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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Scipio

  1. You can test the workload of the CPU with the key-combo Ctrl+Alt+Del. To check the workload of your GPU (graphic card), you need to download an additional tool called rivatuner. Just search with google for it, the tool is freeware, IIRC. If CM is running in Softwaremode the GPU worload is low. IF CMSF is using the 3D acceleration of the hardware, the GPU workload is high and the CPU workload should be lower (I guess). Updating the card driver is for shure the best 'first aid'.
  2. Steve, you should advertise CMx2 as the benchmark for realistic hardware testing.
  3. Hey, that's cool. I was often walking with my parents around Simonskall! There's a destroyed Westwall-pillbox just a few meters behind the so called 'castle' and a sickbay under one of the houses!
  4. But the flavor objects must be realistic simulated, too. A tank can drive over a park bench, and the bench ain't harmed. If you place a pile of them somewhere and a tank fire's on it, maybe the one or two that are directly hit disappear, but the other's stay in place like they are screwed to the ground. Applies to all flavor objects, by the way. Actually, benches can be indeed screwed down to the ground...
  5. What I do not understand is, why should old scenarios don't work with a new engine that supports water/bridges? A typical map doesn't use all existing terrain types, too, so what's the problem if a new engine supports a new terrain that's not on the old map? I have to agree - to some degree - with The Louch. CMx2 is not half as modular as I expected - and Steve, it is not just theory that a new engine can handle perfectly old datas. I have proofed it with the 'Campaign Series' from late great Talonsoft, and I'm not even a profesional programer! The CS games were of course a different piece of cake with relativ simple 2D maps - but the basic concept of a map is always the same - you have tiles with a specific look and attribute(s), maybe even with several layers of content. The CS maps were in basic text format. Unit data were all in the same format anyway, only the scenario files needed a little decrytion, but it was not really an effort. If the CM maps/scenarios wouldn't be hardcoded and/or encrypted, even me or another smart-ass could try to make an import tool, even for CMx1 -> CMx2. By the way, I never understood why the scenarios/maps are hardcoded at all. Once they are part of PBEM file, ok, different story. Yes, I know the argument of 'if sombody knows the raw data, he can in theory recreate the encryption method and decode PBEM files'. But seriously, in all the last 8 years I have never heard of a hacked PBEM file. I doubt that it's impossile, I just think wargame PBEM files are not a potential goal for crackers. If some poor soul really needs to cheat H2H games, it would make more sense to manipulate the unit datas... But I know, all my ideas require efforts and time, and Charles ain't up to it, and I will never been told how to decode/encode maps *sight*.
  6. Well well... Good thing is that I can be a pain in your ass for some further years and blame you for not realising all the great ideas.
  7. Nice work, and thank you very much for hitting the nail on the head ! Maybe that's a problem I have with the maps. If you cut out the arabic signs, it could be anywhere...in the USA. Towns in middle-east (as well as in europe) are old, naturally grown, chaotic, with very small road and spaces between building, and buildings of very different styles and ages are side by side : And no, they do not have all flat tops!
  8. Ever considered to get some coding help from '1C games', since you publish their games already? While I think that the gameplay of 'theatre of war' is weak, compared to CMSF, the graphics has some good things. The maps look more 'livelily', they have a better damage model for tanks (at least they have one ), the ruins look better, and finally, the trenches are far superior to the CMSF trenches. Have I mentioned water and bridges? Surely no need to copy 1:1...
  9. Steve, I promise you that it will double your sales. If even this ain't help...
  10. The Z folder is not a must, but makes things easier. The reason is that, when you start CMSF, it loads the datas in the 'data' folder in alphabetic order. Since the original *.brz files are always named version***.brz, all mod files must start with a x, y or z - OR you create a folder named 'Z' and put all your mods into it.
  11. Hire a second programer. Double the speed of development. Sell 1 million copies more.
  12. That sounds like I'm asking to open the gates to hell . Indeed I agree to your post! But I'm not talking about manipulating the gamecode by third parties! I'm also not talking about adding new units or manipulate existing units without control of BFC (see below). But what about manipulating terrain models, damage models, model animations? New buildings, new special effects and other fancy stuff? There are many things that could be done by the community. Technically is nearly everything possible; and BFC could still keep control about key features. It's even possible to avoid a splitt of the community. Critical things like new FX or new buildings can be proofed and officially released by BFC. I bet they would even find people who are happy to do this for them for free. In other words - say goodbye to the Microsoft policy, and say hello to the Linux policy.
  13. I fully understand and agree. But obviously I'm not the only one who thinks that the key to your problem is to give the community more freedom to mod the game. You once said something like 'you don't want people to make everything out of the game'. (IIRC). That sound like some kind of Microsoft policy. What do you fear? Even if a full conversion of the map would turn Syria into a temperate setting, for example, do you think that you loose a single customer? I doubt that.
  14. That's some time ago, but hey, I'm a CM1 veteran with more than six years of experience . There's no water or bridges in CMSF (Syria has a lot of both). No important changes on the roads. Walls are pretty the same, and they look like they are a half meter thick - no wonder that tanks can't break them. Terrain is still organized/drawn in tiles. Nothing on the terrain can burn anymore. Yeah, there are more polygons, the textures are better, too, and there are some new doodads - but hey, that's the least to expect. A pain in the a... is also that the graphics are reloaded frequently, for whatever reason. BTW, don't take me wrong. If I wouldn't love the game, I wouldn't waste my energy here . But the look of CMSF doesn't even match up with...Sudden Strike, as for example. Not really apples compared with apples, but to 75% (if we keep out the gameplay).
