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Everything posted by OGSF

  1. Hiram, ye poor wee bairn, cam back aintae tha dank, wet, stankin' 'Pool laddie - wrap thas hankie aroond yer shiverin' shoulders and warrrm yersailf bah thas roarin' candle. SirMacOberGruppenBloodyStompinSicFeuhrerBastardABCD [This message has been edited by OGSF (edited 01-16-2001).]
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by patboivin: OK, as usual, I am confused. I had read about one called Big Bertha, and I knew about Karl and Dora. If there were six built, and their names were of Slavic gods, where were the other three from? Were they given different names, depending on who you talked to? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> The Gerat 40 and Gerat 41 were mortars, stubby barreled things, riding on a tracked chassis. There were 6 of the Gerat 40 built, named Thor etc. Big Bertha and the others(?) were railway guns, massive artillery pieces capable of sending a shell into orbit, so that it came back and smacked the gunners in the back of the head. This last part may or may not be true. At least they were different beasties to the Gerats. OGSF
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Wildman: Stevethehopeful, You wish it were a default. The file was sent to my work, and as I am at home, finding balance to my pathetic CM crazed life. You will get the damn file when I am good and ready, you twit ---<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Considerin' they're both crawling worms an a sick dog's intestinal tract, Ah thank they are showin' some promise. Nae a lot o' promise, but some. Sae Steve-tha-rabbit-shagger, have ye noo tae say tae tha bellowing Wildebeest an response? Ye noo gwintae sit back an' let him by wi' tha' are ye? SirMacOberGruppenBloodyStompinSicFeuhrerBastardABCD
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Gremlin: If you're talking about 60cm guns used against Sevastopol, you're probably thinking of the Karlgerät (Gerät 041 and 041), a tracked 60cm/54cm mortar. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yep, these are the ones'. There were only six ever built, of which four were used at Sevastopol in 1941. The names of the six mortars were Thor, Adam, Eve, Odin, Loki and Ziu. They had a rate of fire of 1 round every 10 minutes. OGSF
  5. At seems tha' the Great Unwashed dinnae really need a FAQ after all. Sod 'em. Lorak killed mah daid an our PBEM. Bastard. Speedy as gettin' slapped aroond lak a Crow's supporter at a Collingwood match. Ah'm tae depressed aboot losing tae Lorak tae continue fer tha moment....suffice tae say Seanachai as makin' hollow threats while he laks his wounds... SirMacOberGruppenBloodyStompinSicFeuhrerBastardABCD
  6. Thas as a public service BUMP brrrought tae ye by tha Cesspool crew. Af'n at slides off tha first page agin, Ah'll nae be bothered rebumpin' at. SirMacOberGruppenBloodyStompinSicFeuhrerBastardABCD
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hiram_Sedai: How do I effectively deploy my infantry? The Y formation was suggested to me by dog-face boy but that has not worked that well. When you attack, how do you move your infantry closer? Do the Axis have better long range and the Allied have better close range? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> The first point about formations....great for medieval and short range engagements, slightly passe' for modern weapons. When swords and bows were de rigour, formation was important to allow the most "steel on target" in the confines of hand to hand combat. A Lee Enfield .303 at 400 yards doesn't give a fig if your are square dancing, a Y chromosone or an X marks the spot. BANG! WHIZZZ! SMACK! Mein bein! The individual squads represent up to 13 individuals, with a variety of weapons. The formations within that squad are abstracted. However, the relative positions of squads to each other can be established using the following two criteria... 1) Staying under command and control, 2) Ability of each squad to bring weapons to bear on a threat to any one of the squads in the formation. So if squad A begins to take fire from an enemy squad, ideally sqad B & C will be in a position to return fire as well as squad A. Not always possible, but an ideal. Another point is....don't lead with your platoon HQ. The AI is a gamey bastard about targeting the HQ as a high priority, so keep 'em behind at least the front squad. Any formation is fine, Y, V, whatever, so long as the squads are close enough to support each other, stay under commmand & control, and not get wiped out with one artillery burst. As for moving closer....scout first to see what's out there. But in any event, move your boys from cover to cover...use the terrain to stay out of LOS as much as possible. If you *have* to move across the open, put smoke down first, and get the lads across as quick as possible. But weigh the cost of reducing their time in the open by running, against their combat effectiveness when tired. In addition, if you are moving in on known enemy positions, lay down suppression fire on those positions, using HMGs', artillery / mortar fire and SP guns if possible. And don't feed the lads into the final assault in dribs and drabs. Together they (might) stand, divided they get the crap shot out of them. Ipso facto, viz a viz, post hocta proc, QED SirMacOberGruppenBloodyStompinSicFeuhrerBastardABCD [This message has been edited by OGSF (edited 01-13-2001).]
