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Everything posted by OGSF

  1. StukaPukaPants, didnae go doon tae tha woods today, laddie....(wha'ever tha' means..) MarkIV, as mah wee calculus instructor used tae sae..."Even a blind pig finds the occasional truffle". Yer men are already routed....they just didnae realize at yet. SirMacOberGrupenBloodyStompinSicFeuhrerBastardABCD
  2. Och noo, ye wound mae Sir wi' ye harsh worrrds. An' mae who ne'er uttered a bad worrrd aboot anyone.... Bastarrrd. SirMacOberGrupenBloodyStompinSicFeuhrerBastardABCD
  3. Wha ye bloated pustule ain a Saracen donkey's buttock, Ah'll be lookin fer tha instrument o' yer shreddin'. Mankey, spankey, wankey, hankey boy. Bastarrrd. MarkIV, ye failure tae drag ye gibberin' sailf oot o' yer blue funk, as showin' ye oop fer tha lint lovin' jellyfish ye are. Send mae a setup, cos Ah'm lookin' at yoo, Jimmy...an' at's causin' mae tae dry wretch at tha sight. Ye're tha lumpy bit's ain tha bottom o' Aqua Poodleshagger's piss bucket. Lorak, ya steamin' lump o' 'Pool sludge...chalk oop tha followin' WIN fer mae... OGSF WIN!!! Mace Pathetic Loser Despite tha gamey bastarrd executing a pincer povement on mah positions wi' two MG jeeps, then sendin' tha survivin' crew members forward ain support o' his frontal assault by an ammoless F.O., Ah kicked has spotty arse back tae Kitty's litter box. Tha rest o' ye, sod off. SirMacOberGruppenBloodyStompinSicFeuhrerBastardABCD ------------------ You posture more than Marcia Brady with books on her head and you chatter like a dolphin near the fish bucket. - Dalem [This message has been edited by OGSF (edited 03-23-2001).]
  4. MarkIV, yer a cowering wretch wi' the gonads o' a female vole pup. Ah called ye oot two pages agae, ye snivellin' wet streak o' flea scratch. Stand oop (sat doon Blowsmouse)an' declare yersailf.... are ye a wretched limpin' semi-aborted embryo o' a man, or are ye tha backslidin', fish ticklin', beer dreg drainin', poot sniffin', skankin' rat's arse wipe o' a mewlin' cowardly custard yella bellied, sap suckin. side windin', snivellin' ain ye sleeve, snot nosed pickin' sticky pants? Af'n ye didnae send mae a setup, Ah'll send ye one - an' ye widnae lak at. Bastarrrd. Wha' are tha rest o' ye lookin' at? Ye lookin' at mae, Jimmy? Eh? SirMacOberGrupenBloodyStompinSicFeuhrerBastardABCD ------------------ You posture more than Marcia Brady with books on her head and you chatter like a dolphin near the fish bucket. - Dalem
  5. Readin' Sir Seanachai's last post, Ah cud almost hear tha' syntax snapping aintae place lak tha latex thong up a Bondi Lifesaver's crack. At were a bit like watchin' a penny rrrooolll doon one o' them sideshow things where ye drop tha penny ain tha top an at rrrrroolls left an' right 'til at reaches tha bottom. Ye start at tha top, get tae tha end, an' wonder why ye just wasted a minute o' ye life's braith. An' ye feel poorer fer tha experience. Ah fer one wud lak tae see tha looong exposition on tha Sci Fi thing, if ainly sae Ah cud skip past at. Mark IV, Ah'm callin' ye oot. Yer a bandy legged snot-gobbler, weak as lolly water, an' culdnae win a bum slappin contest wi' both hands tied behind yer back. Af'n mah dog looked lak ye doo, some folks wud shave at's arse an teach at tae walk backwards. Ah'd just feed at aintae a hand cranked meat grinder. Yer a nancy boy's velvet plaything, tha sweaty band on a stoker's hat, tha sucking noise a cow's hoof makes an tha mud. A large manual labourer wud drink ten pint's o' beer, puke all over ye, an say, "Ah didnae remember eatin' *that*!". Send mae a setup, ye knuckle crackin' invertebrate, an' Ah'll dismantle yer units one shoddy rivet at a time. Short and balding doormen wud doff their caps tae ye, an remark, "As tha a gun ain ye pocket, or are ye tha dribblin' vacuous idiot ye look like?". Tha's right, Jimmy! Ah'm lookin' at yoo! Put tha bicycle clips on ye troos sae ye noo dribblin' ye fear across tha floor, and get tha setup sent. Boyo! Bucko! Dried thang on a Hiram's arse. Tha rest o' ye kin sod off. SirMacOberGrupenBloodyStompinSicFeuhrerBastardABCD ------------------ You posture more than Marcia Brady with books on her head and you chatter like a dolphin near the fish bucket. - Dalem
