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Everything posted by WWB

  1. As a PO goes, the CM PO is very good. But it is still definitely a PO and not up to human snuff. That said, what one needs to do is help it along as well as understand its limitations. When I design a battle, early on I decide which side should be playable--usually PBEM only. After I get it working for that aspect, I will look to see how it works as single player vs. each side. Then I put in strong warnings on how the battle should be played in the briefing. Getting a battle which works as PBEM and single player from both sides is nearly impossible, and should not be attempted from anyone short of a CM Scenario Designing God. For example, in your truck scenario Lawyer, we know that the AI will not move the convoy. So make it playable as a human convoy leader. Scipio, your case is odd, take a good look at all the parameters and you will probably find the error. Have you, for instance, set the attacker? What about the proper map-edge settings? A good place to start is McAufflie's Belgian CM Homepage (link is at home--any help?) which has an excellent scenario editing FAQ. While scripting is to some extent cool, I have found it to be more trouble than it is worth. If one has ever tried to design a TOAW scenario, you know what I am talking about. Placing the forces, objectives and making the map is relatively easy. Then you get into this primitive branching logic language to attempt to setup your battle, generally leading to frustration. I think going with scripting would be a fundamentally bad idea, in terms of ease of generation not to mention PO quality and suprises. The idea of 'Faux Flags' is alot better. It would work with the current AI, and would definitely help to guide the PO without doing weird things to the scoring. BTS, Fix or Do Somefink! WWB
  2. Another thing about the AI: it really has trouble when it cannot see enemy units. Start the battle during the skirmish at the outpost line and it does much better. WWB
  3. Also, if you use 105mm to throw smoke it persists quite a bit longer, at least from my oberservations. WWB
  4. Some variants of pioneer squads, and all motorized squads, have 2 lmgs. WWB
  5. I presume you will be near brussels, if so definitely check out the Belgian Musee de l'Armee. It is very cool, and includes a tank park. And it is the only free museum in europe I can think of. WWB
  6. CM sized Buildings did not last when facing HE 75mm or higher. The difference between CM and the real world is that the sudden end fails to provide encouragement to preserve ammo and preserve cover. Those 5 75mm rounds you put into the house might come in handy tomorrow. And you might want to sleep in the house or use it for your own defense later. But those factors are beyond the scope of a typical CM battle. WWB
  7. Still missing spaces Buckeye. . . Oops, did I bump the thread? WWB
  8. Buckeye: you got the UUB codes backwards, should be {url=whatever}linktext{/url}. Replace { with [. But yes, we are back in business, and generally badassed if I do say so myself. Never has such a collection of evil been put in one place since times immemorial. When you see one of our battles, be afraid. Be very afraid. WWB
  9. The brits did not have squad level AT rifle grenades. They did have gammon bombs, which are rarely given except by scenario designers. On the other hand, every platoon has a PIAT, so the effects balance out somewhat. WWB
  10. Probably has something to do with the tool you are using, and how fast it can go depends on the specific chips on your card. Good luck Lindan. WWB
  11. One must remember that while ATRs soon became ineffective against tanks and other true AFVs, they were (and are) still quite effective against lighter armored vehicles. Things like halftracks and armored cars have to fear them for the duration. WWB
  12. I will confirm that they have nearly the entire southern shoulder of the Kursk battlefield. It is in the german 1:50000 series, and is quite nice. WWB PS: Kip, FYI, many of the german maps at the LOC are actually printed on the backs of Russian maps. And I looked at both sides, and it is clear that the German maps are the russian maps with latinized characters and teutonized names. [ May 08, 2002, 01:15 PM: Message edited by: wwb_99 ]
  13. Lindan, Its pretty simple actually. Graphic cards run the memory and the chip at different speeds, so what you are seeing is quite normal. Moreover, when overclocking your GPU it is quite common to be able to take the processor and the memory out to different speeds based on the specific qualities of the chips involved. WWB
  14. Yes, it is possible. Mouton-Bocage has just been sent over to Admiral Keth for immediate posting. And it is a wild one: night, rain, towns, bocage, germans and brits. The bloodshed is remarkable. It makes me feel warm and fuzzy. Enjoy the fight and please remember to REVIEW THE FREAKING BATTLES WWB Update: File is avaliable at the depot. [ May 08, 2002, 01:50 PM: Message edited by: wwb_99 ]
  15. Another trick that just hit me, on how to make a 'High value' flag: Use the dynamic flag setting, where you can define the point values of flags. Then put the 2 dynamic flags next to each other, or even on top of each other, effectively making it one flag. WWB
  16. Stuff like this can be done already to some extent, with the current tools avaliable. For example, the trucks and exiting scenario: Use an exit zone with no flags, and use elite trucks with elite 88mm PAK or FLAK attached, upping the point values to something like 250 points apiece. Set those units to exit and you will create a battle where getting the trucks off the board determines victory in general. Destroying some sort of target can also be done. Depending on the point values you need, just use the variety of bunkers avaliable. If you want them to be a command bunker of some sort, just take away their ammo. Note this will only work with an allied attacker. WWB
  17. Sorry Mike. The best method is to take some screenshots of the editor grid-map then print them out in color, then at least you have something to work off of that will not require translation. WWB
  18. Also, Boots and Tracks has just released "Hello 2nd Armored", the next in that series. It is avaliable from the "Wild Bill's Raiders" link below. WWB
  19. Hmm, there is no second choice really. I would try getting a yahoo account or somesuch and emailing again. WWB
  20. Ok. The video card would explain why you are experiencing lag in CM: it is too much for that hardware. Upgrading is probably in order. WWB
  21. I helped to playtest this one, and I have to say it is one of the finest pieces of cm scenario design I have seen in a long time. The map is truly a work of art and there are no dull moments in it. WWB
  22. No problems here. Hardware problems are frustrating. Network problems are pure hell, especailly when it is something you can hardly test, nevermind control. WWB
  23. Andreas, while I do agree that the Nazi philosophy was odious at best, I am not certain that someone's known political persuasion makes a source any less valid. For scenario material, like any research, you have to take sources from many different angles, keep in account what purposes the source was written for, and make educated guesses as to the truth. WWB
  24. Disregard previous request--I ended up buying the book. Amazon really is a dangerous thing. WWB
  25. Actually, if anyone can email regarding some scans of his account of the fighting in Kharkov in March of 43, it would be greatly appreciated. This would be the re-taking of the city, not the initial retreat. WWB
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