  8. Ah'd merely lak tae mention at this brief juncture, tha' Ah'm in tha process o' kackin' Speedy's spooty arrrse all o'er tha bleedin' map. Lorak as killin' mah poor wee veteran gerbil love toys tae death. Bastarrd! Noo, here's mah wee poem, after tha Reverend Charles Dodgson... 'Twas brillig, an the slithy Meeks did gyre an' gimble in tha Mace All mimsy were tha Lorak cheeks, And the Speedyraths outgrace. "Beware the ObergruppenStompinFuhrer, my son! The jaws tha bite, tha claws tha catch! Beware the Berli bird, and shun the frumious Pawbroom snatch!" jd took his sword in hand; Long time tha maxome foe he sought- So rested he by the Stuka tree. And stood a while in thought. As in uffish thought he stood, The newbie, with eyes of flame, Came whiffling through the Cesspool wood, And burbled as it came. One, two! One, two! And through and through The vorpal blade went snicker-snack He left it dead, and with it's head He went galumphing back. "Has though slain the Jabberwock? Come to my arms, my Hiram boy! Oh fabjous day! Calloh! Callay! He chortled in his joy. 'Twas brillig, an the slithy Meeks did gyre an' gimble in tha Mace All mimsy were tha Lorak cheeks, And the Speedyraths outgrace. Wha'hey tha' noo! SirMacOberGruppenBloodyStompinSicFeuhrerBastardABCD
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka: Haha, OGSF is in the poo, and deep! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Tha' dinnae confront mae! Ah'll drag his entrails across tha field o' battle an' pronoonce his topplement right here. Meeks as a soft puddin', an' Ah'll prove at wi' his topplement. SirMacOberGruppenBloodyStompinSicFeuhrerBastardABCD
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bruno Weiss: .. this is the problem I have with the hull turnings: It seemed to me from the original post in this thread, requoted above, that the player can see the enemy units in front, but the two Churchills cannot. The Churchills see a threat to one side, could be an AT team as far as the TC knows, and the tanks rotate to face the only threat they are aware of. I cannot see a problem with this. It's not like it turned away from an armoured threat it knew about to face down a crew. Only the omnipotent player was aware of the enemy ahead. Which part of that is not historically correct? I would prefer my armour to face the threat it is aware of, even if it screws up sometimes and faces a crew, exposing it's flanks to potential danger. If you are flanked, you are flanked - doesn't matter which way the tank is facing. Maybe the issue here is really one of AFVs' using the main gun on crews, or not being able to evaluate threats 100% accuarately 100% of the time. I think that was called Fog of War and was also "historical". If I play an opponent who uses crews or trucks to fake out my armour, I likely would thank them for the game and not play them again. That sort of tactic has always been bad form in my book. Having armour use their rotation to assist in coming on target, and the AI getting confused by deliberate use of sacrificial decoys, are not the same thing. One is a problem, the other is not. As far as this change being an ahistorical tweak to satisfy the gamers, I think not. The tanks are not doing anything they were not physically capable of. If it is an effective tactic in CM, then it was likely an effective tactic in "real life". Certainly the reverse is usually true! If a tank appears to be "dithering" and changing it's mind when trying to target multiple threats, I put this down to one of the limitations of the game. Whether the hull rotates or not, the turret would be waffling about - so I don't reckon this problem is unique to the new version. Sometimes the luck runs against you, sometimes it's the opponents tanks which cannot make up their mind. But I haven't seen this enough to even consider it as a factor I need to allow for, and I have played CM practically every day since May last year. I like the change. And I like BTS. I also like logical, researched arguments. OGSF [This message has been edited by OGSF (edited 01-11-2001).]
