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Everything posted by Gpig

  1. What is the Toldi armed with? Gpig
  2. AWESOME!!!! Looks great. Real time with no "hitpoints." Cool. No infantry . . . ? More love for the MAC! Thank you! Gpig [ May 10, 2005, 03:27 PM: Message edited by: Gpig ]
  3. (Just a warning, this post of mine will have absolutely no worth.) Maybe they are tasked with looking for the Arc (of the covenant)? Though I would have thought they'd be archeologists. Hmmmm . . . Or, if the division runs out of ammo, they are required to find and extract the materials out of the earth to create gunpowder? (Like that one episode of Star Trek, where Kirk fashions a bazooka to launch diamonds at Lizard boy?) Or maybe, each King Tiger had a Geologist on the fender, helping to identify good routes of travel to avoid bogging. Ok, I'm done. Sorry
  4. I think every player will have a different opinion, of course. I like either way. Just let the player know before hand which type of situation he/she will be fighting in, and let them choose. If they feel like reenacting the slaughter of (insert battle here), then they'll launch the scenario. If not, they'll move on to the equal forces/mirrored map battles. I'd say Pzman's advice is spot on. (In regards to your questions, my hunch is that most players of CM would prefer balanced battles OVER historically correct battles.) Gpig [ May 10, 2005, 11:25 AM: Message edited by: Gpig ]
  5. So cool, that! as to open desert fighting, it can be pretty durned fun. Make sure you've got at least "gentle slopes" selected in your QB set-up parameters. A little bit of undulation in your maps can create a lot of cover. As for tactics. These are a few that have helped me out in the open plain. Have plenty of overwatch firepower (and eyeballs) at the ready. Move only in leap-frog bounds (one portion of your group moves while the other covers. Then switch movers with shooters and repeat.) A little bit of ROCKY ground for your infantry is better than open sand. Look for ANY kind of cover for you infantry. Shellholes. Brush. Anything. Good luck.
  6. CEase FIRE. Ask your opponent for a CEASE-fire. If he doesn't accept, try and have fun saving your men by executing a tactical withdrawl. Never Surrender. Sorry, I do not know the answers to the point-costs for prisoners, but I assume they'd be the same (taken in game vs end game). Good luck. Gpig
  7. Good luck with your new found addiction! (grins) You are going to need it! (wears a knowing look)
  8. I'd love to hear an AAR (however brief) of your battle, JonS/M.D. Will my hopes be dashed? Gpig
  9. Hmmm. The feared ERROR MESSAGE. Henshel Factory? (I don't have my sources here at work.) Gpig
  10. Looks great, Kingfish. I'm playing the first one again (vs A.I.) and it's a hoot. Love the map. The briefings are well done, as well. (I'm glad to see Swatty in his scout car!) Gpig
  11. Yes. You can create a map and then save it as a QBmap. Then, start a Quick Battle, allow human selection of forces in the set-up, then when you get to one of the set-up screens (I forget which one) you'll see a button titled "LOAD FROM FILE." This button will take you to the QuickBattleMap folder on your hardrive. Then select your wonderful map and you're OFF to the RACES!!! WWWW0o0oooooHOOOOO! Nice, that. Gpig P.S. sorry, bit tipsy.
  12. Damn, that's funny. Played that same OP just a month ago. Had some of those same experiences. Gpig
  13. Yes please. I'll take 'em for a spin. Thanks, Gpig
  14. If you've got the time, also use a couple of squads to throw some supressing fire, while the 3rd squads ADVANCES across the field. Then when 3rd sqd reaches cover, it and 1st sqd can supress the enemy tree line while the HQ and 2nd sqd cross the field. Rinse and repeat And like Lars said, give your Maxim's some time to supress the tree line. But if you have not ID'd the enemy positions, there will ALWAYS be some fire coming back outta those woods. Be prepared to lose some men. Gpig
  15. 1) only Half of the village was ever really in solid control of the Currie force. And yes, they had defensive positions up to the Marie bldg (town hall). The Canadians were VERY thin on the ground, infantry-wise. But during the last breakout attempt of the remaining German forces, Currie pulled his tanks and attached infantry back to the NorthWest end of the Village. It had gotten too risky with the limited infantry coverage he did have. And since the Germans were not interested in staying to fight (they just wanted to make it to Mt. Ormel), Currie was content to let them go by. But now and then the Germans would make a wrong turn up the D13 and the fight was back on. 2) It's my understanding that the Magny crossing was always in German hands. No allied forces (other than RAF and Artillery) had access to that crossing. Gpig
  16. Just curious, Jason. What are "mismodeled slope effects with guns?" Thanks, Gpig
  17. Hi. Check out the post titled "Quasi-Random battles" in the SCENARIO TALK forum (posted by Askovdk). That might give you some ideas as to improving the fun-factor of your QB battles. Gpig
  18. Cool! Thanks Junk! It's at the ProvingGrounds, and it's called; CC2_Groesbeek_Farmland.cmg Gpig
  19. Thanks McAuliffe. So, I did not realize that in CM, one side ALWAYS sets up East/west dependant on nationality. For QB's at least. Or is this the same for Scenarios? Can the Axis forces attack from the East (attacking to the WEST) in hand-made scenarios? I'll have to test this later . . . Now, off to get Pyewacket's Map Converter. (Please tell me I can run this off my Mac. Lie to me, if need be.) Gpig
  20. Howdy. I built a little map and now my Axis and Allied Forces come in facing the wrong direction and not pressed against the map edge. I triple checked that the Friendly Map Edge is correct for each side. North is up. East is Axis. West is Allied. But when firing up a QB to load the map from file to put my forces on it, they are facing the opposite direction within thier set-up zones. (And crawl toward the enemy when in panic mode.) Ideas? Suggestions? Thanks for any help, Gpig
  21. Uh Oh. Someone went and got him started . . . I LOVE playing NWE battles with CMAK. I'm currently remaking CloseCombat2 maps in CMAK and having fun little infantry battles on them. YeeeeHA! Gpig
  22. Thanks for that, JasonC. Reminds me of the CMBB Demo battle Yelnia Stare (Sp?). That's basically how I won the game vs. a human opponent. It wasn't fun for the the poor guy, but my Russian swarm eventually just rolled him over. I don't think I even moved one of my 4 (or was it 5) T-34's. Just used em' to pour suppressing fire. Calmness is a key factor in this type of attack. (Don't be bothered by a routed platoon here or there - stick to the plan.) Gpig
  23. Impressive! The expression of that one dude manning the 251 (with the 37mm) is priceless. Looks like he's looking right at the cameraman. Gpig
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