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Everything posted by Scipio

  1. I was able to use my Campaign saves after the patches anyway. Well, at least after the last patch.
  2. Have I said I want the CM1 editor back? I don't think so. I just was talking about drawing roads. Drawing roads in CM1 was easier. Something really strange when doing this in CM2 are kinda 'edges' in some situation. Each time when I encounter this I think: god damn - which part which angle does it want from me??
  3. Are there any plans for the map editor in CM:Normandy, especially the way of drawing roads etc? The CM2 system for this is a real step backwards compared to CM1. If the new system has any opportunities, I can't see them. Maybe somone can explain it to me.
  4. Chops, thanks for the link, but I doesn't help much. I wonder why no official jumps in her to answer a simple question, since they seem to be the only ones who know for sure...or have I missed something in the manual!?
  5. Has somebody an idea how the casualties treshold is calculated? Okay, if I have 10 men, and you've lost 1 man, that's 10% of my forces. Now I have 6 men + one tank with a crew of 4 men. At the end of the battle, the tank is destroyed, 1 men is dead, 2 men routed, 3 men are wounded. How much % of my force is this? Unfortunatly, the battle result screen doesn't help me in any way, since it shows only the points, but not the %. I think it's rather important to understand how the victory conditions work.
  6. You're speaking about Syrian tactics in reality, but they are obviously not the best way to win against Blue forces .
  7. Haggis is good stuff. Nearly as good as Pfälzer Saumagen. If somebody want to talk about British biological warfare, let's start with Black Pudding or Mash&Pie.
  8. I don't think it' that easy. You can easily change the textures, but not the 'behaviour' of the terrain. In other words, it's easy to replace colour bases, you can maybe replace the grass texture (if they ain't hardcoded) with an invisible placeholder, so the grass won't show up in the game, but you can't make for example a grass tile to a cliff tile by simply changing it's look in game.
  9. I agree to this. To adjust victory conditions is the only way to solve the problems of the in many ways unbalanced forces as we have them in CMSF. But than again we get easly caught in the double-trap of vague briefing and the much to undetailed after-action screen, especially in case of a tight result.
  10. Yes, the scenarios in the marines modul are better, but with oddities. 'Just around the bend', for example. The conscript and green Syrian troops are positioned in some trenches in the open. No chance to change positions or do something important at all, while they already getting routed by fire that's 200m away. Even if this is realistic, there are no options for the red player. Yes, I have such plans.
  11. If so much time is spend on scenario design, then I wonder why there are so few really good scenarios, and some really poor. It was often mentioned that the Syrian performance is very bad. Steve has recommented to play the Syrians in a completly different way than the US troops. While I agree to this, I also notice that there is not a single tutorial to teach the Syrian style of combat, or even a scenario that is recommented to be played as Red side only, or optimized for the Syrians. Another weak point are scenario briefings. CM2 has in theory a good and very complex system of victory conditions, but the briefings leaves you often with only a vague idea of the goal. The after action screen makes it even worse, since it gives only very few informations about the reasons for the achieved result. Both is to some degree also a result of the scenario design. IIRC, Steve also agreed to this before.
  12. Hi folks, since CMMODS will close in the near future, I have now uploaded my most important mods to the repository. There's also a new version of my beloved 'Small arms icons' mod. I have repleased the green and yellow background with a standart khaki-or-something colour. The mods are listet under my real name 'Peter Zimmermann' instead of Scipio. I blame BF.C for this
  13. I remember how Steve praised the advantages of the new CMx2 modular system with a release circle of 2-4 modules and one main title per year, IIRC. CMSF is out now for nearly 2 years and the only released main title + a single module in the CMx2 line. A second module is in the pipeline, but already behind sheduled release date (as always). ~10 years of experience as Battlefront customer has teached me to be not optimistic in regard of release (dates). Indeed I would be more than surprised if we see more than one main title each second or third year, plus one module per year. There seem to be fundamental problems that we neither know nor understand, but we suffer from them anyway...
  14. I love this vague statement . What were your sales expectations? 1000 copies? 10000? I assume you have your reasons to keep sales numbers secret, and I also assume I don't need to understand the reasons ...
  15. IMO, it doesn't make much sense for you to purchase one of the modern high end graphic cards, since the rest of the system likely can't keep up with it's performance anyway. It's like a Ferrari with the engine of a 1960th' Beetle. If you just want to replace your damaged GC, look out for a lower budget card, but don't expect any wonders. If you want a real performance boost, you should buy a complete rig where the perfomance of the components match each other.
  16. Female soldiers would be very welcome. But I would prefer if they wear unrealistic tight suits... Seriously, some finetuning on the textures is still needed, for example when a trench crosses a road and such things, and I'm hardly missing (visual) tank damage models. How about ragdoll effects for death animations?
  17. I'm not sure if I understand what you mean...the BMPs are in reality indeed blind compared to the Bradleys and Abrahams, because the latter do have all the fancy stuff build in. The Abrahams has once been told a computer on tracks.
  18. I just have noticed that the hitrate of the AT-3 Sagger seems to be significantly increased, at least when the AT marksmen is firering. This weapon was nearly useless in previous versions.
  19. You should better try this: rename the old 'CMSF Marines Module.exe' to 'CMSF Marines Module.110' for example, then update to 111. If you want to play in Version 110, name the new file to 'CMSF Marines Module.111' and the old one to 'CMSF Marines Module.exe' and vice versa for 111. Alles klar!? Oh, and could you please send me a copy of the old 'CMSF Marines Module.exe' if you still got it, since I have unfortunatly overwritten mine, since I've forgotten to keep a copy!
  20. First impressions things I have noticed: Graphics looks much better: - various problems with the display of trenches seems to be solved or at least on the mend. A special applaus from me on this! - the sharp borders between the close high quality and distant low quality terrain textures are smoothed out very well, even if still noticeable when moving the camera over the map. - the map look generally much smoother now. Questionmark icons for spotted enemy units can now be switched off. I'm able to continue my 1.10 saved campaign game in 1.11! Excellent!
  21. Steve, after reading your thread starter, I have to say that you completly missed your profession. You should better become a politician! ...and many years from now, when President Grammont has taken command, all real world wars will have been stopped, digitalized and played by PBEM only, of course under the lizens of CMx5!!! Muhahahaha... Anyway, that's the best of all new features: now I can skip turns again!
  22. That's a little something I have noticed in WEGO mode frequently. Situation: I have a unit that can't or shouldn't move, for example an immobile vehicel or a MG team in a covering position, or a rocket launcher team. When I give a fire order to them, they will continue to fire on the same point for the whole turn. Problem: Waste of ammo. It doesn't make any sense to fire three Javelins or a halfe dozen tank shells into the same building, sinze usually one javelin or one or two shells is enough to do the job. The current solution to order multiple targets or to control the length of a fire mission is to give a movement order and change the fire orders at a waypoint. This works fine, except the unit can't or shouldn't move. How about adding 'virtual waypoints' with a timer similiar to the pause command, but with the ability to change the fire orders at each virtual waypoint or in other words: 15 seconds fire on target A, followed by 15 seconds fire on target B etc.
  23. It is possible to leave out a crew member with the scenario editor??? How that? Anyway, I've played the the original TF Thunder campaign just a few weeks ago, there is this scenario with a couple of touch objectives and a large Syrian tank formation on counter attack. The Blue player has two TOW-Strykers available, and I have managed to whipe out nearly the whole Red force before I ran out of TOWs. IIRC, only two or three TOWs missed. So it doesn't seem to be a general TOW problem!?
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