  11. Meeks "I just *love* the Raiders!" jd"Yeah! Go Raiders! Yeah!" Meeks"High five!" jd"Wheee!" Ah thank Ah'm gwinnae hurl mah haggis! Wha didnye both hold hands, play some disco, and "do tha bump"!?! Meeks "I like *you* (flops hand), and I like *you*.....let's see....oh, and *you*, you naughty Raiders fan you! Oh, yes and I'll be terrible as well...*pfffft* *pfffft*" Ah thank yoo kin gwin o'er there an' stand wi' tha soft puddins'.....Hiram has more malice than yoo, Jimmy. SirMacOberGruppenBloodyStompinSicFeuhrerBastardABCD
  12. Great festering gob sores! Ah dinnae think Ah coulda foond a more turrrgid an' aimless crew o' snot gobblin' sporran stains an mah grrreat uncle Andy's 17 poond colostomy bag! (Tha wee lassies excepted, o' course...)Where do Ah begin? Meeks ye fetid spread o' sun warmed vomit, ya owe mah a turn....Ah need tha win sae dinnae delay. Welcome back, good tae see ye, noo go an' have a ****e an' fall back an it. Hiram! Af'n Ah had a severe cold, wi' copious amoonts o' runny mucus tae spare, an' Ah disembowelled a common field mouse sae Ah could poke at's entrails up mah liquified nostril, yoo'd still be a feckin' bag o' Croda farts' an' worms. Send mah turrrn, Ah need tha win. Lorak, Ah once lakked ye, but tha' were lang ago. Noo Ah hate ye, an' ye stankin' wee regular troops fraim Hades. They die, an' they die...boot they ne'er disappear. There are certain trrraditions tae be upheld, an' yoo losing as won o' thaim. Tae change tha rules an start tae win noo is borderin' on cheatin'. An' what aboot tha wee bairns? Widdnae someone thank aboot tha wee bairns??? StukaNukaPukaPants, ye owe mae a turrrn. An' diddnae be thankin' ye gonna win agin wi' yer bushwackin' tactics more suited tae the laks o' General Pantyliner. Ah'm gwinnae eviscerate ye! (Tha's mah noo word, eviscerate). Mace, ye kin go an' read ye fortune an Robert Morley's stretch marks. An at ye'll divine ye inevitable topplement, skankin' jeeps runnin' aboot mah rear or no. Oh, Ah hate ye as well. Speedy as bin losin' has armour lak he had at tae spare, an' noo he began's tae knock oot mine. But Ah will win, fer Ah'm brilliant an' he's no'. Nijis as aboot tae get his spotty sand caked arse kacked aboot tha map, unless he rips mah bold offensive tae shreds. Too early tae tell. Seanachai......yer no' dead yet are ye, boot ye kin see at comin'.... Bastables, at's dark, mah men are dyin' an' Ah cannae see squat. Ah thank Ah have ye where Ah want ye.... An' nooo..., tae the dull clumps o' porridge tha' ha' foond their way antae the One Troo Thread, sod off! Ye makin' mah sick wi' yer pathetic mewlings an' unimaginative tripe....ye are a drooby pack o' festerin' fozgoblians, a fanarcklin' bunch o' leprous scabs, an' in case ye missed at..sod off! An' Ah'm nae gwintae name names, cos Ah've nae paid attention enough tae remember thaim, but here's a special message just fer yoo, Jimmy.....SOD OFF! The rest o' ye can pull ye bum flaps oop o'er ye haids an' pucker up fer each other.... (the wee lassies excepted, o' course). SirMacOberGruppenBloodyStompinSicFeuhrerBastardABCD
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by rvalle: Any suggestions? One of the main things I'm worried about is that I have never played a battle where I have to buy my own troops. What should I buy? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Richard, Richard, Richard,.... Okay, I am assuming that the weather is clear, and it is dry underfoot. Day, night or fog doesn't matter too much. One approach would be to buy mechanized infantry, with 251/1 half tracks. Buy a bunch of 'em. Also buy a bunch of 251/17 half tracks (flame throwing things). Pumas and lot's of panzerschrecks. And lot's of mortar spotters. Send out some split squads to scout the terrain and defences. Find out what is "down there and look for barbed wire and pill boxes. Once you have an idea of the quickest way in, drop smoke rounds with your mortars. Mix some HE back in where his defences are. Once the whole approach *and* his defences are covered in smoke....send the half tracks and supporting armour down into the village *fast*. Remember to pre-order the troops to disembark and run to position before you send the HTs' off on their death run, err, put the plan into effect. The rational for this approach is as follows: 1) The longer you stay out in front of his defences, the longer you will be exposed to artillery, AT guns, heavy MG fire etc. 2) By charging in under cover of smoke, you render the majority of his defences impotent for a time, as they will not have