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Posts posted by ParaBellum

  1. Pretty much the only thing I like to see changed for the view system is mousewheel support for the different view levels and a WSAD configuration to move around. But on a second thought, the CTRL-grouping sounds like a good idea. Would make switching to different battlegroups on large maps more easy.

  2. Originally posted by CousinPablo:

    Good point. However, is that type of use of smoke gamey or historical?

    The use of smoke to mask an attack is certainly historical. Although the soviets probably more often used smoke screens as part of their pre-planned artillery preparations.

    Also, in respect of the use of Panthers, how many of these things existed at any one time on the Eastern Front? More than the Tiger, sure, but how often would you come accross one, or more than one?

    Difficult question since you're talking about a timeframe of almost two years. For example, at the start of the battle of Kursk there were 184 Panthers ready for action. This number dropped to 40 after only two days. And to only 10 on July 10th, after 5 days of fighting. 10 Months later, on May 31st 1944 there were about 300 Panthers available on the eastern front. This number rose to more than 700 by mid-September to more or less stay on this level until the end of march 1945.

    But those tanks of course weren't evenly distributed along the whole eastern front, but concentrated in the Panzer Divisions. So, if you encountered one Panther chances were that you'll soo see more of them.

    In CMBB we generally see far too many tanks, mainly because it's fun playing with them. The overwhelming majority of german forces still consisted of infantry divisions with no Panthers or Tigers but merely a few StuGs, if they were lucky.

    I tried playing a scenario with T34s Kv85s Su76is (nice low profile on these) and Su85s. Same result. Had the tank destroyers out wide on each side with the T34s and Kv85s up the middle. I had 2 Zis-3 as well but the Panther was hiding behind a tree line so no shots connected from these guns. The 82 mm mortars smoked the Panther but it had little effect. The PzKpwfIIIs did their job helping the Panther stop the charge, as did the Spa wagons mouting ATGs.

    The infantry were left in a field with smoking tanks and were gunned down by the enemy.

    Of course it all depends on the terrain. Sometimes there is just no way to assault an enemy position without getting slaughtered. If you have to cross 2km of open terrain against superior german tanks in good positions without heavy artillery and/or air support and numerical superiority than it's probably a good idea to cancel the attack. Don't forget that the typical quick battle scenarios are often far from realistic. Try the same map with a company of T-34s supported by a few assault guns and a battaillon of infantry against a platoon's worth of german tanks and an understregth infantry company. Ah, and make sure to use off-board artillery to deliver the smokescreen. 5 rounds from an on-board mortar won't do the job.

    I always thought that the Tiger was more fearsome than the Panther, but I feel that used properly, the Panther is harder to kill. Must have been that sloped armour.

    In fact the Panther is more deadly against armour at most distances due to its gun's higher muzzle velocity, and its sloped frontal armour provides at least as good a protection as the Tiger's thick armour. Against tungsten rounds the Panther's armour is actually better than a Tiger's since T ammo is less effective against heavily sloped armour. But its very weak side armour means one has to be very careful about flank shots. And the Tiger's 88mm gun is a lot more effective against soft targets.

    In respect of the Panthers turret shot trap, I wonder if historically there was any susceptability for shots that ricocheted off of the upper hull to get caught in that shot trap? I think not, as the turret is set well back onto the tank. If the other design had have been chosen, with the turret forward as on the T34, perhaps yes. That leads to a question - did this happen on the T34? Ie, shots deflecting off the sloped armour directly onto the turret?

    The early gun mantlet on the Panther was surely a design flaw, which is why it got fixed in the G version. But then it is hardly a surprise, seeing how the Panther was rushed into production.
  3. On such a map smoke is your best friend. Get a spotter or two to lay down a smokescreen then rush your T-34s forward. Keep the IS-2s back to fix the enemy armour and use the T-34s to get into flanking positions.

    Simple rule: Don't engage german armour at >1000m.

    Depending on the map (flat, no trees) this can be next to impossible but it is your only chance.

    What Guderian wrote is true: keep in mind that CM is a tactical simulation and doesn't reflect operational aspects of warfare. In autumn 1943 it is well possible for example that a force like yours would run into a german group of StuGs and Panthers only to get totally annihilated...while the rest of the Guards armour regiment breaks through the german lines a couple of miles to the north, where there were no StuGs and Panthers but only a weak infantry bataillon with 2 AT guns left.

  4. What kind of T-34s are they? If they are the ones armed with low-velocity 76mm guns then they'd better back off when facing a Panther at 900m. Or, at any range. And even if they are armed with 85mm guns taking a Panther head-on at that range is not the smartest thing either.

    What your AI guys are doing is assessing the situation. They realize that at the given range they have only a very small chance of killing the Panther while the Panther has a VERY GOOD chance of killing them. That's why they retreat.

    5 T-34s sitting on a hill in front of a Panther at 900m isn't really a good 'ambush'. Maneuver your tanks so that they hit the Panther's flanks and they won't retreat.

  5. Zum Thema Mod-Möglichkeiten gibt es noch keine genauen Angaben. Zitat Martin: "With the mission and structure editor, you can certainly create other battlefields. But it won't be easily possible to turn T72 into e.g. a WW2 tank sim.".

    Also scheinen die WW2-Mod-Möglichkeiten doch eher beschränkt zu sein.

    ABER: Sollte T-72 ein Erfolg werden könnte ich mir gut vorstellen dass die Jungs über eine WW2-Version ernsthaft nachdenken, da der Wunsch hier schon des öfteren geäußert worden ist... ;)

    Zum Thema Unterschied russische Beta-Demo/BFC version:

    Wiederum Martin: "The Battlefront version will be somewhat different in a number of aspects since we're actually fixing several bugs and tweaking some gameplay features currently in our internal beta test. Once we're done, we're going to release an official english demo as well."

    Also: Bugfixing und Verbesserungen einiger Gameplay Features. Denke nicht das sich an der Grafik viel ändern wird.

    Soweit ich weiss ist z.Zt. keine spezielle deutsche Version geplant, aber wir werden sehen ob sich da noch was ändert. Falls das Ding nur über BFC vertrieben wird glaube ich nicht dass man sich die Mühe einer deutschen Lokalisierung machen wird.

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