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Posts posted by ParaBellum

  1. I think it depends on several factors. Most important is the number of cannister rounds the tank carries. The more rounds the tank carries the more likely he is to use them.

    I think tanks prefer using cannister against infantry in open ground, preferrably moving infantry. I haven't seen many tanks using cannister against dug-in troups. I've never seen tanks use cannister against trucks or guns.

    Cannister? Love 'em! :D

    In a PBEM against Nollof one of my KVs killed two assaulting infantry squads with one cannister round...

  2. The problem is that in CMBO we all learned some bad habits. Enemy MGs weren't a big threat, you could run your infantry across half the map without them getting tired and the arty strikes arrived on the battlefield with little delay and very high precision.

    No command&control for tanks and no vehicle morale made armour combat a lot simpler than CMBB.

    If you start to play CMBB and bring along all those 'bad habits' from CMBO you'll be in BIG trouble.

    I had the same problem in my first games and really learned the game from scratch again.

    I still remember how amazed I was how different the game played, when I saw CMBB the first time.

    Start from scratch, forget what worked in BO and see how it works in BB.

  3. Edgars, I think you're right. Guess it's because bunkers are treated as 'vehicles' by the game engine. Since they can't reverse out of LOS they'll continue the fight.

    In a current PBEM one of my AT guns is getting shelled by several tanks and as soon as they get 'pinned' or 'panicked' the crew takes cover and stops shooting back.

    As soon as they recover to 'alerted' or better they continue to fight. Seems like it's diferent for bunkers.

    I didn't knew that and was pretty much surprised.

  4. So the AI behaviour is different for 'normal' guns and guns inside of bunkers?

    Because if gun crews get 'pinned down', 'shaken' or 'panicked' they take cover, hugging the ground and don't handle their weapon anymore until they have recovered.

    They stop rotating/moving their guns or reloading them.

    I never saw a panicked gun crew outside of a bunker firing their weapon before.

    [ February 17, 2003, 10:33 AM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

  5. I'm just playing a QB vs the AI.

    I let the AI purchase my forces and got (among other stuff) an 88mm concrete bunker.

    The bunker quickly engaged two IS-2s and killed one of them just as a 122mm round hit it, penetrating without causing casualties, although the crew immediatly became 'panicked'.

    Now for the strange part:

    The crew then continued loading the gun, aimed, fired and destroyed the 2nd IS-2 while still being panicked!

    Is this something special for guns in bunkers or is something wrong here?


    EDIT: It's Captain Wacky's low-res gridded terrain available here.

    [ February 17, 2003, 10:12 AM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

  6. John, I have a question: is it correct that both the Panther and the Tiger I were able to pivot in place by accelerating one track while reversing the other? I think I read something like that somewhere and that the Pz III/IV series were not able to do this.

    IIRC the drivers were instructed not to pivot in place using this technique since it puts a great strain on the suspension.

    Can you confirm this?

  7. In a recent PBEM I gave a move order to one of my SPWs. Next turn I was wondering where that SPW had been moving until I found out that it was still turning in place.

    That got me wondering about the turning speed of vehicles in CMBB and I did a quick test to see what are the main factors for the turning ability of different vehicles.

    The following vehicles were placed on open ground, dry ground conditions, all regulars.

    I gave all vehicles a 'fast move' order 180° to the rear.

    Test group consisted of a truck (LKW), Kübelwagen, PSW 222, SPW 250/1, SPW 251/1, SdKfz 7, StuG III, StuG IV, Pz IV G, Panther G (late), Tiger I (late).

    When looking at the results one has to consider that the LKW, the Kübelwagen and the SdKfz 7 have a command delay of 14s (->no radio) compared to a command delay of 7s for all the other vehicles.

