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Everything posted by 86smopuim

  1. Kind iof a silly one The 420 mod the fields, scattered trees and trees are.. well, u know.. mauai wowy
  2. Soviet DshK ?12.7mm? is a fiee anti tank weapon as well. early war. Maybe 'tiny tikes tanks' should have 35mm of armor limit. hmm. [ June 12, 2003, 10:04 PM: Message edited by: 86smopuim ]
  3. i'm a early war fanboy, pretty much for the same reasons as u. I made up a game rule like Fions 76 rules: "tiny tikes tanks" 45mm or less gun 50mm or less armor thickness. [ June 12, 2003, 02:02 AM: Message edited by: 86smopuim ]
  4. double click an Platoon HQ unit. all units under his command, and in his command radius are now selected. Youn can also shift click multiple units.
  5. If you liked the board game Squad Leader, or Advanced sdvanced squad leader, this is your game. Buy it. I dont know what was up with the above nasty comment about your remappable buttons question. Just ignore it. No you don't need 5 buttons to play, but dang, it sure would be nice to have the ability to remap.
  6. What a coincidence. I started work on something like this 3 weeks ago. Made a nice little database and such. Then I got busy for 2 weeks. If noone else has grabbed this, I'll continue awith it and be sure to incorporate that which I can.
  7. I only have this problem when CMBB/BO is NOT the focus window at the time that my opponeent connects. so be sure u are ready when u give your IP to your opponent. Do switch out to check chat, email, etc. Be sure your screen saver is set to a long delay. Problem solved.
  8. Now if someone could do that for TCP, How welcome a thing would that be?
  9. dunno if its a bug, but a work arround is to do a big group select on your enttire area of operaion befroe pressing go. That wat you will atleast get a blue outline. This will help make sure u didnt miss any units.
  10. Iron Man Rules? I can't seem to find them. [ May 16, 2003, 12:38 PM: Message edited by: 86smopuim ]
  11. Is there such a critter? Is anyone interested in such a critter?
  12. full movie replay observer mode matrix finer than 20m/square Extreme EFOW: selected unit reveals only enemy units visible to it that it "knows" about. Extreme Extreme EFOW: the above with enforced "Iron Man" Rules Mod-able TOE/OOB
  13. u get less 'sound contacts' when enemy vehicles are out of sight and hiding. thats kinda sweet in a ninja kind way.
  14. did u try playing with the cracked CD? the important part just might be readable. If its cracked in half, like broken broken, super glue it back together, just a touch on the inner most area. [ April 07, 2003, 03:56 PM: Message edited by: 86smopuim ]
  15. Yep, there is. At the end of each batlte there is an AAR giving an overview of all kills. Also,at end of the battle, click "Look At Map" button. Click on a unit,hit enter, then press "Kills" button, upper left corner of the resulting dialog box. You can do this during the game too, but alot of the kills may be missing. [ April 06, 2003, 04:44 AM: Message edited by: 86smopuim ]
  16. Do you mean missing buttons in a TCP game? This happens ON MY MACHINE if a person joins a game when CMBB is not the focus program. Geforce 2 MMX 400. If you experience the sam thing, the cure is to keep CMBB as the focuses program during the entire connection process. [ March 31, 2003, 11:57 PM: Message edited by: 86smopuim ]
  17. If u are more interested in western front, get CMBO, if U are more interested in eastern front, get CMBB. If u dont care which front, definitely get BB.
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