LOS. 3) By delivering your forces to a specific area in a concentrated manner, you will more likely have local superiority and have more chance to reduce the defences immediately in your area. 4) With this approach, you will hopefully get in behind any pillboxes he might have, rendering them useless to him. 5) The Pumas and panzerschrecks are to take out any armor he might have. The half tracks will lay down MG fire in support of your troops and the flame throwers will panic his squads and flush his boys out from the buildings an tall pines. Once you gain local control, begin to "roll up his line". I have never played Fionn, but I would fully expect him to have a defence in depth, with at least one assault group readied for local counter-attack. Keep your forces together so they can support each other, keep the smoke falling as long as possible, and keep moving. Two other things......first, don't run in on the road...the most obvious place to put mines and roadblocks. Second, make sure your units are well hidden when the scenario begins, so that ideally he won't see your main force until they appear next to his units in the smoke. Check the terrain for the best line of approach with fewest bottlenecks. Also check the terrain from his perspective at "view 1" for line of sight, ambush points and fields of fire that he might employ. Good luck. SirMacOberGruppenBloodyStompinSicFeuhrerBastardABCD [*Note: The above has been translated by BBC London from original transcripts found in the men's room of an Aberdeen pub]
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by retarded_keydet: Yuck ...... the mental picture I got of either of the candidates is too nasty <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Sod off, ye putrid clump o' diaper trash. And tak ye "Forgotten Soldier" spoiler sig. wi' ye. Ye got the whole stankin' forum tae post ye dribble ain, sae keep at oot there wi' tha rest o' tha rrrrubbish. Ah knoo ye noo tae the board, but tha One Muther Beautiful Peng Thread as noo place fer the laks o' yoo, Jimmy. Yer cam ain here an' at's painfully obvious yer hav'nae idea where ye are or why. Sae sod off. SirMacOberGruppenBloodyStompinSicFeuhrerBastardABCD
  15. Pawbroom mah bonnet's off tae ye. Ah thoroughly enjoyed tha' wee bit o' poetry, history an' art. Ah were gettin' sick oop an' fed wi' tha bleedin' movie reviewers poncin' aboot tha place, boot af at lead tae ye post, at were worth at. An' Germanboy, Ah feel ye pain wi' tha' feckless piece o' drippin' tripe tha were gwin on aboot crews an' their shock troop value. Tae mooch o' playin' tha man an' nae the ball. Noo, Lorak, Ah see tha' Nijis ha' been included ain tha Cesspool as a Squire, an' tha' tha results o' our last encounter (where Ah kicked his spotty arrrse all aboot tha map) has been recorrrded. Which as fine, boot it should be mentioned tha' before he received tha' particular thrrrrashing fraim mah, he did manage tae squeak oot a couple o' minor victories o'er mae by tha skin o' his rotten yellow teeth. Sae he should be gettin' tha credit Ah suppose. Ye best chalk at oop, although at will play havoc wi' mah stats. Nijis 2 wins, SirOGSF 2 losses. Ah'm sae bleedin' noble.....not lak tha rest o' yoos buggers.... SirMacOberGruppenBloodyStompinSicFeuhrerBastardABCD
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Ksak: I will play (happily) with whatever rules you decide to implement...but as far as your so-called ahistorical use of vehicle crews as infantry, it's BS. I did not participate in the Big One but I did spend some time with a cavalry unit in a not so little one and armored vehicle crews absolutely, positively engaged as infantry if their track was lost and they were capable. Whatever the TOE, every tank and PC crewman was armed to the teeth with everything from store bought .357s to WWII burp guns. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Ksak, were they armed to the teeth so that they could defend themselves if obliged to abandon their AFV, or so that they could continue to participate in the assault as infantry? I genuinely don't know, but it would seem to me that a store bought magnum handgun would not be an ideal offensive weapon for personnel which were intended to operate as infantry in an organized manner. Aircrews were armed with side arms, but if they were forced to bale, their priority was to return to their lines, not assault the enemy. I had thought that tank crews were similarly armed and operated under a similar motivation. If pressed they could defend themselves, but would not likely set off on autonomous recon missions or join up with regular infantry assaulting enemy positions. As I said, I don't know, I wasn't there. But I know that trained tank crews very quickly became scarce in the ETO and find it difficult to believe that in that theatre at least, crews were deliberately used to supplement infantry when they were far more valuable as crews for replacement tanks / vehicles. Having said that, if my opponent wants to run lighlty armed crews at my regular troops, I will happily take the points. OberGruppenStompinFuhrer
