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Everything posted by 86smopuim

  1. Add to that beefy sounds, and the ?juju/gjk? explosions mod. make seeing stuff much easier
  2. lock the german setup positions. make sure no german squad is near the toon/company commander. scatter them all over,nowhere near each other. hell, u could even split the squads in half. [ December 28, 2002, 06:41 PM: Message edited by: 86smopuim ]
  3. I do something like this. I go to scenario editor, add my forces, at exact experience/squad. Make the map size decent for the rolled battle size. auto generate the map. adjust setupzones and flags to be realsitc places. save as a QB. got to quick battle, then load from file and "import troops" yes. U have to bump the soviet handicap to make up for your extra 600 odd points.
  4. I created a new auto exp sheet if any one is interested. auto exp, favor, version 6 I may do a version 7. Not sure. [ December 18, 2002, 07:35 PM: Message edited by: 86smopuim ]
  5. I RTFMed and didnt see it anywhere... guess I am dumb.
  6. Back on track here.... Making a much improved version of Auto-Exp. The "Black Squares" problem has been resovled. "Infinte # of battles" ©® feature (if u can copy + paste) "Cute statistics over time" Feature©® "3 sheets to the wind"©® feature(no more 1 sheet per battle) Easily Adjustable Exp Gains for each "incident". EX: You like 1 Exp/Enemy casulty? Put in 1 in Cell X27. Think vehicls kills should count for 2 Exp for inf, Put 1 in Cell X38 More intuitive formatting of the worksheet. Much Much Better. Supports Scrounged Units, and non standard TOEs. "Some other stuff"©® This is a ground up rebuild. Will post here when its done,?12/17/02?. [ December 17, 2002, 05:59 AM: Message edited by: 86smopuim ]
  7. Yes, please do! If you could do it for V3 and V5 I would be most appreciative... cw at ponsyhow dot com.
  8. If I can get 'Doze to understand .xls files again. Probable have to reinstall windows for that . They SHOULD be shaded with little dots only, and be the same color as the column header. Dont know why u are seeing all black. maybe thats why my machine cant open them anymore?! Are u using the excel view or real Excel? These wont work for excel viewer. [ December 16, 2002, 11:31 AM: Message edited by: 86smopuim ]
  9. I personally ingore the whole "scrounged" thing. maxe tracking units alot easier for me. [ December 16, 2002, 10:59 AM: Message edited by: 86smopuim ]
  10. True. Auto-Biltong NOTE: THIS IS NOT THE SAME THING AS AUTOPARAMTERS... Its just an Exp Tracker. This just auto calculates casulties, exp, exp after battle, total kills over time and some otherstuff. Oh yeah, and v5 caclulates favor as well. Intructions for V3-V5: 1 Time Setup: Worksheet Battle 1: Check/Fill in Column P, "Base Number of men". 'Toon commanders=4, Squads 10-(generally), etc etc Check/Fill In Column E, "Exp Before Battle" There After Instructions: Play Battle Fill in all the shaded boxes for curent battle Put in number of times incident happened in each box(NOT the expected experience for said incident). Don't forget Cells S6,T6,U6 You are now done. Move to Battle 2 worksheet, Repeat from "Play Battle" My 'puter became ill and I can no longer open/work the files my self . Correction: M$ Winblows 2K became ill, my 'puter is fine. Back to paper and pencil until I get a chance reinstall 'Doze. If V4 or V5 dont work for you, use V3. Oh yeah, none of them track scrounged units. [ December 16, 2002, 11:00 AM: Message edited by: 86smopuim ]
  11. I modified Biltons Parameters SpreadSheet some more. I am making it (near)full auto. Its quite nice now. It even figures out favor for you. Suprised no-ones interested.
  12. I made an auto experience calculator modfication to the Bilton Rules version 1.4. You have to take into account, I don't understand the rules and I don't know Excel. I sent it to Biltong, hope he likes it. If someone would like to check it out, make sure its correct I will email it to u. cw at ponyshow dot com Latest version track exp from battle to battle. All u do is add your killd/events and you are done. even calculates exp after replacements [ December 14, 2002, 04:29 AM: Message edited by: 86smopuim ]
  13. use the arrow keys and the , . keys for turning, should be smoother
  14. I'm an american born pole, though not jewish. There are family stories escaping nazi atrocities, then soviet atrocites. I would not be offended. I say release it. I was going to do a port of the Mila 18 scenario, because the fight was so honorable(on the defenders side), but as you already have this scenario, I will not.
