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Everything posted by Gpig

  1. Panzer76 wrote: "Join the dark side, muhahaha!" NNnnnoOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooo!
  2. Panzer76 wrote: "Join the dark side, muhahaha!" NNnnnoOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooo!
  3. I think I read early on that there would be NO Mac version of T-72. happy to be corrected, however. Gpig
  4. I think I read early on that there would be NO Mac version of T-72. happy to be corrected, however. Gpig
  5. Ok. I'm back. Yes, you can fire the 75mm while in the HULL-DOWN position with the Grant. I've just watched my line of Grants blow away 3 PzIII's using thier AP for the 75mm's. So I was correct after all. Scared me there, dude. So far I have not lost a single Grant in this battle and I'm at turn 14 (out of 20). If the Axis so much as show thier face, they are toast. Off to bed. Gpig
  6. Hmmm . . . that's interesting. As my Grants up on the hill are happily firing away with thier 75mm and have taken out 3 PzIII's. Honestly, I have not actually checked the ammo to see if they are chuckin' 75mm (but I will check when I start 'er up again), but I'd be surprised if they were knocking out the PzIII's with their 37mm guns. At over 600m. In the front. On the other hand, maybe my Grants aren't actually in HULL DOWN position? *scratches head* I'll have to go check . . . Gpig
  7. SPOILER ALERT! . . . . . . . . . . . . Just trucked this one out for the first time, last night. Never played it before, but it looked like fun. (I'm not finished it yet.) So far, I'm swattin' the Germans. Mainly because I think I made an important choice from the beginning. Leave your Grants BACK, near your map edge. Place them at the BOTTOM of the allowed set-up zone (I can't remember if that's SOUTH or NORTH or what), and then REVERSE them into HULL-DOWN positions on that high ground. From there they will RULE the earth!! Or at least that small mapped protion of it. The Cursaders you have to be VERY delicate with. I left mine on the Right hill as well, but I only SHOOT and SCOOT with them, trying to harass mainly. I scout with Jeeps and MMG_carrier's, trying to peek over hilltops, then reverse back into safety. And yes, the Stuarts, I rushed into HULL-DOWN positions near where you put them. But I pretty much left them in the LOW point of the map, where any German armor that stumbles that far will be tag-teamed by the stuarts. Hopefully with odds in my favour. The infantry platoon I move up into good cover, short of the objective. Hoping to win the armor battle before rushing the empty trenches. The 2pdr portee's I just hide behind the hills (if they can survive that long to get there). The Grant's are DOMINANT on this battlefield. Especially hulldown. At the beginning of the battle, I've got 6 Grants hull-down, with LOS to the other side of the map. As the AXIS forces come over thier ridge, they are dead meat. Er, Spam. Even my Crusader's are gettin' in lucky shots. My Stuarts, as well. The reinforcements only add to my glee. 3 more grants! and 6 more stuarts! WOOT. I'm currently at the point where the AXIS is getting his reinforcements (I have a jeep MG peeking on the left side of the map, and the AXIS road just FILLED up with armor). So I know it's not over yet. I'll give you a full accounting after the battle. Gpig
  8. Find the target you want to flame, BUTTON the crew, FAST move to within range and be in position at the end of the turn. Next ORDERS Phase, AREA FIRE the spot you want hot with the ouchy-flame and you are in business. You might also want to plot a complex "REVERSE to safety" route (adding up to 30 seconds or so of command delay) that gives the WASP enough time to squirt out a few Hades-helpings of hurt, and then trundle on back to safety. Gpig
  9. Here's one idea. Load up your OVERWATCH (arty spotter, HQ to spot for 81mm mrts, Mortars) on the tanks and race them to the first ridgeline. There you can quickly set 'em up to see the whole valley and your opponents ridgeline as well. Don't pop your tanks over, yet. After they've unloaded the OW team, split up your platoon to the LEFT and RIGHT sides of the hills. Assuming you've got good tanks with thick turret armor, just position them at the ready to shoot and scoot, and/or just snipe from your hillside. Do NOT let the enemy tanks get your own. Either be there first, to catch him moving . . . or ID him with your spotters then HUNT/S&S into action with a view to a kill. (Narrow covered Armor ARC.) Find a route for your infantry company to infiltrate the village. When coming out of the hills, do not bunch up. You KNOW your opponent is going to have eyes on the oppsoing ridgeline, ready to chuck all sorts of nasty things at you. Anyhoo, that'd be my approach. Good luck. (AAR?) Gpig
  10. Thanks Jason. I'm always happy to be reminded about the flexibility of HQ's and squads under a company umbrella. Also, green troops. Gives you just that little bit more. Did the Germans have any heavy weapons besides HMG's? Thanks, Gpig
  11. Don't quit your Day-grog, Mr. Dorosh. Gpig
  12. Don't quit your Day-grog, Mr. Dorosh. Gpig
  13. This has turned into the "Big bunch of teasing-teasers" thread. Someone oughta take a taser to these teasers! Grrrr
  14. What if he wasn't referring to CM, when he lobbed that "bone-bomb?" Gpig
  15. Ok. Finished it. Phew! It wasn't as easy at the end as I'd thought it was going to be. The american reinforcements really put a DENT in my armored force. I still pulled out a MINOR VICTORY, by turn 41 (when they surrendered). By the end, I'd lost 12 vehicles. But only 12 KIA . That was FUN! Thanks Bill. I'll update my review at the SD. Gpig
