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Posts posted by ParaBellum

  1. Out of pure sadism I played this scenario against the AI with me commanding the german kitties.

    After 7 turns I ended the battle, sparing the poor AI further humiliation.

    At that point I had killed 22 Hellcats and lost 2 Panthers...


    Should be a hell of a battle vs a human opponent though.

    EDIT: Tom, in my game I lost both Panthers to front turret penetrations at 1000+m.

  2. Nice little bones here.

    Like Kip already wrote I'm also really hoping for a much improved campaign/data interface that would make it easier to track units' casualties/ammo/etc... during a series of engagements. Together with the arty modelling this is my major problem with CM.

    Funny fact is that I'm STILL not tired of CMBB, and have hardly scratched the surface of CMAK yet. Both will keep me happy until CMX is released.

    And you can add me to the "space lobsters of DOOOM" fan club.


  3. But for an armoured counterattack to succeed you first have to have an armoured force at all. And since the attrition rate for the Panzers was very high you need your industry to produce as many tanks as possible. So I doubt it would've been possible to somehow substitute tanks for AT guns.

    It is interesting that Guderian advocated the use of Stugs and Jagdpanzers to replace the rather immobile AT guns within the infantry divisions when he became inspector general of panzer troops.

  4. Your best weapons against KV 2s in '41 are the 88mm Flak or a Stuka. If none are available infantry close assaults are quite effective. Force the KV to button up to reduce its spotting ability, use smoke to cover the advance and hope there is only one of them around...

    All the german Panzers in '41 can't really kill a KV 2, but you may be able to disable the gun or immobilize it. Even 20mm guns can immobilize a KV 2 and sometimes force a green crew to abandon the tank.

    [ November 25, 2004, 05:40 PM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

  5. It is important to understand that big, heavy buildings in CMBB are, well, big heavy buildings. smile.gif

    When I look at large, older buildings here in Germany it is not unusual to have about 1-1.5m of solid brick between to buildings. Your average infantry group would have a pretty hard time digging through those walls in the CM timeframe.

    It should be a bit different for specially equipped/trained troops like engineers, though. If engineers could blow through the walls of heavy buildings it would give them a great advantage in city fighting.

  6. Originally posted by Sergei:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Soddball:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by stikkypixie:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Panzer76:

    About my Vietnam comment, forget it. It is not Vietnam.

    But it is neither WWII.

    Hint: community members that has been following BFCs business dealings and have a good memory can add 2 and 2 togheter and find out which conflict we will see modeled next.

    You don't have a clue, and even if you do i choose not to believe you tongue.gif . </font>
  7. The Xbox version is supposed to be released soon after the Gamecube version. Release date is February 30th.

    You get to the bigger, more deadly weapons when you pick up enough of the blue power ups that appear whenever you destroy a Tiger or KingTiger tank. Also make sure your Karma-level doesn't drop below 50%. NEVER kill faeries. And make sure to activate all defensive spells before enaging any enemy tank.

    There wasn't Japanese in ww2.

    All your base are belong to us.

  8. Originally posted by jeffsmith:

    Is there real any evidence, other than Mr Dorosh (Respectfully Uttered, of course)

    that Bren Gun Tripods were actually ever made let alone utilized ?

    In one of my books there is a photo of a commonwealth soldier firing a bren MG on a tripod. Don't have a scanner though...
  9. Glad you're getting into the game. I hope these won games were in fact attacks by your side. Because, honestly, the CM AI sucks while attacking.

    As you have been probably told already, the real fun with CM starts when you start to play human opponents. To say that that would transfer CM gameplay to a new level would be a polite understatement... ;)

  10. Ronn, willkommen! Wie Juju schon erwähnte wird hier im Allgemeinen in englisch gepostet, da dies ja ein internationales Forum ist. So können es auch mehr Leute verstehen und Deine Fragen schneller beantworten.

    Du kannst beruhigt die Collector's Edition kaufen, es gibt keinen Unterschied zwischen dieser Version und den 'normalen' Versionen. Was Szenarien und Mods angeht sind alle Versionen 100% kompatibel.

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