  6. Seems to me that this "problem" of Ubertanks et al is really one for the TH folks to sort out amongst themselves. I don't encounter it, and I have played literally scores of PBEM games since May last year. Now and again a couple of Pershings will show up, a Jagtiger or whatever. But they are invariably part of a mix of units and of no concern. I don't bother with the TH or any other ladder. I don't deride the folks that do, quite the opposite. But the very nature of a ladder is to win, and some folks will do whatever it takes. Having played oodles of PBEMs over the last nine months, my sense is that the unit prices are about right. SMG squads too cheap compared to rifle squads? Bollocks. SMG squads don't have the range. There is more to unit pricing than the size of the gun or thickness of armour. Plenty of posts on that score in many other threads already. If you don't like Ubertanks, don't play the folks who over use them. Or do what the Allies did in WWII - knock them out with fighter bombers. If someone has a formula for winning where they buy "7 guns and SMG squads" - kill the guns with artillery or mortars and thin the SMG teams at long range with rifle squads. To paraphrase another saying; If you beat me with "gamey" tactics once, shame on you. If you beat me with them twice, shame on me. OberGrupenStompinFuhrer ------------------ You posture more than Marcia Brady with books on her head and you chatter like a dolphin near the fish bucket. - Dalem
  7. Hiram, ye palsied peddler o' poodle poop, ye were ne'er "cast oot". Ye just took a wee breather. Will ye noo cam back agin, will ye noo cam ba-ack agin...didnae ye ken or did ye ken? Will ye noo cam back agin? bastard. Feel free tae pick oop our gam, but ye'll have tae send mae the latest file, mah swine computer crashed a wee while ago an' Ah lost tha lot. Mace has aboot drawn has inexorable attack tae a fitting conclusion - go' tha crap beat oot o' him. Speedy widnae lay doon an' die. Ah'll have tae smack ham wi' a haddock. Nijis as rolling oop mah poor wee troops wi' his assault force. 60000 tae 2. Elvis as thinkin' he has an' easy win on his hands. Nae doubt at's mah poxy tactics tae blame, agin. Ye knoo wah' they say tho...lucky ain' CM, unlucky ain love. StukaPukaPants as wonderin' where tha blow will fall. An' Ah'm wonderin' tha' mahsailf. Seanachai will noo doubt wreak a terrible revenge fer has recent defeat at mah skillful hands. MarkIV, af'n tha word "Oberndorf" means anythan' tae ye, send mae a setup. As fer tha' festerin' string o' fetid newbies traipsin' an lak a plastic shoppin' bag hangin' oot a lost dog's arse, Ah continue tae ignore ye vacuous chatter. Bastaards. SirMacOberGrupenBloodyStompinSicFeuhrerBastardABCD ------------------ You posture more than Marcia Brady with books on her head and you chatter like a dolphin near the fish bucket. - Dalem
  8. Elvis, Ah dinnae have yer last turn. Mah swine PC crasheda a wee while ago, an' Ah think your turn got flushed where at belongs. Would ye be sae ind as tae send at agin. Ye pillock. SirMacOberGruppenBloodyStompinSicFuhrerBastardABCD ------------------ You posture more than Marcia Brady with books on her head and you chatter like a dolphin near the fish bucket. - Dalem
