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Everything posted by OGSF

  1. Mensch, ye have tha thraid runnin' acumen o' a backed oop crapper. Pity ye didnae figure tha flag rushin' thang oot afore Ah got' mah gerbil throttlin' hands aroond yer laddies. Lemmee sae noo, an' all tha confusion did Ah destroy four or feeve o' ye Hetzers? Ah reckon even Elvis could manage tae beat ye, provided he had a baseball bat an' a bucket. Speedy has just received mah surrender. Ah couldnae quite see hoo he did at, but there were a definite smell of outright cheatin' ain tha air. At's thae ainly explanation fer tha result. Ah'm sure he'll be along ain a wee bit tae give ye all tha good news himsailf. Stuka as aboot tae scratch oot a win agin mae as waill. Ah didnae knoo tha cheat code he typed ain tae make his TD kill aboot sixty Panthers ain 7 seconds (or somethian' leek tha'), but at's seen haim come up smellin' roses. Nijis as a cowerin' dog. Prove mae wrong. Mace as almost killed daid agin, soon as Ah send haim a setup. Wha' are ye lookin' a' Jimmy? Seanachai as tearin' mah laddies a new wun. Bastaaaard! Marlow as slower an'Mensch ain a spellin' contest - nae turns fer months. MarkIV as havin' a grand taim beneath the unarrived artillery. Ah think mah FO were Hiram's best mate at grammer school. YK2, hellooooooo lassie. Right, tha's it. Tha rest o' ye kin sod off. SirMacOberGruppenBloodyStompinSicFeuhrerBastardABCD [ 05-24-2001: Message edited by: OGSF ]
  2. Ah wantae knoo wha' thas as all aboot, thas "Ping Thing". As at short fer "pinguin" as at? At's a load o' rrrrubbish an' trrripe, Af'n ye ask mae. "Cusspool"? "Cowslippiddle" ad be more like at. Mah advice tae anymon as tae ne'er bother tae read at - at's full o' sun spoiled haggis ain a bucket o' boiled Dalem ears. An' whas up wi' tha thraid aboot tha muzzle velocity o' tha 88mm gun then? Wha's tha all aboot, Ah'd lak tae knoo......
  3. At were tha draidful "thump-clank, thump-clank" o' doom welling oot o' tha swirlin', an' clingin' mists tha first alerted mae tae tha awful presence o' Mensch's "terror". Mae wee laddies shifted nervously ain their trenches, as tha awful sound grew louder an' louder. At seemed tae be approachin' up tha hillside track atween tha heavy woods..."thump-clank, thump-clank", ever louder. However, at soon became clear at were ainly Mensch wi' has stupid foot jammed ain a galvanised iron bucket o' porridge, tryin' tae find has way haime. "Boo, hiss, piss on yoo, Jimmy!" tha lads yelled as he "thump-clanked" his cretinous way off aintae tha gloom. *wedges finger up right nostril* O' course, Ah coulda bin mistaken..... Ma bonny wee parents, spawner's o' tha troo terror o' tha CM Glenn an' Heelands, have lighted ain MacDenver fraim Melbourne, Australia. At's a three week stint, an' at's playin' havoc wi mae PBEM'in. Just sae ye knoo. Bastaarrds. An' at's a big "Halloooo" tae Hiram. Ye may be Philled Panties knoo, but ye'll allas be "Hiram" tae mae, laddie. Game updates...everyone's killin' mae daid except Mace an' Mensch. Bastaarrrrds. SirMacOberGrupenBloodyStompinSicFeuhrerBastardABCD
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lawyer: We don't wear skirts so much anymore (except OGSF), just on weekends. Lawyer<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> La' tha wind bloo hee La' tha wind bloo low, O'er hills an mae kilt Ah'll gae, All tha lassies sae "Halloo, SirMacOberGruppenStompinSicFeuhrerBastardABCD where's ye troosers?" All taegaether noo! SANG, ye snot-haggis nancy boys!!
