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Everything posted by WWB

  1. Well, a few of us begged but Steve said No Way. I think the 122mm would be a nice addition, but it is a moot point at this time. WWB
  2. Yes, there are winterized guns for early-war germans and soviets. Finally played a winter battle the other night, and they look sweet. WWB
  3. Andreas--CMMOS has all of these (aside from the infantry). Of course, you need a PC to run it . . . WWB
  4. I see them now, was not too clear. Experience is definitly a factor in CMBB bogging chances according to BFC. Look at the huge changelog if it is still up. I am certain movement speed is a huge factor. Run the above test using fast or hunt and see what happens. WWB
  5. I think more is involved than ground pressure ratings, but I cannot confirm this as fact. Two key factors not mentioned--experience of the tanks and speed at which they were moving. WWB
  6. The latter. Sewer connections work between large, heavy buildings. Timing depends on distance. WWB
  7. If you are importing into a QB, it will always take the default east/west facings. Don't think there are any plans in the works to change things. If you start buying units after setting facings they should appear in the right places, and retreating does work in the right direction AFAIK. WWB
  8. Hmm, interesting. Do you still have the 1.0 executeable and some saved games from then? You could try going back to 1.0 and see if that helps. WWB
  9. The latest GeForce drivers are the problem. You can either turn off FSAA or revert to the 30.8x series which handles that function fine. WWB
  10. Try adding a cover vehicle arc after you issue the smoke order. WWB
  11. Don't forget the Russian Battlefield. Site is a bit tempramental, sometimes it takes a while for it to load or it might not appear at all. But Valera has some first rate stuff there, it is worth the trouble. Moreover, he delivers material from the soviet viewpoint which is very rare on the web.
  12. Is this a legacy PBEM? If so, what phase was that PBEM saved in? Can you generate a new PBEM file and use it? Are you certain you downloaded the correct patch? WWB
  13. A help to speed things up tip: 1) Go to the command prompt (start->run and type "command" for Win95, 98 or ME, "cmd" for 2000 or XP) 2) Drill down to the workspace folder. 3) Type "ren ?????.bmp ?????_PzM_WW.bmp" 4) Hit return. 5) Presto, instant copies of bmps with proper naming. NB: things to type should be entered without the quotes. WWB
  14. It was an imported map, but there was absolutely enough room on it. His vehicles were placed the same way. Just didn't look that funny. My own unit placement was absolutely correct!</font>
  15. There is an issue with attachments and OE SP1. See Woody's Office Watch for details on a workaround. WWB
  16. They don't move, but they will get a little bit shorter as well as not appear on certain types of terrain. WWB
  17. Looks like some sort of QB map import without quite enough space. WWB
  18. Clear your cache or Temporary Internet files depending on browser and try again. WWB
  19. Winzip might have been on your install of 98, but it is not anywhere on the win98 cd. Just download it from the above link and install it. IIRC, XP is able to unzip files automatically but is not capable of generating the archives. Even if it can generate zip files, WinZip is far more convenient (nice drag & drop interface and integration into context menus). WWB
  20. So you can make rubbled anythings (chruches, bridges, factories, etc.). To reclaim the square, change it to clear, preview it, then you are good to go. WWB
  21. PantherG-That just means the game will run slow. It has been run on a 233 before. Painful, but possible. There are a few possibilities: 1) What OS/DirectX/Video Card driver are you running? 2) What version of CM (eg BFC or CDV) are you running? That RAM is a bit on the low end too. You might want to look at upgrading it in general--256mb can be had for $40. WWB
  22. A few designer's notes here: Actually, those 105s are pretty nastily sited by default. They get about 250m of LOS IIRC. In testing I usually took out the bulk of the T34s with the 105s. The 88 at the bottom is in a similiar position, dont fire until you can see the whites of their eyes. And yes, withdrawing the panzers on the hill is the "correct" way of going about it. If you can pull 1 or 2 back to the bridge you can hold it without too much trouble. And don't forget about your grendiers as the german. Also, it really was designed for German vs AI play, so I am not suprised that it is a bit tough for one side vs. a human. WWB
  23. Try upgrading to 1.01. It was saved in that version, and 1.0 will not show 1.01 scenario files. WWB
  24. I think someone was able to get CMBO to run in software mode on Linux a while back. Not pretty, but better than rebooting to process a PBEM turn. For CMBB it will be very difficult--it needs 800x600 hardware accelerated graphics to work. More specifically, in needs DirectX or RAVE API support, neither of which Linux supports as I understand things. So the short answer is definitely not until the rewrite. That will probably use OpenGL and be Mac OSX friendly making linux a possibility. WWB
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