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Posts posted by ParaBellum

  1. Originally posted by tuhhodge:

    Has anyone else made stupid blunders, losing men and equipment needlessly after spending 15 turns or so carefully advancing with very minimal casualties?

    Ah wait... maybe 2-3 hundred times.

    With me in command the German Blitzkrieg would've been stopped cold by the French at Sedan since I suck with armour, Scipio's forces would've been annihilated at Cannae after trying that 'new fancy attack maneuvre' and the Prussians would've never made it to Waterloo due to my unability to plot movements for larger forces without utter confusion.

  2. Originally posted by RSColonel_131st:

    Parabellum, thanks also for your reply. I must slowly become a CMBB regular when I start realizing stuff others have found valid already...

    You're welcome, Colonel. Actually this discussion has already came up for CMBO years ago... ;)

    It comes down to what the others have already stated. The biggest problem is that you as the player see everything on the battlefield and with this knowledge could direct your arty fire with far too great accuracy on the battlefield.

    Actually every single unit capable of spotting the enemy would become some kind of FO, since the information would be relied to you (the commander) without delay.

    Without at least some kind of restrictions for FOs the play balance would be greatly affected by this.

    [ March 20, 2003, 05:07 PM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

  3. Hehe...one of the most discussed topics on this board is CM's modelling of arty support, especially the behaviour you describe in your example, Colonel.

    Rest assured that we will see a much more refined and detailed model for the new engine.

    The new engine will surely allow this and more. Better arty model, dynamic lighting, relative spotting, eternal life and joy and happiness for all.

    Or sumfink like that... ;)

    [ March 19, 2003, 09:09 AM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

  4. Originally posted by JaegerMeister:

    ...surely your average combat pilot would spot and identify at least some elements on the move and give me an indication of enemy dispositions, routes of advance etc ?

    My other question is, are those aircraft sorties now wasted or do they keep returning till they use their payload?..or get shot down!

    Nope, he wouldn't, since he wouldn't be able to communicate directly with you, being a battaillon (or even company) commander without a special radio set.

    There were special air liaison officers, but these were usually with larger formations like regiments/divisions.

    As long as your planes don't get shot down or damaged or spend their ammo they will return for another pass.

  5. Yup, the Sturmtiger is a monster of a tank! :D

    But one of the things that really surprised me was the height of the Sherman, especially compared to the StuG or the Hetzer. It's quite different when you stand in front of them instead of reading about them in books.

    When we visited Koblenz they actually had the Panther moving again! Only a few meters, but still...the sound! :eek:

  6. We have already planned to visit the Tiger in Munster. 'We' are a bunch of German CM fan(atics) who have already visited the Museums in Sinsheim and Koblenz together and try to meet every now and then. Last meeting was a few weeks ago in Frankfurt.

    At the last meeting we decided to take the trip to Munster, can't let the chance to see a Tiger slip by...

    So far no date has been set, we'll post more info (on the german opponent finder board) once we found a suitable date.

    There are quite some conditions that have to be met before we can fix a date. Warphead's mum has to agree, Lindan has to find a train connection that will take him less then 48 hours to get back home (where ever that is...), Nollof's wardens have to agree to set him free for a certain amount of time and Mike8g has to find a way to escape from the Navy...

    [ March 06, 2003, 01:12 AM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

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