    In brackets are the 'corrected' times (-7s)

    Test results (I):

    LKW : 35s (28s)

    Kübel : 45s (38s)

    PSW 222 : 49s

    SPW 250/1 : 54s

    Panther G : 63s

    StuG IV : 69s

    Pz IV G : 74s

    StuG III : 78s

    Tiger I : 82s

    SdKfz 7 : 82s (75s)

    SPW 251/1 : 86s

    Interesting results. Especially the fact that the LKW achieved the best result, even though it had a 14s delay (like the Kübel and the SdKfz 7) compared to the 7s of the other vehicles. It really suprised me that a truck actually turns faster on open ground/off-roads than the tracked vehicles or even the light Kübelwagen.

    Another surprise for me was the extremely slow turning rate of the SdKfz 7 and the SPW 251/1. Even the Tiger turned faster!

    I did a second test, this time all vehicles are placed on pavement.

    Test results (II):

    LKW : 26s (19s)

    Kübel : 27s (20s)

    PSW 222 : 29s

    SPW 250/1 : 39s

    Panther G : 44s

    StuG IVG : 47s

    Pz IV G : 50s

    StuG III : 50s

    Tiger I : 50s

    SdKfz 7 : 56s (49s)

    SPW 251/1 : 56s

    No big surprises here, all vehicles turn much faster on pavement than on open ground. Interesting though, that the Kübelwagen catches up with the LKW and that the Pz IVG, the StuG III and the Tiger I turn at the same rate, as opposed to their different results on open ground.

    The SdKfz 7 and the SPW 251/1 still lag behind.

    So, what defines the vehicles' ability to turn?

    It looks like the weight and the engine power are the most important factors. The fact if a vehicle uses tracks or wheels doesn't seem to have too much influence on their turning ability. The fastest-turning vehicles are also the lightest ones (Kübel, LKW, PSW 222, SPW 250/1).

    The Panther does pretty well too, but the SdKfz 7 and the SPW 251/1 are real hogs. The SPW 251/1 has a weight of 10 tons compared to the 6 tons of the SPW 250/1 while having the same amount of HP (100). The SdKfz 7 has a weight of 13 tons but has 150HP and about the same max speed as the 250/1, so I think it should turn faster than the 251/1.

    As the last test I placed them in mud to see if the tracked vehicles get a better result compared to the wheeled vehicels under such conditions.

    Result (III):

    LKW : 41s (34s)

    Kübel : 52s (45s)

    PSW 222 : 62s

    SPW 250/1 : 75s

    Panther G : 95s

    StuG IV : 98s

    Pz IV G : 106s

    SdKfz 7 : 114s (107s)

    StuG III : 119s

    SPW 251/1 : 124s

    Tiger I : 124s

    Hm, this doesn't seem right to me. The un-tracked vehicles (LKW, Kübel, PSW 222) still turn faster than the fully- or half-tracked vehicles on open ground in muddy conditions. I think these vehicles should be at a disadvantage under these conditions. At least the the SdKfz 7 manages to get a better result!


    I'm surprised about the turning speed of the wheeled vehicles when off-roads and especially in muddy terrain compared to the tracked vehicles, especially when one considers that they (truck, Kübel) suffer from an additional 7s delay compared to the other vehicles.

    IIRC both the Panther and the Tiger could turn in place, but I think this is not modelled in CM. Rather all tracked vehicles have the ability to 'turn on the spot' in CM.

    [ February 15, 2003, 09:47 AM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

  8. Hehe...first post in the CMBO forum in a looong time. ;)

    I'm playing CMBB since the day it was released and only played one short CMBO QB in all that time. Just for memory's sake...

    Before seing CMBB the first time I thought "Well, it's gonna be CMBO on the eastern front with some better graphics and new units." I'll still continue CMBO if I get BB.

    Boy, was I wrong!

    When I and a few others attended a CMBB preview we were all amazed how different the game played!

    MGs that finally are able to suppress the enemy, better modeling of infantry, the 'death clock', pre-planned arty barrages, 'cover arc' orders...I could go on and on.

    I somewhat miss the Normandy battles from CMBO but after playing BB extensively I'll be never able to go back to BO.

    Conclusion: If you'e interested at least a tiny little bit in the eastern front it's a 'must have' game!

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