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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Mord

  1. While you're at it build us some Muj models that can be thrown in the game! Mord.
  2. Very cool! Thanks, Mikey! Mord.
  3. Not to rain on your guys' parade but if the Fighters and Combatants all shared the exact same weaponry all that would distinguish them from each other would be their clothing. I am not sure I see the point on this one, outside of fashion. Mord.
  4. I'd like to see the Fighters. Mord.
  5. The engineering capabilities on one of the Sryker never got implemented either. That's just how it goes sometimes. If they weren't able to figure out replay in WEGO for HTH, co-op was probably a thousand times harder. Mord.
  6. Bingo. I know what it was now. The only problem is it's under a lost email address (and I can't recover the BFC account password). Doesn't matter though, once SF2 comes out SF1 shall be retired from my HD. Mord.
  7. Thanks for all your hard work, Steve. I am missing a couple of orders but it's no big deal, I have all their keys saved. CM:A, the NATO module, and RT (which was a gift so it probably shows up on Pete's account). Mord.
  8. I made it clearer. LOL. Yeah, your new textures are waaaay better. Nice job! Don't worry they're ultra soft so they won't irritate your nose. Mord.
  9. More, as in more of the same...I should've did a google translate before I typed but I figured my Canadian was pretty fluent. Damn foreign languages! Yeah, it would show binoculars in the equipment list but they never used them visually. It is a nice little detail, I am glad to see it brought into SF. They are at the same height as they are in SF. SF1 LAV. Mord.
  10. Did you ever in your life think something like that would be written, let alone by you? I am fairly certain Alex didn't. Cool seeing the infantry using binocs, you always had to imagine it in SF1. The LAV and Leo textures look new. Very nice! More up close pics (when you take them again), please. Mord.
  11. Then there you go. Try one or the other and see what happens. You can't use both at the same time. Most likely what is happening is one mod, has say, three textures and the other has five. So Mod 1 (which is loading last) is using texture set 1, 2, and 3 and Mod 2 is using 4, and 5 (its 1, 2, and 3 textures having been overwritten). Remember the Mod with the name furthest down the alphabet will always take priority. EX: Mord's Mod will overwrite Allen's Mod. Mord.
  12. What infantry are the mods for? Are they both for Army? Mord.
  13. Some people play HTH battles where they choose the map they want to play on, and the forces they want to play with. The maps are usually chosen from the same folder single player QB maps are located. But single player QB maps (unless otherwise noted) come with AI plans. Hence the label "HTH only". It's basically a warning so someone doesn't choose your map for a single player QB and spend 30 turns with no movement/action from the AI. At least that's how I remember it, it's been a few years since I played one. Mord.
  14. I can't answer the scenario design questions but I can answer this. You could add the forces you wish to have players use, and/or you could make it a quick battle map. If you do make it a quick battle map just make sure you say it's HTH only. Mord.
  15. Well, since you put it that way, I guess I better keep my Anne Murray comment to myself. Mord.
  16. Actually, dead. He's a member of the Canadian race! And one of the finest troubadours to ever grace my ears. Mord.
  17. That I don't mind so much, because I always figured the rebels wouldn't have access to as nice equipment as the government backed forces. But I am all about MORE options than less. So, I am definitely on the side of making SF2 everything it can be. I could still do what I wanted (rebels use inferior equipment) if it were changed, where as you couldn't (rebels have access to better equipment) if it weren't changed. Did you know though, That a Reservist Tank Company could have either a T-55, T-62M, T-62 (1975), or T-72 early? All by changing the equipment status in the editor? It'll be MUCH easier to make those choices in SF2 at least. Yeah, I was thinking that myself. There were a few bugs and nitpicks that were lost in the shuffle by the time they turned their full attention to Normandy. After 16 or so patches LOL. I don't blame them for needing to move on. One thing that will be cool to see is Syrian tankers actually sporting their pistols instead of AKs, which was left out of SF1. Mord.
  18. You didn't happen to be talking to a guy on Youtube comments a couple weeks back about Conan books, did you? Yeah, we (my brother and his buddy) were on our way out, the tide was coming in, and so was a huge ferry (or tour boat). When its wake hit us we were dropping into troughs that were about four feet deep. One minute we'd be way down low, then way up high. The water was filled with all these ripping whirl pools. I had my line in the water and my rod was bending like I had a 20 lbs fish on it, the undercurrent was so strong. If one of us had fallen in they'd probably still be looking for us 30 years later. I don't think I could've had enough life jackets on to keep from drowning. Basically it was a perfect storm of the tide and that ship going through the channel at the same time. I'd give it three pairs of undies on the "Oh S***!" scale. Wasn't near as bad when we came back. I used to hit the hobby shop at the Maine mall (wish I knew the name), back in 80-84. It was probably my favorite place on earth at that time. Got my first set of RPG dice (Dragon Dice) there (still have them). They carried all the TSR boxed sets, Chaosium, Yaquinto, the Traveller game etc. and just about every wargame on the planet. There was a strictly D&D place I use to go to in South Portland (just over the Million Dollar Bridge) called The Dragon's Keep. We used to get 15mm figures there for $1.50 a piece. Man, those were the days. I think there are a ton of wargame/RPG gamers in Maine (in their 40s on up) because of the long winters, and growing up in a time where we needed to rely on our imaginations to get us through. Most of us can remember a time before cable, VCRs and Atari/Intellivision. And even with those entertainments, they were still expensive and in their infancy when a lot of us were in our formative years. Hell, Dungeons and Dragons came out of Wisconsin, so it makes sense that rural areas would gravitate toward gaming, not that other's wouldn't, just more incentive when your options are limited but your imagination is big and needs feeding. That's my take, anyway. Mord.
  19. Thanks, man. Yeah, I thought the various Mix and Civil War mods really added to the immersion factor and brought the looks to more along the lines of what we see in Youtube vids. Unfortunately, we won't be able to do that anymore. As far as I know (I believe Blimey reported it?) BFC killed model swapping. I think we took it too far with cross game pollination and they got pissed and put a kill switch on it. You wouldn't need tagging to create variations within the same formations, you can do that easily enough without them. However, if you do tag, say regular Mech Infantry, Republican Guard would still use the same textures, as I am guessing, like in SF1, the two share uniforms. In SF1 Militia/Reservists share a uniform Mech/Republican Guard/Airborne share a uniform Special Forces have their own Doesn't sound like this has changed ('cept maybe for Airborne) There's really no way around it unless BF gave every formation type it's own uniform Bmp. However, if one were to constrict the anti-government units to Militia/Reserve/Uncons/Fighters Vs Mech/Republican Guard/Airborne/Special Forces you can have fairly discernible sides. With one caveat, for some reason Reservist Mech Infantry ATGM teams share the Republican Guard uniform. Mord.
  20. You had better! Your reputation as an upstanding member of Club Canuck has already been marred by the Rush and Trailer Park Boys comments. Next thing we know you'll be talking about your disdain for back bacon and John Candy! And I'll tell you right now, I am personally offended you didn't name at least one of your objectives "Lightfoot"! In the immortal words of Bob and Doug, "Take off, eh!" Mord McKenzie.
  21. have FUN! BN has a ton of awesome content! You won't regret your purchase. Mord.
  22. NICE! Hopefully Ian can keep one alive long enough for us to see it! Mord.
  23. @boche No worries, my man. But yeah, that's all only guess work going by the past. Who knows, they may have changed some things? We can now split Syrian squads into teams and that was a no go (outside of Airborne and Special Forces) in SF1. Mord.
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