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Posts posted by ParaBellum

  1. Originally posted by DasNoogie:

    how about just a CM called TANKS. enabling you to have Tigers fight M-1 Abrams.

    Oh, that would be a great idea! Almost as much fun as an Impi of Zulu warriors against Panzergrenadier companies armed with MG42s...

    i still like the idea of fighting the battle of Hoth on Combat Mission.
    Imperial forces land, kick dirty rebel scum's butt. End of battle.

    BIG fun.

    A Warhammer 40k scenario on the other hand... ;)

  2. Oooooww...

    I couldn't help but cringe in my seat when I read that review.

    If I'd read that review without knowing CM before already I'd have no clue what it's all about. Tactical combat, WEGO-system, TacAI, editor...

    But in the end it boils down to:

    "I was pleased with this title, it doesn't offer up phenomenal graphics, but it does offer up fun. And at the end of the day, that's why we all play games."

  3. Originally posted by Ligur:

    Issue target to mortar team directly. You will get a yellow/orange indirect fire line from the mortar to the target instead of the normal red one. This tells you they are opening fire while the HQ does the actual spotting.

    Remember, if your HQ is in "hide" mode they are unable to spot for mortars.

    Not correct. If you use a HQ to spot for a mortar team you'll still get the red/black "out of LOS" targetting line. But you'll see an "area fire" message when the HQ has LOS to the target area.
  4. I can see it:

    "JasonC: A short strategy guide for Combat Mission: Afrika Corps, a World War 2 turn-based, tactical computer game for Mac and PC systems, developed by Battlefront.com - including historical order of battles, documents, maps, statistics, after action reports, pictures and an extensive links and bibliography apendix, recommended for both serious students of warfare and new fans of the wargaming world, with special notes on human-vs-human games and an extensive study of the capabilities of the artificial intelligence (on both tactical and strategical level) of the Combat Mission series and the best solutions to problems related to the game engine with a short guide to applying patches and a history of Combat Mission development in general.



    JasonC, just kidding... I love reading your posts.

  5. I am one of the (seemingly) few who were actually happy with the CDV version. Got it a day before the official release, never had problems downloading a patch and never cared about the Waffengrenadiere. BMPs can be altered, as can be certain annoying copy-protection mechanisms...

    And since I ordered CMBO directly from BFC I already had a complete, printed manual to accompany the CMBB tiny one.

    And then the temptation of just walking into a store and grab a copy instead of waiting for snail mail... ;)

  6. Originally posted by YankeeDog:

    Incidentally, the Japanese aren't the only ones who have problems like this. For example, there are several sounds in Mandarin Chinese that are all very similar to the English 'sh' sound - it's difficult for Native English speakers to tell the difference, so American students of Chinese frequently transpose them.



    Ah, the fun of learning the differences between j/q/sh/x/zh (pinyin) in chinese...

    Not only the english speakers have problems with them, be assured! smile.gif

  7. Originally posted by MrSpkr:

    4) Is it my imagination, or do fires in buildings start small then expand, just like grain fires?


    Yes, they do. I had a Panzerschreck team and a HMG in a tall house that got hit by HE rounds and caught fire. The good thing is that once the fire's small, the men don't panic, running out in the open to be cut down but still follow orders. After a while the fire gets bigger and then they DEFINATELY will leave the building.
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