  9. Yer stankin' pack o' snot-gobblin' toady eyed Wildebeest crotch sniffin' miserable lang streaks o' hot cocky poop. Bastaarrds. Mace As flankin' mah boys wi' a de-jeeped crew member whilst launchin' a frontal assault wi' a bleedin' Artillery Spotter (sans Artillery). Tae little tae late, laddie. Speedy As bein' slowly bludgeoned tae death an' lovin' at. Nijis As smotherin' mah poor wee boys wi' a thousand monkey spankers. Stuka As wonderin' when Ah'll launch mah fearful attack. Ah'm a wee bat confused mahsailf. Seanachai As waitin' fer mae tae return tha first turn. Hah! Elvis As nae returned a turn fraim a week ago. Bastaard. Ah dinnae e'en get tae Sweden, an' a search on "Inga" on google.com dinnae turn oop any than' o' interest. Yawn. Meeks as a useless twat, but at least he's crazier than a brick smacked rodent. Ah thank Ah owe the dweeb a setup. Af'n yer still readin' thas, sod off. Bastaards. SirMacOberGrupenBloodyStompinSicFeuhrerBastardABCD ------------------ You posture more than Marcia Brady with books on her head and you chatter like a dolphin near the fish bucket. - Dalem
  10. Did ye knoo tha' the highest spot ain Pennsytuckey, as still lower than tha lowest spot ain Colorado? Sae where-ever ye go, there Ah crap on ye. We cud dam at an' use at fer a boatin' lake. Hamsters ye twatbastaaarrrd, Ah'll send ye a setup an' a day or two. Ye pillock. Wi' tha new mod, AH' didnae mind sendin' mah lads tae certain death.....they all look lak Chupa or PeterNZ. Bastarrrds. SirMacOberGrupenBloodyStompinSicFeuhrerBastardABCD ------------------ You posture more than Marcia Brady with books on her head and you chatter like a dolphin near the fish bucket. - Dalem
  11. Well noo, af'n at's nae tha wee blatherin' nom-de-twat o' Hamsters, aka twat. Tha first thang tha needs tae be pointed oot tae ye, ye clay brained dung beetle, as tha' a "puppy" as by definition "prepubescent". Ye twat. Tha second thang, as tha' puppies didnae ha' any udders. Ainly yoo, ye udder twat. Third thang, af'n tha were a taunt, at's pathetic. Much as ye are pathetic. Pathetic lak a wee vole as pathetic as at tries tae pee at's name ain tha cruel snow tha sweeps Glencoe, an' cover's tha....ne'ermind. Ye're a bastarrrd, an' a twat. Actually, ye're a covalent twatbastarrrd. Ye pillock. Taunt mae properly, lak ye might do af'n ye had a pair (gwin wi ye, pretend), an' Ah might send ye a setup. *poot* Lorak, ye vole's left testicle, mark oop a glorious win fer mah brave an' bonnie lads. OGSF WIN Seanachai DIDNAE WIN SirMacOberGruppenBloodyStompinSicFeuhrerBastardABCD ------------------ You posture more than Marcia Brady with books on her head and you chatter like a dolphin near the fish bucket. - Dalem
  12. BAH! FEH! Mah harrrd dreeve ha' gwin tae tha bag craphoose an tha' skee. Speedy, Stuka, Mace, Seanachai, Elvis, Nijis an' anywun ailse Ah fergat, resend ye last turrrn, cos at's all gwin tae nought. Bastarrrds. SirMacOberGruppenBloodyStompinSicFeuhrerBastardABCD ------------------ You posture more than Marcia Brady with books on her head and you chatter like a dolphin near the fish bucket. - Dalem
  13. Snivelling knock-kneed runt alert!! Yasterdee Ah called oot tha toad-spit Elvis, who promptly cowered an has ain fecal matterrr an' dinnae respond. Ah then called oot tha slinkin' stoat o' a crowin' boaster Marlow who as also gwin tae groond faster 'an a weiner dog an' a Wal-mart sales stampede. Af'n Ah keep thas oop, we'll have a whole noo crew o' Wizard o' Oz wannabees standin' aboot an their polka dotted boxer shorts,cheeks wet wi' their tearrrs, shiverin' wi' fear an' shame at bein' shown fer tha snivellin' knock-kneed runts they trooly are. Snivellin runt: "Oooh, Ah am sae grreat an' Ah never lose!" SirMOGBSSFBABCD: "Play mae, ye bastarrrd!" Snivellin runt: " *whimper* " Ah've seen more fight an' tha wee hackey-sack mah spaniel play's wi'. Ye gwintae step oop, or stay there bawlin' behind ye mam's skirt? Bastarrrds. SirMacOberGruppenBloodyStompinSicFeuhrerBastardABCD ------------------ You posture more than Marcia Brady with books on her head and you chatter like a dolphin near the fish bucket. - Dalem
