Gautrek wrote "thats why i am hosting my latest mods on my site" :confused:
  9. Gautrek, Where can I download your mod's?? I didn't discover a link on you’re site??
  10. And if we have the trains working I like to see real aircraft and not just shadows And to al of those fast thinkers.. I own FS 2004, IL-2, IL-2 FB, Combat flight sim 1,2,3
  11. Wish you all the best to recover your data. But I guess you will have a backup?? Succes in ieder geval
  12. Thanks again as always it looks great. B.t.w. will you do the PZ IV J before or after CMAK will be release :confused: Months ago you did a little promise
  13. Xperimental is used for experimental products everywhere
  14. And how would you describe a Stum Tiger?? It is also modelled. I don't see the problem, when they put it in the game and we can choose if we want it or not. And if you play a ladder or tourney they always have some rules to keep the ladder or tourney attractive. </font>
  15. And how would you describe a Stum Tiger?? It is also modelled. I don't see the problem, when they put it in the game and we can choose if we want it or not. And if you play a ladder or tourney they always have some rules to keep the ladder or tourney attractive. [ August 24, 2003, 05:47 PM: Message edited by: Jaws ]
  16. For the present army's on company level there are roughly 2 way's. One is a logistic street where a company drive through and pick up food/ fuel and ammo but there is also repair capacity, it will coast about 60 minutes to resupply a company. The second way is that they use logistic points and dump ammo/ fuel and food at platoon level. The platoon commander orders (during a lull in the battle) individual vehicles to pick up that supply. That will coast about 10 to 15 minutes per vehicle. Of course in WW 2 the communications were far less than today and there was little flexibility when the combat started. But it is know that ammo dumps were used behind fighting positions. These dumps were arrange before the start of the battle. This is where it's all about. If a commander foresees that he will run out of ammo during a battle he will make a plan to prevent that it will happen. De last battle in the movie of Saving Private Ryan was a perfect example of that.
  17. Not very realistic, though. Think of it this way -- with bullets and shells flying about, would you volunteer to be the guy who drives the truck full of high explosives and ammunition to a point literally on the front lines during battle? Me neither. Steve </font>
  18. Well I did a experiment with Paint shop [ August 17, 2003, 04:25 PM: Message edited by: Jaws ]
  19. When I open my mouth you can see what the dentist did to me and than you will know which Jaws
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