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bastables: Do IP games count in the world of Cess, because I spanked Elvis pretty badly in one a month ago. Yes I'm really sad and mortified by my loss to OGSF aka Old Gimp Snorting Fairy. Give me some props people!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well Mace was nae backward ain comin' forwarrrd tae pronounce his tooplement o' mah heroic sailf in a TCP match.....an' it were recorded....sae Ah believe tha answer is "aye". Lorak has me surroonded, he may as well surrender noo. Stuka Wi' his extroadinary cunning an' guile, has brought mah tae tha brink o' topplement. Ah've fared better attackin' him in tha rain than he did agin ma, boot Ah think the writin' ais on tha wall here... Seanachai has discovered the bedevilment tha' is a gam agin SirOGSF. A wee advance by his poor soldiers wi' armoured support has bin smashed, stopped, gunned doon an' generally savaged aboot a bit. Speedy as aboot tae be reminded why Ah am a foe tae be feared when Ah'm nae stumblin' through the mud on a rainy night intae his guns. Mace as runnin' jeeps around mah rear lak a couple o' schoolboys ain the girls toilets. Ah couldnae stop them wi' a sharpshooter, panzerschreck or machine gun nest. The cursed things are cursed. Hiram Sedai as playin' peek-aboo wi' his stupid Panthers. Mah TDs' lay shot tae hell in their hidey holes. Ah kin noo mak oot his tactics....they're certainly novel, and seem tae be based largely on lucky shots from far away.... Oh aye, his boys'll die....at's just curious tae observe his antics. Bastables has arranged his revenge on a rainy night time map. Ah am attackin' his village, an' there is one road runnin' in tae it. Mah glory will be great when Ah smash mah way intae his stankin' toon an' kick his spotty arrrse aboot tha map agin! Meeks as still awah, but noo fergotten. Ah was aboot tae finish his off, an' Ah need the score..... Tht's it fer noo.....Ah'll be back when Ah have some positive noos. Oh, which reminds mah, yer all a pack o' stankin' snot gobblers. SirMacOberGruppenBloodyStompinSicFeuhrerBastardABCD
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by von shrad: Thank you Mace. When I tried to defrag my HD I noticed that it was performing the operation very slow compared to every other time. What do you think that could mean if anything. I did not finish because a friend was over and we HAD to play some hot-seat even if it lagged, which it indeed did. Any other suggestions? Anybody? vs [This message has been edited by von shrad (edited 01-02-2001).]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Och noo, dinnae fret yersailf laddie, Ah think Ah might have a couple o' wee tricks oop mah sleeve tae hailp ye oot. Firrrst, tha' obvious.... Ah assume ye have rebooted tha' machine. Tha' would involve shutting it doon an' then powering it back up again. Af sae, do it agin....and this tam watch fer the amount o' RAM bein' checked off when it first starts tae come oop. If thas as less than the 128MB ye are expectin', then ya got some bad RAM. Second, tha' defrag idea was a good wun.... and another assumption is tha yer playing on a Winders 98 system. Yer need tae check if ye hard drrrive as gettin' fuller'n a haggis. Double click on "My Computer" an' then rrright click on the "C:" drive. Click on "Properties". There should be a wee pie show oop, an' ye can tell how much o' yer expensive hard drrrive space is actualy still free. Ah ferget how big yer hard drrive was, but yer should have at least 128MB free, preferably more. At should be at least 10% o' yer total disk space...af at's noo tha' much, yer need tae delete some rrrrubbish or buy a bigger hard drrrive. Let us knoo how yer get on, an ' than we'll thank o' something ailse if need be. SirMacOberGruppenBloodyStompinSicFeuhrerBastardABCD