  14. If I am defending, the attacker seems difficult to kill, especially troops. Their ability to advance forward into machine gun fire is remarkable. If I am attacking, the reverse seesm true! I think there has been some trade off in the interests of playability. If attacking troops were to be mown down "a la Somme", it wouldn't make for much of an attacking game. The point about defensive units such as bunkers costing points is well made I think. If I have 800 points to defend with, I cannot afford too many bunkers or other static defences without depleting my troops, guns, armour etc - despite the recent drop in the cost of those defences. I can usually defeat the AI when it is attacking, but then the AI is better at defence (although far superior to any other game I've seen even when attacking). However, if I am defending against a human opponent it is very difficult to win. I have had games where I have knocked out most or all of the attackers armour, shelled and mortared the troops as they advanced, and fired into their ranks with machine guns and HE as they scampered across open ground - and still been over-run. And this is where they only have a 50% attackers advantage. It is entirely perception of course, but troops advancing on prepared positions can often seem very difficult to suppress and kill. But other times they do break and run or die. Usually it's when the AI is sending them in in penny-packets. Perhaps a tweak (for CM2?) would be to increase the firepower of troops and MGs sitting in foxholes. If they move out of the prepared position, they revert to "normal" firepower but have an effective bonus if in a foxhole or building. OberGruppenStompinFuhrer
  15. "Drink it up chugalug chugalug, Drink it up chugalug chugalug, Have another dozen tinnies here on me. If you want to throw your voice, Mate you've got no other choice Than to chunder in the old Pacific Sea!" Chunder (n) - technicolour yawn, driving the porcelain bus, spewing, hurling your guts etc. etc. Chunter (v) - to chatter inanely, as in: "Mace and the budgie were chuntering on and no-one gave a flying fruit bat". Not in decent use. OberGruppenStompinFuhrer Edited cos I could. ------------------ You posture more than Marcia Brady with books on her head and you chatter like a dolphin near the fish bucket. - Dalem [This message has been edited by OGSF (edited 02-23-2001).]
  16. Och laddie, Ah'm supreesed ye kin walk wi' tha cojum's tae wander aintae the Wun Troo Thraid. Firrst, welcome tae tha Wonderful World o' Combat Mission. Second, ye noo wannae cam ain here Jimmy, tae tha Cesspool, wi' noo research. Ye need tae review tha previous incantations o' the Thraid, all 6000 posts, tae see wah' ye've done. Mah advice tae yoo, as tae spend some time an' the main board "oot there", an' play ye gam a wee bit more, afore ye cam ain here. Ah'm nae meanin' tae be snooty, trrrrust mae, at's fer yer ain good. Af'n ye choose tae hang aboot ain here, tak nae umbrage, cos ye'll be gettin' plenty laddie. SirMacOberGruppenBloodyStompinSicFeuhrerBastardABCD Tak at easy ye scum, he didnae knoo wah' he's aat.... ------------------ You posture more than Marcia Brady with books on her head and you chatter like a dolphin near the fish bucket. - Dalem
