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Everything posted by 86smopuim

  1. I converted that one, it can be found here: Scenario Depot would like to hear your comments [ November 27, 2002, 09:22 PM: Message edited by: 86smopuim ]
  2. Yeah, me 2. SLT1 First Crisis At Army Group North and SL4 The Hedgehog of Piepsk. Feed back is crucial for scenario design.
  3. scenario is here Some of the issues raised in M. Doroshes review were addressed in the current version.
  4. Kubelwagen still identified as "Jeep?" sometimes. I think I even have a saved game of that. I think this bug has a priority of 99 and a severity of 99(ie none at all).
  5. It doesn't look like it has been. Cities are tough to translate exactly. I might give it a go after I'm done with a couple others I have already in the works(First Crisis At Army Group North, The Citadel, Subterranean Quarry)
  6. nevermind [ November 19, 2002, 07:56 PM: Message edited by: 86smopuim ]
  7. If you are interested in testing this scenario, email cw@ponyshow.com
  8. Any grogs know about how much unfired, early war 45mm AP rounds weigh? [ November 18, 2002, 05:55 AM: Message edited by: 86smopuim ]
  9. I was pretty much unable to lose, as german, with 6 vet Panzer IV/70s, or Panver IVG(late) versus any 8 of the types of tanks mentioned. Heck I never even lost a single tank. The panzer IVG(early) didnt do too well. Straight frontal assualt, no cover, no hull down. No snipers, no trees. 600 or 2000meters. What the hell you doing wrong out there soldier?
  10. start a new QB as a PBEM game. do your force selection, email it to opponenet. opponent selects, emails it back. you can open that file up, saveit, and then start a TCP with the save. or u can continue emailing each other until the purchase and placement is all done, then save and start a TCP game.
  11. There is a significant difference in penetration values of the captured and soviets T-34s guns. Create a scenario, add T-34s to both sides. open the map, preview, and check out the stats. Even up thru 44, there are differences, favoring germans slightly.
  12. Hell, I still lose at both games all the time, and I'm old school. Played hundreds of versus human games. I guess I just got used to losing. It's still #1 fun.
  13. Hehhe Wino. I think Desim is with us, and another member I dont know his forumn name. Dies Ireas Result 48 Axis 46 Allied - Draw About [censored] men on each side lost their lives for an indescive result! One game left for me versus desim8, Arch Enemies.
  14. Im still in it. got a bit to go on Arch Enenmies. Done, but have yet to recive AAR screen from opponenent, Dies Ireas Done with april fools. Mech B Game ABANDONED by Dejohn. Bastage. No notice. never replie to emails Trajectory. I emailed him many time, no reply.
  15. I read your post. I think, from the sounds of it, you did every thing AOK. Keeps your squads in command, but as far away from each other as possible when you are getting shelled. That way one lucky shell wont hurt 2-3 squads with its blast. xxx <---- NO! C x xx <---- Yes, or variations there of C Sounds like, from your description, the 'puter just had a very inordinant amount of ordinance. Other notes: Trees can cause.. tree bursts, where shell explode in the air. This is devastating to those underneath. Buildings provide much better cover. 'Course they may collapse on your dudes after heavy shelling. [ October 26, 2002, 04:29 AM: Message edited by: 86smopuim ]
  16. there is a 3) 3) If your turn is a "Movie only file", the above two steps are not possible. It mus be a PBEM turn with in which you can move. If you are movie only, wait for your next turn.
  17. For CMBO only: fast move up to the outside of the building, a meter or 2 out, then sneak the rest. Preferably while have the two other squads in your 'toon laying suppressive fire on the inhabitants. For Either Game: I do much prefer the "Blow the cr@p out of it with HE" method. Much safer. [ October 25, 2002, 12:18 AM: Message edited by: 86smopuim ]
  18. I have another, Extreme Extreme Fog of War. You can only see those units which the currently selected freindly unit can has LOS to AND IS AWARE of. Thats what I thought EFOW was going to be. This setting would be to hard for my brittle mind but still, it would be fun to try. [edited cuz I cant spel] [ October 24, 2002, 11:49 PM: Message edited by: 86smopuim ]
  19. Please resend the turn. Your email was caught in an antispam feature.
  20. Im still here. Havent heard from DESIM in a long while. M peterson in about a week.
  21. Sweet! Got my replacement a day or two ago. Thought it was out going mail, so left it propped on the mail box. It's home now, where it belongs, in the CD drive.
  22. chat for CMBB/BO, many games found here. http://www.combatmission.com:8000/ [ October 10, 2002, 01:26 PM: Message edited by: 86smopuim ]
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