  15. I'm confused. What use is the big arty/big arty roll. It seems to serve onyl to generate bigger battles while lessening your forces. You have to choose from what the computer picked in your auto generated auxillery forces, correct? And the computer never picks big arty or big air. Example: I roll 700 points of arty. I generate the auxillery QB to see what get. It chooses a 75mm spotter and an 105 spotter. So, during the real battle, all I can choose are those 2 spotters. Thats only ~170 points. But battle size is increased by 700! Am I missing something? [ December 03, 2002, 03:30 AM: Message edited by: 86smopuim ]
  16. You need to find 2 numbers, Acutal_Battle_Size and Actual_Allied_Handicap The Formulas for axis ME/probe/attack/assualt: Base_Battle_Size = Puchase_Point_Total - Core_Force_Price Actual_Battle_Size =Round Base_Battle_Size down to nearest CM battle Setting Battle_Type_Modifiers Assault 1.72 Attack 1.5 Probe 1.2 ME 1.0 Total_Axis_Force = ( Actual_Battle_Size * Battle_size_Modifier ) + Core_Force_Price Target_Allied_Size = Total_Axis_Force / Battle_Type_Modifier Base_Allied_Handicap % = (( Target_Allied_Size / Actual_Battle_Size)-1 )*10 Actual_Allied_Handicap = Generated Handicap + Base_Allied_Handicap + Experience_Factor Formulas for Allied Attack Base_Battle_Size = Puchase_Point_Total - Core_Force_Price Actual_Battle_Size =Round Base_Battle_Size up to nearest CM battle Setting Target_Allied_Size = Base_battle_Size * Battle_type_Modifier Base_Allied_Force = Actual_Battle_Size * Battle_type_Modifier Base_Allied_Handicap =( ( Target_allied_Force / BaseAllied_Force ) -1 ) * 100% Actual_Allied_Handicap = Base_Allied_Handicap + Generated Allied Handicap + Experience_Factor [ November 30, 2002, 07:44 PM: Message edited by: 86smopuim ]
  17. Heres throwing a wrench into the tracks The Smope Method -- pre-Alpha Will lead to smaller game I think. generate battle params. go to scenario editor. Create battle with exact same params. generate map based upon params. you will have to manually size it first though. base size on expected forces. This will be your "puchase point total" Purchase Core+ scrounged units, at exact experiences. I like this part. Conscript + Crack mixed. save. Calculate the enemy handicap and battle size: purchase point total, say 1000 pt example. This will allways be the total points for axis, regardless of attack/def. Example Axis Attack Type Games take 1000 / battle type modifier [ 1.72 for assault, 1.5 for attack, 1.2 for probe ] 1000 / 1.5 attack bonus = 666 points for allied We want allied to end up with 666 points. 1000 - 569 = [ 431 ] The closest beattle size to this will be the "battle size", so 400 so we start a game with 400, now handicap that to bring it up to 666, so 60%. [ 400 * 100 / 666 = x% ] 60% is allied handicap. roundup. 60% add any handicaps provided my autoparameters now start a QB, set parameters to to battle params generated, except, battle size will be 400. set human force to be auto generarated. but set division, nationality types. when choosing map type, do a Load from file. when asked import troops, say "yes" now you have ( 400 * 1.5 ) + your 569 =1169 pretty close to 1000. versus 400 allied handicapped at 60% 400 + 240 = 640, pretty close to 666. For Gnarly Mensch, add your experience factor, +10/level to allied handicap % for allied attack take axis forcesize 1000 - base forces, 569 =431 the closest higher setting to 431 will be the battle size, so 500. apply battle type multiplier, 500 * 1.5 = 750 you want the allies to end up with 1500 points from 750, so 100% 500 * 1.5 = 750 + 100% = 1500 your battle type will be a allied attack, size 500, 100% force handicap for allied. then do the same importing and such as above. Gets rid of alot of book keeping, your auxillery forces dont need to be written down. eliminates causltie force size problem, no need for infantry, arty, armor rolls. Games wont be as tough as the oringal Biltong. I dunno, just an idea, not well written out. What I like best is exact composition of my "core force".
  18. I tested the Auto Parameters quickly with the Excel Viewer and had no luck with them updating. Apparently the formulas are converted to the last value they were saved in, making the Auto Parameter sheet pretty much useless. Can anyone else verify? </font>
  19. What about us scrubs with no Excel, or We have the Excel Viewer, but no printer? Is there anybody else like me out there? If so, I may do something about it.
  20. I like the rules and all, but I am confused as hell by the "auxilery forces". Can someone please explain it to me? [no, I dont want to read through 9+ pages of posts for a *possible* answer] The first battle I rolled 125 for infantry, 50 for arty, and 125 for armor support. I generated a QB, using 1000 points, the nearest total to 569 core units + 300 auxillery. It chose something like 2 Co rifle 41, 1 recon, 1 IVD. Ok, so in my battle, an Axis attack vs +100% forces, 50% casulties allied. I purchased my core units, and the few auxillery units, within the above limits, I could afford according to my rolls That was 1 platoon Rifle 41,124 pts, and 1 IVD. Needless to say, it was a hopeless battle. Something is wrong here... [ November 29, 2002, 01:50 AM: Message edited by: 86smopuim ]
  21. I tried that, but it takes away the HEAT rounds upon reverting to the original date. [ November 28, 2002, 01:58 AM: Message edited by: 86smopuim ]
  22. If you are talking to me, its been ready since the 23rd. AI replayability is not great unless you lose the first couple times. A couple things scenario design notes I forgot: Most roads were taken off the map, as there is supposed to be "no road movement bonus" The year of the scenario was bumped up a year so the 37mm gun could have some HEAT rounds, though the original scenario states it too place in June 41. If you have trouble downloading it, email me at cw@ponyshow.com If I get further comments on the scenario, I will further refine it. [ November 28, 2002, 12:24 AM: Message edited by: 86smopuim ]
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