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Posts posted by ParaBellum

  1. Just played the 2nd scenario and again I did capture much more POWs than what I was used to in CMBB/BO. Some of the squads I captured were at 50% strentgh and more, in CMBB I literally have to cut them down to the last man, surround them with a bataillon of infantry on an open field surrounded by barb wire and minefields, take away their rifles, mock their lineage and threaten naval bombardement to finally capture them.

    Seems much more realistic that way.

  2. Originally posted by Schrullenhaft:

    If you exit out of the CMAK Demo and launch CMBO or CMBB (without rebooting or launching anything else) do you get the same problem ? Is the CMAK Demo using the same resolution as CMBB & CMBO ? Do you have any applications or utilities running in the background that you don't normally run when playing CM ?

    No problem with CMBO or CMBB. All three are using 1024x768 res, desktop is 1024x768 16 bit. Only the CMAK demo give me problems.

    I always have the same programs running in the background, no changes made.

  3. When I use the ESC key or "alt-tab" to minimize CMAK and then maximize it again I get gfx problems. In the lower right and left corner of the screen (where there's some black space, next to the interface) after maximizing CMAK again my desktop seems to "shine through", flickering.

    I'm using Win98, a GF2MX with 44.03 drivers. No problems in CMBO/BB with this configuration.

  4. When I use the ESC key or "alt-tab" to minimize CMAK and then maximize it again I get gfx problems. In the lower right and left corner of the screen (where there's some black space, next to the interface) after maximizing CMAK again my desktop seems to "shine through", flickering.

    I'm using Win98, a GF2MX with 44.03 drivers. No problems in CMBO/BB with this configuration.

  5. From the manual:

    "Although you see individual figures standing on the map these do not represent single men, but rather a group. In the case of squads, usually three figures (two if you use the 'reduced figures' option) represent anywhere from 7-14 men. Teams (including HQs and gun crews) are shown as one figure regardless of the actual team size..."

    Edit: If an enemy infantry unit hasn't been yet identified you will see only one figure. Once your men are sure it's a full squad it will be shown with three figures.

    [ November 17, 2003, 02:24 PM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

  6. Originally posted by MikeyD:

    I've said this before, there's two types of CM players: The 'Historical purist' and the 'play-to-win' type. The play-to-win type wants all advantages and gridded grass gives him a leg up in conquering he game. Historical purists want to be emersed in the environment and gridded grass is a jarring reminder that he's not really on the Russian steppes in 1944, but just sitting at his pc.

    So whether you'd appreciate gridded grass depends entirely on your personality type.

    I don't agree with that at all.

    I use Capt.Wacky's gridded terrain mod simply because it's much easier to see elevation changes, especially on maps covered with snow. I also use "bases on" and unit sizes +1. Not to gain some kind of advantage but simply to minimize the tedious tasks caused by the game engine's limitations. In the real world I don't have to stare at a tank's position for half a minute to see if there's a berm in front of it...

    Couldn't care less about winning/loosing.

  7. " It blew a hole in the ground near me the size of a tank."

    That's it? A Sturmtiger's 38cm shell hit the ground next to his M4 amid a battailon of infantry and all that happened was it created a large hole in the ground? Rather unimpressive...

    "The German tank crew as it turned out were Schutzstaffel (Waffen SS) dressed in black uniforms. One of them was wearing a GI sweater and combat boots. During questioning at battalion headquarters he said he obtained the clothes at Malmedy, Belgium (where a German armored unit killed defenseless American prisoners). I do not know if he made it back to the PW cage but I suspect not."

    Black uniforms? Maybe he didn't know that the Panzertruppe generally wore black uniforms...

    OK, so our Sturmtiger-crew were members of the Waffen-SS. And since they apparently got involved in the Malmedy massacre (bloody bastards) they even were members of the elite LSSAH, since part of that unit was responsible for the massacre.

    Strange, because neither the LSSAH nor the Waffen-SS at all were equipped with Sturmtigers...


    I'd take that report with a grain of salt...

  8. Originally posted by bab:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by ParaBellum:

    Or a thread about good Goulash recipes! :D

    Isn't it called Pörkelt in hungarian?

    I could need a good recipe, autumn is coming...

    I hate people whose only faint memory or idea about Hungary is the gulyás, especially when they can't spell it correctly.

    (BTW, pörkölt means stew smile.gif ) [/QB]</font>

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