  5. Ye stankin', fetid, trail o' sloppy-plops. Hiram, Ah'll nae vote ye oot - cuz yer noo worth tha pencil lead tae cast a vote wi'. Ah've a million games gwin ain, an' ainly Mace as gettin' slapped aboot properly. Ootrageous luck an' misfortune, plus tha native tactical acumen o' a haddock, ha' seen mae strugglin' ain tha majority. Feckless, spotty arsed bastarrrds. Mensch ye babblin' looney - send mae a turn, cos ye tha other bright spot. Bastaarrrds. SirMacOberGruppenBloodyStompinSicFeuhrerBastardABCD
  6. Och, Sir Hiram! I love ye, mon! Af'n ye want ye're infantry tae meet mah infantry ain a foggy forest, let mah knoo. Ah'd mention tha Broncos' at thas junction, an' their back-tae-back Superbowl wins recently, but Ah didnae give a ****e aboot at. Speedblimp, diye get tha' stick o' dynamite Ah sent ye? SirMacOberGruppenBloodyStompinSicFeuhrerBastardABCD
  7. At's nice tae have tha colours back. Ah've nae tha time tae heap tha routine scorn on ye, as Ah have tae gwin awah tae watch mah noo video, "The Winter War" - tha Finnish vs Russian thing. Ah just stopped bee tae tell Speedbump tae clench thas stick o' dynamite between his butt cheeks an' light tha fuse. Ah' thought tha noo board wid allow a ne'er ending 'Pool thraid? Bastaards. SirMacOberGrupenBloodyStompinSicFeuhrerBastardABCD
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by nijis: [QB]Nijis -- In possession of the field of battle OGSF -- Much-whupped south side last seen scurrying northward as though all the blackbirds of Kosovo Polye had mistaken it for a Serbian knightly eyeball<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Widyae look a' wha' tha ' mangy cat dragged ain? Tha beady eyed kabob fondler failed tae mention tha' at were an' assault ain an' infantry engagement tha' provided haim wi' this "victory". Odds were aboot 6 hundred million thousand squillion tae 1. Can we all say "frog ain a bucket"? Bastaarrd! Sir MacOberGrupenBloodyStompinSicFeuhrerBastardABCD
  9. "OGSF has fallen. After commiting one of the silliest wastes of a platoon that I have ever seen he then when on to fight me with more skill than most 5 year olds. A near perfect assault by me was too much for this young man. - Elvis" Wha' a tosser! At behooves mae tae point oot, tha' by tha time tha gamey AI decided tae auto surrender, Ah was aboot tae launch mae wicked counter-attack and crush tha mewling bog dweller lak a frog ain a bucket! Tha numbers taell tha story, ye gimpy Jimmy humper.... Axis (bloody mae): 147 casualties, 30 killed, 21 captured, 9 ok - total 177 heroes Allies (feckin haim): 140 casualties, 43 killed, 112 okay - 252 wankers An' tha gamey A.I., which hea has obviously managed tae recode, gives haim a "tactical victory". Ah were runnin' aboot tha place wi' mae vaunted Hetzer, blowin' tha snot oot o' any an' every than' he owned (when Oberfarter McGoo cud aim straight). Ah wuz robbed by a fat boy wi' a baseball bat!! Mensch ya useless streak o' lukewarm ferret poo, mah email tae yoo keeps failin'. Ah'll keep tryin'. Rest o' ye bastards turns comin' slowly - school started again last night. Bastaaarrds. Sir MacOberGrupenBloodyStompinSicFeuhrerBastardABCD
  10. Och! Ye called mae a "litle boy". Tha's vicious tha as. Yoo need tae watch yersailf. Ye've asked fer at noo.... Go n-aora Monica Lewinsky do chosa. Sir MacOberGrupenBloodyStompinSicFeuhrerBastardABCD
  11. Call haim yersailf, ye slack-jawed Hiram wannabe. What's "swung" mean? Sir MacOberGrupenBloodyStompinSicFeuhrerBastardABCD
  12. Ye snivellin' goat herders. "At's sae borin', Ah cannae think o' anythan' ailse tae sae, but at's really borin'". Didnae ye read MarkIVs' entertainin' report ain a brilliantly executed attack oophill, ain tha snow, backwards, wi' nought but blind doggerel tae show that way? Okay, fer tha feeble minded gobs o' lark spittle wi' lives as borin' as Crodas sex life, here's a wee impression tae cheer ye oop... A Scottish cat... "MEEYOOO! MEEEYOOOOOOOO! ACH! KAK! MEEEEE-BLOODY-YOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Thangyoo, thangyoovurrymush. Sir MacOberGruppenBloodyStompinSicFeuhrerBastard
