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Everything posted by Gpig

  1. yes indeedy. Just downloaded and reviewed a battle last night. Handy device, that SD.
  2. Cool. Are you modding enemy forces, as well? That would be fun. How about sounds? M-16? SAW? AK-47? Gpig
  3. KellysHeroes wrote: "You just can't give a kid a whole bag of candy one day and then tell him the rest of his life he only gets 1 piece every 8 months . . ." Sure you can. They get used to it.
  4. Also, sometimes a squad will not waste it's ammo on routed enemy units. Especially if they are on LOW ammo. Gpig
  5. Did I miss the memo that says we're all supposed to try and goad BFC into revealing details of the upcoming CMx2 game? Would someone please forward that to me. ??
  6. Hmmm . . . much negativity I hear. where it springs from, I wonder?
  7. There are several. Some better than others. But you have to search the Scenario Depot for Band of Brother type scenarios. Sorry.
  8. Hi! Please email me the sceanrios, Rune. Thanks! Gpig jon@pixar.com
  9. Yeah . . . it just takes time. Love the maps, however. Cool. Thanks, Gpig
  10. Thank you VERY much! I'm curious if you done up a "key" for this list of maps? Something that tells what kind of map I might be opening up. Like, "map 101 = rural village. 1kmx1km." Do you have something like that? Thanks, Gpig
  11. Those are pretty cool models. Can you build them? It seems that DropTeam allows user designed units/skins/models to be imported. Better get busy, dude! I wanna be able to download 'em when I buy this game. Gpig
  12. The gods do not deduct from a man's alloted span the hours spent conversing with the little man in the boat. -HEFNERian proverb
  13. Historically, Tigers (when they could make it to the battlefield) could indeed dominate. So I wouldn't say NO to Tigers. I just played a recent game where my opponent had a Panther AND a Tiger. Scared the bajeepers outta me at first. (I even thought "there is no way I'm gonna win this one.") But I had to play each orders phase like it was my last. Think ahead as far as possible and still take some risks. But it paid off. I took out his Panther with a FT team and lured his Tiger into the flanking LOF of two 76mm armed M10's. Afterwards I wondered why I had been so scared. (But I was pretty lucky.) The A.I. is NOT going to give you a challenge as far as TIgers go. I'm playing the A.I. in a CMAK Scenario (North Africa) and I've got 3 Tigers. The A.I. has no clue as to what to do against 'em. It's kind of boring because of that. Take your Tiger and play a human opponent! Bring on the Tigers! Gpig
  14. Also, Redwold (ISTR) had a warning for anyone who delves deeply into this line of investigation. You may find the fun of playing CM ruined for you, after you discover the "little man behind the curtain." Gpig
  15. Or, always try and download the scenario with just a normal "click" first. If it works, it is a zipped file. If it gives you a clik.php file, it wasn't zipped. Gpig
  16. Huh. I tried it last night and now it doesn't work for me. You broke it, spitfirexi!!!! Oh well. Guess I'll have to get another browser. Or get all my scenarios from TheProvingGrounds. Later, Gpig
  17. Hmmm . . . stumped. What about version number? Are you fully patched up with the latest version? (although the scenarios should still show up in your list of battles, even if they are an old version.) Hmmm . . . Time for my "this may sound silly, but . . ." questions. (Sorry about this.) You are downloading the correct battles for the correct game, correct? CMAK battles for the CMAK game. CMBB battles for the CMBB game, etc. You are attempting to do this with a Macintosh computer, correct? Not sure what the problem might be, after that. Sorry. Keep trying. Double and triple check. Re-read the posts. Write a list and try and find what's catching you up. Sorry I couldn't help. Good luck. Gpig
  18. Just played a FUN QB ME versus my pal, last night. CMAK game, mind you. He was SS Mechanized, I was the Yanks. Italy. Computer picked forces. He's got a Tiger, a Stug and a Panther (plus a couple of halftracks.) And a reinforced platoon of infantry. (We played Armor forces) I get 1 plt of HMC 75mm tanks. 3 M10's. A M4 Sherman and a couple of halftracks. Plus a platoon of Engineers (with FT's and bazookas.) Add a couple of .30 cal Mg teams. I put my M-10's on the flanks and run my platoon with HMC support right up the middle. I throw an MG team and a FT team into a halftrack and secure the left flank with 'em. (They've got M10 overwatch backing them up.) The battle develops VERY slowly. His men hiding because my HMC's will destroy them if they move from cover. Then my HMC's hiding once his Tiger and Panther crest the hill-top. (Not to mention, 2 of my M10's ALSO decide to chicken out, reversing into cover.) Then MY men hide. And he starts crawling forward towards the objective. His Panther stalks my LEFT flank. takes out my halftrack (which has already dumped his passengers into the woods). He takes out one of my HMC's. Things are looking bad. I've taken a few shots at his Tiger, to no effect. When my M10's spot the Panther, they decide to retreat. I take a guess that his Panther is going to go right by my FT team in the woods. So I give him a covered arc and hide him. His range is 45m with the flame unit. Sure enough, it all comes to a head during 2 turns. Just as his Panther rounds the corner of the woods to take out one of my M10's (which he does), my FT team unhides and gives it to him good. Blowing him up in a catastrophic explosion. No survivors! Then, his Stug rounds a bend and falls to one of my M10's in overwatch. Next, as he's pushing up his Tiger, one of my HMC's buttons it up with a burst of .50. Then the Tiger stumbles blindly into the LOS of my other two M10's. Boom! Kaching! Boom! Pen., Immob. Boom! Side turret Pen. BOOM! Gun hit. Next orders phase he surrenders. Cpl King and his Flame thrower receive a BOAT load of medals. Ahh, that was fun. I thought for sure I was going to lose that battle. Tigers and Panthers bring a lot more to the battlefield than just points. They bring fear. Gpig
  19. Hmmm. That's odd. It worked for me. You download the link to disk and then it allows you to rename the file, right? That's when you enter the new name (the name of the battle/op/map) overwriting the old "click.php" name. And make sure you're adding the proper ending (.cme/.cmg/.cmh or whatever.) You are renaming the files *as* you are downloading them, one at a time. Correct? You cannot download them all and *then* try to rename them. That won't work for you. THe only thing left might be that *some* battles are .zip'd or stuffed, and they DO NOT need to be renamed when downloaded. (But you will have to unzip/stuff them.) Good luck, spitfire. Gpig
  20. Have you seen any of his infantry? (Other than the stuff in the woods, supporting his immob. T-34.) Because maybe, due to the darkness of night, he's sneaking some infantry 'round to YOUR flank? Do you think he has a route? Put out some eyeballs to your flanks. Keep your ears open. Be ready. Are the other small flags easy for you to reach? You could load up your Company CO and a couple of squads (if you have them) and zip out to hold a small flag. It's kind of a stand-off. I didn't read closely enough and just now realized your opponent ALSO holds a LARGE flag. He may be content to wait it out, as well. Maybe he'll go for the small flag(s) to get it close. Good luck! Gpig
  21. Sounds like you have the upper hand. secure your defense. Try to imagine what he might do next and prepare for it. Then let him come to you and WHACK him. Gpig
  22. So would we be able to set up attack/defend type scenarios? Dig in and wait for the enemy to come at you? Or is it mostly a Meeting Engagement type of warfare? Seek out and destroy each other. Or is it a wide open combination of all of those things. Defend in some areas and attack through to others. I imagine with the larger scope than CM, this would make more sense. Thanks! Gpig EDIT: I see. I got my answers on your excellent webpage. THANKS! [ May 12, 2005, 04:40 PM: Message edited by: Gpig ]
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