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Everything posted by Scipio

  1. HDD space is the point, isn't it? Not everybody is able or willing to spend about 3.5GB of HD space. Beside that, I thought one of the basic ideas of the brz files is to update game datas by simple adding the changes with a new brz file, instead of changing existing brz files!?
  2. ... a) make a copy of the file "CM Shock Force.exe" and name it "110.exe" BEFORE you run the update patch. run the 1.11 update patch c) as soon as the update is completed, rename the file "CM Shock Force.exe" to "111.exe" d) create a new text file in your CMSF root folder and enter the following: e) save the new textfile as 110.bat f) create a second new text file in your CMSF root folder and enter the following: g) save the second new textfile as 111.bat If you now want to play Version 1.10, doubleclick on '110.bat' - for Version 1.11 obviously doubleclick on '111.bat'. You can of course also create shortcuts to the *.bat files on your desktop or where ever you want to. I can't guarantee if it works, since the 1.11 patch ain't out yet. But if my theory is correct, we have a good chance. Maybe a beta tester can check this.
  3. ... the problem is not only the cmsf.exe, but also a file namend 'strings.txt'. If you have the wrong version of the latter, cmsf crashes. This has caused some problems when mods altered the strings.txt and were still in the z folder after an update. The file can be found in the "../data/Version 110.brz". So in theory you just need to
  4. I thought that's obvious. Because I will get a nice email that tell's me that I can now download the new game as soon as it's released. At least this was the case in the past, IIRC. Or am I wrong? :confused: Taking your logic, I can also ask: why preorder at all? I can't download earlier than others, and the hardcopy is shipped not until some weeks after the release anyway.
  5. May I ask if there will be only the usual "Download+Hardcopy for 10$ less" option as usual? I would prefer a simple download-only preorder. Reason is that I would like to preorder, but don't want to waste money for the shipment of the hardcopy, since the hardcopy ain't important for me. A small discount of 3-5$ would surely be nice anyway .
  6. A relativ simple cylinder form of some stories height on a roof would look pretty much like a factory chimney. Another thing would be to have one or more tubes on the walls instead of a balcony. With this two things we could simulate a simple factory, even if still very simple, but not as abstract anymore as now. The damage model for this structures can be as simple as for any other building, I guess. Gas/fluid tanks of various forms, ship containers and such would be surely nice, too, but I assume there some more efforts necessary to do it right, because they include a lot of side effects I have already mentioned above. It doesn't cause me sleepless nights, but I had this ideas going around in my head for some time now. Just wanted to ask!
  7. Steve, I wonder how difficult it is for Kwazy Dog to add some simple industrial stuff...a couple of cylinder form can as (gas/fluid) tanks and chimneys, for example. Shouldn't be more difficult than a mosque!? Well...tanks could of course burn, or contain poison stuff. This could lead to some coding problems/efforts.
  8. SeaBee, since I've worked with VB and Databases some years ago for third party without Access and this stuff on their PC, I would recomment you something else! There's free software to create installer packages for VB, which helps you to include all necessary DLLs and stuff. One of the very first problem I encountered for example was that the people who should use my software wasn't even able to start it, because they hadn't even the VB runtimes on their PC, nor did they know what a DLL is and what to do with it! Always expect the Dumbest Possible User!
  9. About the artillery delays - I served in a 120mm mortar platoon during my military service. I don't know what equipment the Syrians use, but I assume it wasn't more primitiv as the one we have used, which was not very different from the stuff that was used back in the 1960/70s. With a trained FO we needed maybe 3-4 minutes, and I wouldn't call us better then 'conscript'. I can't comment about other artillery as the Battallion attached mortars, but I must agree that the delays for the Syrians are MUCH to high here.
  10. Steve, do you think it is difficult to give trenches seperate textures? I mean different textures as the surounding landscape?
