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Everything posted by Jaws

  1. It happends also in Quick Battles :confused:
  2. Unfortunately, that doesn't always seem to be the case. I've had paniced green crews drive their tanks up on to a ridge from protected hull down positions behind the ridge and into enemy fire, where, of course, they get slaughtered instead of just reversing back behind the slope for protection. There were no obstructions or fires blocking their path to rear either. They just suddenly go "stupid" and more or less advertise themselves as willing targets. "HERE I AM KILL ME!" This should really be looked into by Battlefront. </font>
  3. Thanks for the answer but I've got a lot of examples that they flee over open terrain towards the enemy with no sight for cover at all. Stronger, they flee out of there protected area. If there has been no change in the data since CMBO/CMBB to this subject then it surprises me that I didn't noticed this before. So it seems I'm still the only one who noticed this :confused:
  4. I've seen it more than 10 times now. So that makes it no coincidence anymore My opinion is that this is not realistic and frustrate players. I never noticed this before in CMBO or CMBB. Am I seeing ghost or are more players out there who have noticed this :confused: And what is your opinion about this?? [ March 12, 2004, 04:34 PM: Message edited by: Jaws ]
  5. I discovered also a other problem. A tiger passed a US bazooka team (11 meters) in his cover armour. Then when the tiger drove 1 meter out of his cover armour (and stopped 12 meters form bazooka team) the bazooka team rotated back to his sector and didn’t fire anymore on the tiger. I can't remember this behaviour from previous CM versions?
  6. Thanks Juju, it is great to see that you got the mod fever again
  7. Did you win... otherwise you can forget your price of course And let me guess.. your opponents were not from Australia?
  8. Did you win... otherwise you can forget your price of course And let me guess.. your opponents were not from Australia?
  9. Did you win... otherwise you can forget your price of course And let me guess.. your opponents were not from Australia?
  10. Report ROW IV, Group 2, Section 4. Squeezing the melon Jaws vs Ted send to Ted South of Vevi Jaws vs Gator 6 send to gator 6 Frontier Firefight '40 Pacestick vs Jaws waiting for file Busy weekend
  11. Still no smoke out of your ears Kingfish Great work. Lets see if I can setup the first game tonight
  12. There will be a time far, far in the future... when everybody has a e-mail that correspond with his nickname.... And then (possibly I'm not alive then) you can use the name of the person you mend in one time without trying to learn all those complicated E-mail adresses@rr.net.com.au.ouch. </font>
  13. There will be a time far, far in the future... when everybody has a e-mail that correspond with his nickname.... And then (possibly I'm not alive then) you can use the name of the person you mend in one time without trying to learn all those complicated E-mail adresses@rr.net.com.au.ouch. [ February 11, 2004, 02:21 PM: Message edited by: Jaws ]
  14. Group 2 Section IV complete. Seems Ted had no contact with Karnak.
  15. Great work, I know the magazine and it is really a very detailed and accurate magazine. But quit expensive in the Netherlands. So as a real Dutch I will try to get it for free
  16. One thing I know for sure. And that is that you don't have to target the minefield. Just walk (if AT minefield) or sneak (if AP minefield) and than thing will happen. But I can't tell you how long you have to wait because it is unpredictable :confused:
  17. I've got youre e-mail with the AAR files but didn't receive the conformation e-mail.
  18. Just in a game with same problem. I moved 1squad more to the centre of the minefield. Then 1 turn later I heard and saw a big boom and yes.... the minefield disappeared
  19. I'm in great B.t.w. do you have a format for an AAR?
  20. http://www.battlefront.com/index.htm http://www.cmmods.com/ http://3dwargamer.net/bootsandtracks/ http://ns9.super-hosts.com/~dragonlair.net/combatmission/ oops 4.... I see these every day
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