  13. Ne'er let tha truth get ain tha way o' a pile o' bull****e, eh laddie? Ye boys are scuttlin' aboot lak a pack o' cockroaches, ainly tae be crunchily squished whene'er they pop their wee haids oop. Bastaarrd. Sir MacOberGrupenBloodyStompinSicFeuhrerBastardABCD
  14. Originally posted by OGSF: Go gcreime na gráinneoga cealgrúnacha do thóin bheagmhaitheasach. Tha' there as Gaelic, ye gimpy prawn sniffer. Strictly transla'ed, it means: "May maelevolent hedgehogs' gnaw at ye useless butt." Setup received - ye're an fer a wee beatin' wi' a haddock, laddie. Sir MacOberGrupenBloodyStompinSicFeuhrerBastardABCD
  15. Wha'a wanker. The A.I decides tha' Ah should have "Veteran" everythin', includin' a 25 round rocket F.O. and four half tracks - all veteran. Sae tha rockets come and go all over tha place lak a mad womans ****e, gone in 60 seconds. Tha veteran half tracks manage tae bog an' immobilize one, then cast tha rest ainta the pyre o' Tank Destroyer sacrifices. Ah'm holdin tha flags, when mah single veteran Hetzer gets tha drop on has TD at 300 yards. With ten shots tha bleedin' thang manages tae "immobilize" tha TD. O'course at's killed by tha Sherman he got in additon tae the TD and a fistful o' half tracks. Meanwhile mah veteran troops are bein' over-run bah tha swarms o' regular pixel heads he managed tae get as well. Sae nae content wi' runnin' a 2 to 1 advantage in units in a meetin' engagement, an' fiddlin' tha code tae blind mah guners, he also thinks at's somethan tae crow aboot. Aye, ye'll likely win this one. Much as a fat boy wi' a baseball bat can manage tae kill a frog ain a bucket. Ye'll prolly get a medal an' all. Tosser. Sir MacOberGrupenBloodyStompinSicFeuhrerbastardABCD
  16. *ROTFLMFAO*!!! Tha' as beautiful! You poor bastarrds!! Ah say Knight them widnae further delay....*tha'* as a Joust! *wipes tears away* Sir MacOberGrupenBloodyStompinSicFeuhrerBastardABCD
  17. As thas a taunt? A challenge? Or are ye ainly rattlin' yer cage? An' who are ye talkin' tae exactly? Anyone? Everyone? Yer festerin' gob-slobberin' sailf? Ah feel a wee bit sullied, as though a short, stumpy thing wi' filthy shaggy fur an' one black peering eye ha' caim shufflin' up oot o' a ditch, paused tae mak a wee gruntin' noise, then pee'd ain mah general vicinity. Af'n at's a game ye want, send mae a setup, ye golly eyed spitoon washer. As fer readin' an' spellin'..... Go gcreime na gráinneoga cealgrúnacha do thóin bheagmhaitheasach. Sir MacOberGrupenBloodyStompinSicFeuhrerBastardABCD
  18. The guy on the right has an M1 Carbine. However, some of the other guys are using German K98k rifles. The guy second from the left for sure (although he has a holster on as well), and also the guy second from the right, I think. Looks like they might have picked this stuff up around them. :^) But I do agree, AT teams ought to be capable of small arms fire. Something for CM2, eh? OberGrupenStompinFuhrer
  19. Ye didnae get at, did ye? Yer as interestin' as mashed potatoes wi' noo salt nor butter. An' ye think anyone gives a ferret pee tha' ye've been tha way since the wee gam were in beta. Leeoo tha bucket totter has put more effort aintae this thraid than ye have. Af'n ye show up, stick aroond, play games and crap on - yer contributin'. Waddlin' ain wi' a 12 month old door pass makes ye a parasite. An' thain pissin' on tha regulars cos ye're a once-upon-a-time-laddie makes ye a parasitic wanker. Ah'm sorry, Jimmy, Ah'd didnae knoo. Ye've just said a mouthful, an' Ah'll leave ye be in future. Had ye thought aboot gettin' yersailf a wee doggy? Sir MacOberGrupenBloodyStompinSicFeuhrerBastardABCD P.S. Sod off. [This message has been edited by OGSF (edited 03-25-2001).]