  17. Marlow, Ah ha' gi'en ye tha benefit o' mah doubt. Ye couldnae be tha most enormous twat tha' e'er fell oot o' [lockable] places. But at seems ye are. Widye noo step up tae tha bar an' have ye impressive record o' feeve games shattered bah a wee beating? Shall we say 1250 points, meeting, random time and weather, combined arms? Ye fetid bastarrrd. Ye are challenged laddie, an' Ah mean that ain every nasty way possible. SirMacOberGruppenBloodyStompinSicFeuhrerBastardABCD ------------------ You posture more than Marcia Brady with books on her head and you chatter like a dolphin near the fish bucket. - Dalem
  18. Sae, at widdnae just mae! Ah'd nae fret aboot at tae much, Rowan Atkinson as much better lookin' than you. Af'n ye fancin' a wee drubbin' ain tha field o' battle, Ah'd be happy tae reduce ye tae tha status o' Baldrick. SirMacOberGruppenBloodyStompinSicFeuhrerBastardABCD PS Ah took tha reference tae bein'a "fat bastard" as bein' aboot tha hunk o' blubber love ain tha stool afore ye got there. Ah think he farted ain at just afore ye arrived. ------------------ You posture more than Marcia Brady with books on her head and you chatter like a dolphin near the fish bucket. - Dalem
  19. As at just mae, or do Elvis ha' a strikin' resemblance tae Mr Bean? Ah thank tha wee lassies next tae ham an the bar fancied him a bit. Every tam he turned has back on thaim, tha blonde began tae fondle her ain breasts, an' tha brunette were lickin' her lips. Did ye nae notice any o' tha', Elvis? SirMacOberGruppenBloodyStompinSicFuehrerBastardABCD
  20. An' noo fer a wee sang... Yasterdae, all mah troobles saimed sae far awee, Noo at seems as tho' tha here tae stay, Aye Ah believe, an yesterdae. Wah shae ha' tae gi Ah dinnae Shae widnae say, Noo Ah lang fer yasterdae............. Fraish braith.... Ah cannae gitnae, sat-is-faction, Ah cannae gitnae, sat-is-faction, Bit Ah tree, an' Ah tree, Ah cannae gitnae............. Did Ah mention ye all scab-nibblin' bastarrrds? Cansider at mentioned.... Bastarrrds. Iskanderpandapants thanks he's beat mah cos Ah surrendered tae has shattered survivors. We'll see wha' tha AAR has tae say aboot tha'. Seanachai as a gracious bastarrrd an' fit an' interestun' gam. He's gwintae lose tho, really. Speedy as wonderin' where tha rest o' mah troops are. Ah didnae have any, but didnae tell ham tha', cos he's a bastarrd. Stuka as discovered wha' a burnin' Pershing looks leek. Pity at were wun o his ain. Hiram Phillies Phan Phat Phellow as nae returned a turn since has wee spot o' job huntin' began. Bastarrd. Mace as creepin' aboot tha map leek sam wee pharmacey assistant deliverin' plain wrapped goods tae tha local brothel. Bastarrd. Nijis as discoverin' tha an overwhelmin' advantage an troop numbers as nae good tae ye, af'n yer a twat commander. Noo sod off. SirMacOberGruppenBloodyStompinSicFeuhrerBastardABCD ------------------ You posture more than Marcia Brady with books on her head and you chatter like a dolphin near the fish bucket. - Dalem
  21. Lak Ah dinnae give a flyin' rat's arrrse aboot ye soddin' invasion, boot ye nay correct aboot tha "ainly invasion" thang. There were a cross border incursion by tha' Mexicans aroond 1902, gav or tak. Tha Japaneses dropped some balloon bombs on Oregon ain WWII, the Germans' shelled the East Coast and sank a bucket load o' ships, tha Japanese occupied Wake Island, and tha Allutians(sic) an' tha bloody Californian's invade Colorado every tam tha San Andreas fault breaks wind. Oh, an' ye kin sod off too. SirMacOberGruppenBloodyStompinSicFeuhrerBastardABCD ------------------ You posture more than Marcia Brady with books on her head and you chatter like a dolphin near the fish bucket. - Dalem
  22. Hiram, ye utter, utter barrstard! Dinnae be gwin lang laddy, Ah'll be missin' ye shinin' talent wi' worrrds. Tha rest o' ye kin sod off. Bastarrds. SirMacOberGruppenBloodyStompinSicFeuhrerBastardABCD ------------------ You posture more than Marcia Brady with books on her head and you chatter like a dolphin near the fish bucket. - Dalem
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