  11. A little detail I've noticed, maybe it has been mentioned already. When a vehicel is destroyed, the surviving crew members leave it and take cover within a few meter distance from the burning vehicel - just to be killed as soon as the vehicels brews up. I guess the crew behavior hasn't been changed when this new feature has been invented?
  12. Does this mean: chance for everything else like doodads, buildings etc??
  13. Yep, and *.ani is ussualy an animated cursor for Windows, what the CM-files are obviously not . That's why I believe that they simply use other names. Your thought about the export plug-in sounds logic. I hope a BFC official will comment to that issue.
  14. MikeyD, yep, I've found those *.ani files! But I have no idea about working with 3D files & animations. missingreality, I guess part of the problem seems that the CM animation and model files doesn't use the right suffix. Models use the suffix *.mdr & *.mds, animations are named *.ani. I have no idea what is expected. Unfortunatly I have already deleted the 3D Studio Max demo - it's was 1GB DL, IIRC. Well well...but now we have a hint where to apply the lever, as we say here...
  15. But seriously, my core idea is just, if it's imposible to hide something that's part of the terrain mesh, it's maybe possible to create some kind of replacement that's placed on the terrain mesh!
  16. Well, than is something fundamentally wrong with flavor objects and vehicel cover .
  17. Instead of all this talking about hiding trenches, why doesn't ask anyone for sandbag positions/lines as replacement/workaround? Yes, I know it's not the same, maybe it even would look odd in some cases - but if it is obviously impossible to hide something that deforms the terrain mesh, why not take something that can be placed on the mesh like a normal unit? It doesn't even must be coded as some kind of container. But since vehicels offer both LOS/LOF cover in CMx2, the most simple 'unit' can be a wall of sandbags. Add as many as you want, place them as you like, hide them from the enemy... Yes Steve, I know what you will say: if it just would be that simple...
  18. 3D Studio Max? Mh...I have once tried to load models and/or animation with the 3DSM Test version, but without success. But I'm no 3D buff, maybe I have made somthing wrong? Steve, BTW, can animations be modded, and if no, why not? I know and understand your thoughts about modding unit table/stats and all this stuff - but what about the 3D models and animations? Even if somebody would for example remodel a T-72 to a T-34, it wouldn't make much sense, since all the weapon and defensive moddeling is hardcoded anyway.
  19. Here is a MOUT issue I've noticed in my running matches: when I give a view order to my men inside of a building, and the building has a balcony in the ordered direction, my men will take position on the balcony. (Interpost question: do balconys offer as much cover as if the soldiers are in the house?) Now, if the soldiers are on the ground floor, they leave the building and take position below the balcony. But I just want them to take position into view direction, but stay within the building. I'm not sure if it's qualified to be called a bug, but it seems to be close... About trenches: I seem to be the only one who doesn't have a problem with visible trenches... I just would prefer if the current one would be modeled correct, and maybe extented with sensefull features such as shelters etc and what I have mentioned somewhere above. A visual problem I would like to add to my list is that trenches tend to switch between 3D and the distance-2D-lowquality graphics. Oh, and an idea: I understand that they are currently just a deformation within the surrounding landscape, but would it be possible to give trench walls/bottom seperate textures anyway?
  20. :eek: *argh* Silly me! For some reason I have read 'update thumbnails for three times!
  21. A PBEM opponent of me has pleased me to post this questions: Now that David mentions it, it also seems to me that secondary explosions happens much more often in PBEM as in RT. I can also confirm the disappearing ammo problem! But I'm not sure about point three.
  22. I must be blind...still can see it!
  23. Is there a way to edit/update/delete my posted stuff? If so, I can't find it!
  24. BTW, I have noticed that the links for 'Search Repository' and 'Submit File' are currently only on the bottom of the page. If I shouldn't have missed something, I recomment to add the links to the top of the page, too. It wasn't easy for me to fin the links!
  25. I admit that it's a big challenge for me to handle two accounts at once, especially since I'm getting 40 in two months. SgtMuhammed, just for the case that I forget one of the accounts - maybe I will at least remember the second one.
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