  20. Wha' a feckin' wanker. Sae ye happened by an accident o' nature tae stumble ye half-witted way aintae tha Forum an' thain tha 'Pool before other's of better looks, talent an' grist, an' think it makes ye some sort o' legend ain ye ain lunch-time? Ah dinnae give a reamed rabbit when ye showed oop....ye've nae bin postin' witty things, engaging an' jousts, an' generally contributin' for tha most part. Sod off ye fetid snot gobbler, ye make me wanna puke. Ah'd tak half a Hiram o'er yoo any day o' tha week Jimmy. At least he fought a Kaaniggets Joust fer three months wi' conscript rubbish, an' posted amusing crap while he did sae. Wha have ye done? Ye remind mae o' those English Nobility twats, complete and utter useless wankers whose sole claim tae fame as that their Mummy and Dadda "did it" an' fergot tae slip on tha pig skin. Sod off. Sir MacOberGrupenBloodyStompinSicFeuhrerbastardABCD
  21. Ah'm sure tha wee gamey bastarrrd sporan sniffer Speedy will be along shortly tae crow aboot mah recent topplement at has hand. Tha gamey bastard didn't commmit half has forces until tha last two turns. O' course, mah poor wee lads were tuckered oot bah then. At were a minor vitory though, wi' the VL in dispute an' neither side shown as "captured" at tha bell. A good tussle! Sir MacOberGrupenBloodyStompinSicFuehrerBastardABCD
  22. I am in a PBEM right now where a bazooka team and a schreck team ended up in the same clump of trees. They started firing AT rounds at each other. Never seen it before, and it looked pretty wierd, but there they were only 5m apart "wooshing" rockets as fast as they could load them. The bazooka team eliminated the schreck team on this occasion. I don't know why the guys in the building didn't do the same thing, perhaps they decided not to. OberGrupenStompinFuhrer
  23. That should be "over priced", rather than "over prized". Their morale is no better or worse than any other unit of the same quality. I think the perception is, and it used to be mine, that Waffen SS would act like vets or better when they were just regular quality. My original post on this back in July last year was born of frustration of having veteran SS troops break and panic for no apparent reason in a "foggy night" QB. They were about as effective as conscripts, even when under command. I accepted the logic that they are equal to other units of the same quality for morale purposes, but have not used them since. :^) OberGrupenStompinFuhrer
  24. Well done guys! Thanks! OberGrupenStompinFuhrer
  25. Af'n at's mae yer squintin' yer wooden eye at, Ah squint rrrright back at ye. Send mae a setup yer gamey-legged poodle humper, an ye'll be an more ****e than a Werribee duck, more trouble than Ned's sister, two zacs shy of a three dollar note....bastarrrrd. "Goanna" - aboriginal word meanin' "crawlin' bag o' ****e wi' a stick oop at's bum". SirMacOberGrupenBloodyStompinSicFeuhrerBastardABCD
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