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka: [bOGSF Has lost all his armour in a fruitless attack against my infantry only defense. My little 75mm recoiless took out 2 105 Shermies within 10sec of each other, which has left his meagre infantry now unsupported and engaged by several field guns, numerous infantry and MG's, in short you are screwed.....<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Tha' sneaky bastarrrd dodged tha mortar barrage, waited 'till tha smoke drifted awah on tha breeze, then plinked mah poor wee 105 Shermies in tha side, lak tha skulkin' bushwacker tha' he is. Nae matter, the fox as well an' trooly amongst the chickens noo. SirMacOberGruppenBloodyStompinSicFeuhrerBastardABCD
  20. *sigh* At's nae good. Ah get oop thas mornin' tae find two Sherman 105's killed by a bleedin' Puppchen o' Stuka's, and then, tae top it off, Hiram kills another TD with a Panther....after mah shot ricochet's off tha turret. At's as if mah CM worrrld as fallin' apart around mah ears! Thas as verry depressin'.... SirMacOberGruppenBloodyStompinSicFeuhrerBastardABCD
  21. "There'll be dancin' an joy in the Heelands, There'll be pipin' an' gladness an' glee..." At's mah pleasure tae announce a Major Victory by mahsailf over Nijis, who was o' course majorly defeated 76 - 24. Ah hope tha's the end o' mah recent streak o' losin' in suspicious curcumstances! Nijis fought his wee laddies bravely an' well, boot he just widdnae good enough. SirMacOberGruppenBloodyStompinSicFeuhrerBastardABCD
  22. Ah'm nae happy! Ah saim tae ha' developed a knack fer losing faster an Ah kin win. Ah'm winnin' a few gams, boot at's takin' mae longer tae finish 'em than the ones Ah get whupped in. Macey did mae in wi' a TCP gam o' rune's . Ah hate rune. On a brighter note, Hiram has ceased his jammy play and has at last started tae die in tha traditional manner. Ah'm still windin' up, but the slaughter has begun. Nijis is sputterin' oot his last hurrah, should be a topplement afore the after glower fades awah tanicht. Lorak as tryin' tae kill mah poor wee laddies an' who knoos how at'll turrrn oot. Ah suspect a slaughterin' o' his laddies will see tha proper result soon enough. Speedy as choosin' a new gam after Ah managed tae end a nightmare in rain and night wi' a canny surrender. At were too awful tae continue with. His French buggers killed mah Panther wi' grenades! Grenades!! Tha sooner Ah ferget that gam the better. Stuka is holdin' on grimly...time as runnin' oot....cannae do it? O' course Ah bleedin' can! Bastables has nae sent mah a new setup or the final file o' his current demise. Ah cannae kick his spotty arrrse aboot af'n he'll noo send a file. Perhaps that's his new tactic! Seanachai is delayin' the return o' his latest file o' bad news. At must be hard fer the poor laddie, comin' a cropper sae early on... Meeks continues tae avoid mah by swannin' aboot the North Pole... Didye knoo that tha Whirbelwind as a Panzer MkIV wi' a different turret? Ah didnae knoo tha', an' Ah find tha' interestin'. SirMacOberGruppenBloodyStompinSicFeuhrerBastardABCD
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka: Oh and Sir OGSF, I'm dying by the numbers am I? Why is it that someone (you) is crying for my arty to end? Hmm? ...*tap tap*...I'm still waiting......No answer hmm?.....Go comb your sporren you effeminet git! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Ah were just idly wonderin' cos tha noise upsets Colin. At's nuthin' tae me, ye understand. After all, it's not lak ye hittin' anythin' wi' it. SirMacOGBSSFBABCD [This message has been edited by OGSF (edited 12-28-2000).]
  24. Bah! Speedy has beaten mah fair an' square. Ah'll be surrenderin' next turrrn. He kin pronounce the results when thy're known. Ah am noo falled wi' a terrible rrresolve...... By tha way...Pillock, ya sad little thing....ye knoo gettin' tha drift, are ye? Firrrst thing....sod off. Second thing....af'n ye cannae taunt, sod off. Third thing, af'n ye taken any o' this seriously, sod off. Finally, sod off. Oh, an' sod off. Ya boring twat. Hiram is usin' tha terrain tae good effect...Ah really want tae rip him a new one noo. Nijis He's dyin' by tha numbers. Stuka Also dyin' by the numbers, but not as cleanly as Nijis. Bastables Are ye gwinnae send mah a setup, or noo? Seanachai Ah'm keen tae see wha' happens in the next turn....maybe Ah'll get a file tanight! Lorak Ah'm obviously off mah game, but Ah think everythin' will be alright....Ah've played aggressively an' noo it's tam tae sit back an' hold mah advantage. Mace Early days, but Ah'm confident as always... Pillock Sod off... SirMacOberGruppenBloodyStompinSicFeuhrerBastardABCD
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