  16. Heh heh. (shakes head) You sly dawg . . .
  17. Hi Would you tease us with some info? Like when a DEMO might be offered? Also, has the recent news about the Intel/Apple team-up created any difficulties for the OSX release of this game? Thanks, Gpig
  18. Hi Bill. I noticed you may have accidentally downloaded your scenario 4 times, at the SD. It's listed 4 times. P.S. I've played a few more turns last night. Found some more surprises! (GRrrrrr) Gpig
  19. What if she had super powers? Would you make a game like that? Gpig
  20. What if she had super powers? Would you make a game like that? Gpig
  21. Ok. So far so good. . . . . . . . . **SPOILER ALERT!** . . . . . . . . I'm at turn 25 and I've only lost 1 panzer. (Well, 3, if you're counting immobilizations.) Thanks for posting this, Bill. Besides being a fun test of skills versus the A.I., it's helping me to hash out my CMBO demons. So, I'm not sure if the game has gotten easier? Or if I've just gotten better? But this battle does seem to be less bedevilling than the CMBO version. I think the difference may be that NOW-a-DAYS I'm wise to the binocular equipped spotter. This time through, having a man with "4-eyes" survey the landscape when the enemy opens up, is making all the difference. Also, I had a slight advantage by having played the orginal version. Knowing where the minefield is helps. (But I still lost 1 panzer to mines!) The enemy artillery is a REAL BASTICHE! Grrrr! The P-51 did some damage but not too much. By turn 25 I've taken out 3 AT guns on the far hills. Wiped out the infantry platoon at the RIGHT forground flag. And I'm routing the Infantry plt on the LEFT flag. This was about as far as I ever got in the CMBO version (and certainly not in as good a shape), so now I'm going to push on and see if I can get the back 3 flags. I'm sure there'll be some more surprises, right? Comments: I love the undulating terrain. Did you plot all the elevation changes? It's nice. Sneaky places to hide and maneuver just out of LOS. The details ON the terrain seem a bit computer generated. Not that it's a big deal, but maybe some time could be spent on making the map looked "lived-on." I like the OOB of the German side. All the tools you'll need, basically. But nothing too strong. I'm enjoying this one WAY more than last time. It's a challenge. But like I said, I'm not sure it's tough enough anymore. With the CMAK version, we have SHOOT & SCOOT, plus Covered Arcs to help out on the attack. Maybe the AT Defense needs to move into cover, as well as having long LOS/LOF. Right now they are easily spotted once they open fire. (That might make it TOO hard, but it's worth a try.) Anyways, I'll let you know how it finishes up. Thanks! Gpig P.S. this is a great scenario for people who love to charge enemy positions with fully loaded halftracks, MG's chattering all the way, and dumping the PnzrGndrs out 100m short of the supressed defenders. WOOT! (AFTER the ATguns have been silenced, of course.)
  22. GAAAaaah! I couldn't remember playing this one in CMBO. So I downloaded it, opened it up and . . . I felt the blood draining from my face. The seat of my pants suddenly felt warm and wet. I remember experiencing some difficulty breathing before things went black. Oh, I remember this one . . . I'm none to eager to replay it in CMAK as it was a real killer in CMBO. But I will try again soon. If only to seek revenge. Thanks (I think), Bill! Gpig
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