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Posts posted by ParaBellum

  1. Originally posted by reinald@berlin.com:

    Sorry, Eichi. I do not regret any of my previous posts cause I don't give a f@ck on how blurry you make your swastika. It just has no place in a signature picture and you are damaging the reputation of the game we both play.

    All I can tell you is to go to hell and not forget to take your swastika buckle with you before daddy matt closes this topic.

    Goodbye Reinald, you won't be missed.
  2. Originally posted by reinald@berlin.com:

    ...I therefore think that we should pull the break a little on overmodding German vehicles and soldiers, cause it makes our community look bad and may damage CM as such. Wargaming isn't actually a socially-accepted pasttime over here and it doesn't help wargaming when it can be linked to bright swastikas on HT sprites.

    Reinald, what makes our community look bad are self-declared, arrogant witch hunters like yourself. You personally attacked Eichenbaum in that other thread without any reason and in fact caused an interesting thread to be closed. A simple question might have been far more useful than your wild accusations. And not enough, in the same thread you attacked one of the most respected members of this community (Juju), again wholly unprovoked.

    Now you propose that we "...pull the break a little on overmodding German vehicles and soldiers, cause it makes our community look bad and may damage CM as such..."

    Are you serious? You do know that the vehicles with the swastika flag are one option among many other historical variants? You do know that other countries have different laws concerning the display of the swastika? You do know that every person should be able to decide by himself

    You are a troll. You are either ignorant, stupid or arrogant. Most probably all of the above.

    Have a nice day.

    PS: I liked how you lectured Madmatt on free speach and fairness on his own forum. I'm sure this will greatly improve your situation.

  3. Uhm, I wouldn't call it a dumb mistake, rather some unconventional, dashing tactic that unfortunately somehow didn't quite succeed...

    Andreas was involved. On my side a brigade of T-34/76s. On his side a crack platoon of Tigers and some 75mm PAKs.

    After having obliterated some of his forward infantry positions with a well-conducted, rapid combined arms attack I became a tad bit too self-confident.

    Result: a replay of The charge of the light brigade.

    The memories still hurt...

    [ August 14, 2003, 02:25 PM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

  4. Originally posted by Dook:

    Is this possible with CMBB? If not, is it feasible for CMAK or CMX?

    I play CMBO PBEM fairly regularly with a buddy who lives some distance away. When we see each other, we are often in the middle of a PBEM game. It would be nice to be able to pick up that game from where it stands and complete it TCP/IP.

    It is possible in CMBB as it was possible in CMBO. Simply save the PBEM game (alt-s). When you load the saved file again you can choose to either continue playing via PBEM TCP/IP or hotseat.
  5. DingoBreath's right. It would cause problems with FOW. For example: after your prep bombardement of likely enemy positions you could easily check how many casualties you just inflicted, thus getting far too much info about the enemy forces.

    Or exploit it even more: drop some heavy stuff on likely enemy positions, check for casualties. No casualties, target next location....

  6. Originally posted by redwolf:

    Well, you said it, it was a green team.

    They just didn't know the max range is 30 meters - how they are supposed to know?

    Redwolf is right, the problem is the low experience of the troops. In the early stages of the winter war finnish conscripts repeatedly used to throw Molotov cocktails at soviet high-flying (20'000ft)level bombers , downing several of them. Only after strong soviet protests threatening severy reprisals (dropping borscht on cities) did the finns stop these unusual practice.

    [ June 21, 2003, 12:03 AM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

  7. Originally posted by Schoerner:

    The differences between cultures, ethnicities and races would be respected instead of neglected.

    Sure, ol' Adolf and his buddies were well-known for their sensible, respectful approach towards other cultures and races. And don't let yourself get confused by a few million deaths.

    Schoerner, do you really believe this crap or are you just trying to pollute this forum for fun's sake?

  8. What I really would like to see in CMAK is the ability to incorporate pictures into the briefing files. This way the scenario designer could use screenshots as 'reccon photos' to indicate likely enemy strongpoints or other tactically important points.

    A screenie from lvl 6 of the enemy positions, a black and white filter and some movement blur and voilá, there's your aerial reccon pic! That would IMO add some nice immersion factor to the briefings.

    Any chances this feature could make it in?

    [ May 28, 2003, 02:20 PM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

  9. Oh, night battles in fog are fun!

    I once had a Panzergrenadier platoon in CMBO sitting in their foxholes watching two US infantry platoons massacre each other while stumbling through barbwire obstacles.

    As the remnants fled in panic to the rear they were gunned down by the third US platoon. :D

    Enemy casualties: 50+ casualties

    Own ammo expenditure: 0

    [ May 26, 2003, 07:35 PM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

  10. Originally posted by RSColonel_131st:

    Seems resonable, Para, but if the Panther entered production earlier, then why wasn't it avalable in the field earlier?

    Actually it didn't enter production earlier, but later than the Tiger I. But the design concept was accepted earlier and thus he recieved its designation earlier.

    It's not exactly clear when they named it "Panzer 6" but they started building prototypes in May 41.
    Yup, that's why they were prototypes. Only when the new tank design was finally approved did it get its 'Pz type'-designation.
  11. Didn't you post a similiar thread not too long ago? :confused:

    Ah, there it is....

    "i know this is a bit off topic but is just killing me inside Is van stone{the o is long}is that a german last name plz some one take a min and tell me please"

    What has that to do with CMBB?

    Post such stuff into the general forum.

  12. Or it may have something to do with the fact when it was decided which prototype of each tank would enter production.

    For example the two different prototypes for the Tiger were the called VK4501H (Henschel-Tiger) and VK4501P (Porsche-Tiger).

    Only when it was decided to finally build the Henschel version the new Pz was designated PzKpfw VI Tiger (August '42 IIRC).

    The Panther's design on the other hand had already been accepted in late June '42, named Pzkpfw V, with the production planned to start in December.

  13. Still from CMBO days...

    I had a 155mm VT FO and a 81mm FO. The mortars should provide a smoke cover for an assaulting infantry company, the 155mm arty should kill the defenders on the hill.

    I somehow mixed up my spotters and the smoke screen fell on the enemy positions and the 155mm VT arty, well, you guessed it...


    The company was wiped out. IIRC there were about 15 survivors among 4 or 5 squads...

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