  15. Look at CMSF: buildings still look like they are made of LEGO bricks and they are placed on the map like LEGO bricks, roads are still ruler-straight, maps are floating into emptiness etc etc; and worst of all - the maps are nearly static. Building damage ain't much more than a place holder. Trees are indestructable (what makes them to the strongest fortifications, BTW)...etc etc etc I guess it would be rather unfair to expect that such a small design team like BFC could keep up with the fast pace of development as we had in the last decade; and I do not expect that CM looks like Crysis or whatever. But I wonder how future plans for CM in regard of graphic development do look like! With all respect, but their doesn't seem to have much happend except some more polygons on the models, compared to CMx1. How about free rotatable and placeable buildings with realistic - and realistic looking - damage? Free drawable roads and rivers? Some kind of periphery arround the accessible part of the map. Generally a map that is simulated in a realistic way, both in regard of gameplay and look, with everything destrucable? I'm not just speaking about eye-candy only - the map is part of a realistic simulation, as important as realitic unit behavior, shooting results and so on. I don't need to be a game publisher to say that sales fall and rise with the game graphics today. CMx2 is still a great game, and it's big fun to play. But were is it going (speaking of the things mentioned above)!?
  16. My bet is Thursday or Friday, because I'm going on holiday for two weeks on Friday afternoon, so I can't DL the Module til I'm back. That's Murphy's law. Sounds logic, doesn't it!?
  17. Don't believe them. I participate on the forum for 8 years, I created some of the most popular mods, I have founded CM clubs and ladders and such, the last one just a few weeks ago (look my signature!). So what? I was never asked to beta test something for Battlefront. :mad: Well, in my special case it's maybe because I'm known as barrater and a..hole from conviction
  18. I guess I have an idea what's the problem in program terms. A 'carry wounded comrades' feature would require pathfinding for individual soldiers. Unfortunatly, the pathfinding is tied to the squad, and even this or maybe because of this, pathfinding doesn't work very well, as many examples in the past have shown.
  19. While I think that the 'buddy aid' is a real nice feature, I wonder if it's very realistic. In my military service we learned that the very first thing to do with a wounded comrade is to get him into a relative save position before we can give him buddy aid, and I think that's what happens on the battlefield. I could be wrong, but I guess a many medals has been given for this 'very first aid'. Of course I'm speaking as somebody who has fortunately never served in a real war under fire...
  20. Meine Herren, ich habe eine Seite dem H2H allgemein und speziell dem PBEM - Spiel gewidmet und freue mich, euch zu den United Wargamers @ http://www.unitedwargamers.net einladen zu können! Das wichtigste Feature ist die einmalige Challenge Datenbank, die genauso einfach zu handhaben ist wie ein Forum, aber einige weitere Vorteile bietet, so zum Beispiel die Option, per Email über neue Challenges für euer Lieblings-Spiel informiert zu werden! Selbstverständlich gibt es ein Forum, um über alle wichtigen Dinge im Leben eines Wargamers zu reden bzw. schreiben: die besten Spiele, die besten Scenarios, das beste Bier beim Spielen, wie man Frau und Kinder los wird, wenn die einen vom Computer fern halten wollen etc etc... Nun, ich denke Ihr solltet einfach einen Blick auf meine Website werfen! Zögert nicht, zahlreiche Herausforderungen zu posten und das Forum zu benutzen! Ich freue mich auf Euren Besuch. Einen kleinen Wermutstropfen mag ich euch jedoch nicht verschweigen, die Webseite ist international und daher auf englisch!
  21. Gentlemen, I've dedicated a website to H2H and especially PBEM wargaming and I'm very pleased to invite you to the United Wargamers Website @ http://www.unitedwargamers.net Most important feature is of course the unique challenge system and database which works as simple as a forum, but has some additional advantages like the option to get informed by email about new challenges for your most prefered wargame(s). Of course there's also a forum to discuss all important things in a wargamers life - the best games and scenarios, the best beer while playing, how to get rid of wife and children if they keep you away from the computer etc etc... Well, I guess you should simply take a look on the new site! Please do not hesitate to post a lot of challenges and use the forum! I look forward to welcome you!
  22. Gentlemen, some time ago I've dedicated a website to H2H and especially PBEM wargaming which was called 'Wargaming Scout'. I'm very pleased to get you informed about some important changes on the WargamerScout Website! Most important of all: WargamerScout has a new name and a new location! The new name and link is United Wargamers / http://www.unitedwargamers.net Returning users will notice some important changes if they visite the new site! Most important of all is for sure: I have installed a full featured forum software with all advantages of a modern forum: discuss all important things in a wargamers life - the best games and scenarios, the best beer while playing, how to get rid of wife and children if they keep you away from the computer etc etc... Luckily I was also able to merge the forum database and the old WargamerScout database, this means: all existing users can still log in with their usernames and passwords! Well, I guess you should simply take a look on the new site! Please do not hesitate to post a lot of challenges and use the forum! I look forward to welcome you!
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