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Everything posted by 86smopuim

  1. Hmm, time for a modification to Goodales sig.... Nary a soldier got within chucking range before he surrendered :mad: :mad: :mad: . In fact, he was so bad off, I actually left my trenches to bring the chucking to him. NOW! Who else wants some beatings, hand delieverd by my self?
  2. I guess we now know where Kake was: More Kake adventures here: Adult Warning [ October 05, 2003, 10:55 PM: Message edited by: 86smopuim ]
  3. An update on Smope -v- "Master" Goodale: His attack was so pathetic and lame that I was forced to leave my fortifications and pursue him to get within TNT chucking range. Oh yeah, I captured a squad. I don't want them, so I keep moving them back to his side, but like a bad case of the clap they refuse to go away. [ October 03, 2003, 04:35 AM: Message edited by: 86smopuim ]
  4. If u were smart, which apparently you are not, you would quickly realise 86smopuiM, flipped horizontally and then verticaly spells Windows98. Coincidentally, it is also the name of the deamon in H-E-double hockey sticks who awaits to torture BGates soul for eternity. He look a little like this: There are several other daemons that reside in the same Bolgia. There names are 56smopuiM, uniualliW smopuiM,0002 smopuiM,and the meanest most evil mother flocker in the bunch dX smopuiM. Now are u going to challenge me for Sigs or not? [ October 03, 2003, 04:26 AM: Message edited by: 86smopuim ]
  5. For those that care, I blew my wad, Axe didn't, therefor he won. Kinda like naked twister, who ever blows there wad first loses. :mad: :mad: :mad: I hate u axe. I really do. :mad: Speaking of h :mad: te, when is who ever the fleck it is going to finish the scenario "Smope-v-Axe: The Next Generation" going to be done? I can't wait to give you fresh molten TNT enema.
  6. I hit an MG bunker in Operation Storfang, 3 squads and an HQ for 7 minutes before it fell. I don't remember the number of # of hits. 2-5 per minutes x 7...
  7. You will be :mad: if a) u went wth comc :mad: st or u pl :mad: y FPS. C :mad: ble is cr :mad: p comp :mad: red to DSL for FPS. [ October 01, 2003, 10:30 PM: Message edited by: 86smopuim ]
  8. Someone has to make up a 'bl :mad: :mad: d and sc :mad: nes' w :mad: rthy scenari :mad: . Aftedr this inevitable defeat, I must face Axe :mad: n the battlefield again. Engineers please. L :mad: ts :mad: f 'em.
  9. Most scenario breifings do NOT have information on: Computer Player free to setup/stick to scenario default Best played as Axis/Allied These two bits of information are critical.
  10. It tears the crap out of HTs, soft vehicles and some light german tanks. Ammo load lowish.
  11. S :mad: y :mad: u want you ass kicked as well eh? Bring it smarty pants! ( Research at an English University, reveals d :mad: sn't matter in what :mad: rder the letters in a word are, the :mad: nly imp :mad: rtent thing is that there is :mad: . ) Damn 8 anti-smiley limit, cramping my style. :mad: [ September 27, 2003, 03:09 PM: Message edited by: 86smopuim ]
  12. if u want immersion, try these rules smopes true combat rules
  13. Speaking of destruction and TNT chucking: Goodale: Is this what u mean when you said I should slather Axes tiger with hardened infantry TNT chuckers? [ September 25, 2003, 05:34 PM: Message edited by: 86smopuim ]
  14. Sound's like you are a natural for those "Women Only" parking lots. You know the lots at the malls that only women are allowed to park in, for safety/security reasons. They look a little like this: [ September 25, 2003, 05:54 PM: Message edited by: 86smopuim ]
  15. thats one broken page, working neither in IE 5.5 or Mozilla 5.0
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